French people lazy.. I don't know, maybe.
But, did you heard about the country which is the most PRODUCTIVE and EFFICIENT?
this is certainly the answers. If they can do in 35 hours per week the same job that an other do in 45, why being ashamed?
But in fact, French people are not working 35 hours a week, except for a minority. The average is 42. And 5 weeks of holiday per years. Don't think it is enough (but maybe am I lazy?)
jis 15 fév 2009, 08:45 - Signaler un abus
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french people are lazy!
- This cannot be left unanswered
- I love it!
- I don't find the Rrench are lazy
- americans are stupid
- To Charlotte
- Stereotype again !
- lazy
- are you kidding?
- love this guy's reasoning :-)
- lazier italians
- laziness
- chill
- completely lazy
- Hu?
- lol
- It's human to point fingers at others
- étude en Argentine
- hi
- Hi everyone !
- "and how is their economy working like this?" Walter
- Cultural stereotypes
- hay los pobres franceses!!!
- To Angelina
- angelina
- estereotipo????
- flojos los mexicanos???
- Amazingly, not even tears are running on my cheeks.
- el ser humano ....
- I live in France
- Poor idiot
- Fierté
- hey!
- je ne pas compri
- paz !!!!!!!!
- aaaah!!!!!!!!
- That's not very sweet from you!
- stuck in paris
- translate
- no
- for no
- xgf
- HE
- i love france
- urgente
- What's so bad about being lazy?
- Dur d'eter bebe
- not all french are lazy
- nl
- I live and work in france, I am not french
- Only french government worker are lazy
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