I'm 30, from Madrid, Spain. I arrived to London 3 mouths ago, and I try to improve my english... If u want speak spanish... interchange languages!!
Hector 29 Mar 2009, 01:57 - Report
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English/Spanish Intercambio
- Hi
- hi
- English/Spanish intercambio
- for the Lady in Derbyshire
- Message for Lady in Derbyshire
- Intercambio Español - English Exchange
- I would like to improve my English
- english/spanish exchange
- Intercambio de idioma
- Hola
- Hello
- English/Spanish Exchange
- English/Spanish Exchange
- Spanish/English Exchange
- Spanish/English intercambio
- Anybody would like to exchange rooms ?
- intercambio
- Hola
- hello
- espanol/ingles en cambridge
- exchanging english by spanish
- spanish engish exchange
- hola
- Spanish/English Exchange in YORK (RU)
- answer
- hola
- hola soy española me gustaria encontrar nativos ingleses
- Hola soy español nativo, y estoy en londres trabajando.....
- Spanish to English
- I can help you with your spanish and you help me with my english
- intercambio español por ingles en london
- Tengo que practicar el espanol! Habla con migo por favor!!!
- exchange spanish-english
- English-Spanish exchange
- Spanish/English
- hello
- My friendship, my English by your Spanish
- spanish
- hello
- Hi there!
- home exchange Madrid
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