To Fabi and Faidra
@ Fabi: There are three riding schools in the area of Fleurus:
Rue de la Croisette 20
Rue Trou à la Vigne 72
Rue du Chêne 9
I don't live in that area so I don't know whether these riding schools are good or not. But I do like horsesI hope you'll have a nice time in the Fleurus area!
@ Faidra: It must be scary to move to another country. Especially when you have to leave all the ones you love!!!
Have you ever visited Belgium? Maybe it's a good idea to take a long trip to Belgium, for a couple of weeks or months, then you'll probably be able to get a feel of the country, wich will help you make a decision.
I think it can be a good idea to study again. I don't think you're 'to old' for that or whatever. It's a way of meeting people and feeling usefull.
Finding a part time job in Belgium isn't hard, if you are prepared to do a less attractive job like cleaning or ironing or maybe even babysitting. It's well payed and employers are almost begging for cleaning personnel for example. Depending on your skills, you could also apply for a job as an operator in a call center that has Greek contacts for example. Native speakers are very much in demand too. What are your skills?
I don't know Antwerp very well myself, but I do know that it's a very multi cultural city, so I'm shure you'll be able to find Greek people there.
About the Belgians... I'm a Belgian myself and it is true that most Belgians are introvert, compared to other cultures. I've got a lot of friends myself who have many different cultures. They hug you, kiss you, come close to you, are really warm and generous and welcoming. Most Belgians (not all of them) are indeed a lot more reserved than many other cultures (like for example Mediterrenean, South American or African cultures). That's a fact. They simply don't dare to be on familiar terms with people they don't know very well. It's possible that you'd have to make the first step, but once that's done, most Belgians are very friendly. Okay, ofcourse there are irritating people amongst Belgians, that's true, but in every culture you find those type of persons.
To get in touch with Belgians or immigrants, you can join a sports or hobby club for example, I don't know if you like sports?
Ofcourse, if you go to college, or if you take Dutch classes, you'll be able to meet people too.
There are also non profit organizations who organize nice evenings, trips or party's to either help immigrants come in contact with people of their own country, or to bring all sorts of cultures together to enjoy a multi cultural evening. Maybe you could even become a volonteer?
I don't know if you are religious, but faith can bring people of all nations together aswell. I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses myself, and wherever I would possibly go in the world, I can find someone to 'come home' too, with people who also believe in God.
I hope I have helped you a bit, if you need more information, just ask. I hope you'll be able to take a decision where you feel comfortable with! I wish you succes!Eva 13 apr 2009, 04:12 - Rapporteer misbruik