doctors' directory
Hello, just arrived here and need to do a few routine check-up visits at several doctors (dentist etc.) From my home country I am used to look them up in the yellow pages which gives me an overview of all doctors and I can pick by specialisation and whether they are conveniently located. Is there something similar here? Alternatively, to the women out there, can you recommend a good GP and gynacologist (prefer to go to a woman). Many thanks in advance for your help!
28 Nov 2006, 07:43 Anonymous
All doctors,hospitals,pharmacies and medical practioners etc are listed in the telephone book also ("Annuaire"
(white pages) They are close to the front of the book and are grouped by locality so you can find one near your home.
As for a gynacologist, Dr Annik Conzemeis springs to mind!(Luxembourg City) she used to share a practice with her husband Dr R Goeser, think they are now based at the Clinique Bohler in Kirchberg.
anan 03 Mar 2007, 07:32 - Report -
Conzemius Annik, tel. 26 333 - 9470.
5 r. Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourgzoja 02 Jun 2008, 09:46 - Report