What a negative view on belgium. I am belgian myself and i am kind of shocked by that opinion... Faidra, looks like you only hear one person talking... we probably are pretty reserved and not that open, but it sure isn't as bad as said by anonymous up there.
Of course i grew up here and i'm not a foreigner. People aren't always as open because they are scared sometimes, just like you are scared to come over here. There are difficulties on a social level, because there are a lot of people wanting to live here and some belgians feel threatened by that...However, if you think you found the person you're supposed to be with, why not take the chance? you are only 32 years old, you can do a master, if you want to, universities here are great and you will get to know new people. It is a big step, but this is a good country to live in. Must say i love greece...and the weather's better. I know it's not the same as talking to some one who's in the same situation but still...felt the need to tell you this!
sofie 08 dec 2008, 04:35 - Rapporteer misbruik