Kuwait + Culture
Don't you think Kuwait needs more museums, libraries, book stores, cultural centers?...it is so lacking these qualities...
23 May 2007, 06:10 Larry
I'd like to follow up on my first post by saying that I'm an open-minded person, and gave Kuwait a fair chance my first 6 or so months here. It would be nice if some Kuwaitis could handle critisim, constructive or not, and realize that this country needs help. But hell, why would you choose to make things better when you are basically living the life of a spoiled 16 year old? Laws don't apply if you are Kuwaiti! It's going to be hard times when the bubble around their sheltered, ignorant lives eventually bursts! Ignorance applies to expats as well, I've seen many an expat absorb into the racism and "holier than thou" attitudes only because their white or black skin color got them some "wasta" in this country. Inflated egos on shitheads that can't make 35k a year in the states. Anyhoo, that's my rant for the day! Joke of the day, I saw this in the Kuwait Pocket guide, stated as a fact: "Kuwait won the Olymic Gold medal at the Moscow Olympics in 1980.". Of course we all know that the greatest country on the planet earns the deserving right to win the one and only gold medal handed out during the Olympics...oh wait, there are tons of gold medals handed out, Kuwait has a single medal for the entire history of the Olympics, a bronze.
Habibi69 sweeet alias, eh? 13 Aug 2008, 04:44 - Report -
Yalla yalla Kuwait, yalla
Kuwait is a shithole. But compared to the other ones around, except of Dubai of course, it at least has a decent food
yes yes yo nam nam nam 20 Aug 2008, 05:46 - Report -
Yalla yalla Kuwait, yalla
...and just to add on to it, Saudi is even worse. So, stop bitching about this blessed country, full of proud beduins and relaxed people, called Kuwait
yes yes yo nam nam nam 20 Aug 2008, 05:53 - Report -
A point of view of a Kuwaiti Citezen!
I tell all the foreign expats in Kuwait, if you are a single male working there for the sake of money then you will difintly hate Kuwait. I know many western single women who live in Kuwait and love it. One of them described a beduin man to me as a 'sweet dish'! Whaat! I was shocked! Kuwaitis socialise at a family level, therefore if you don't have a wife/partner don't expect to be invited but to rather corrup parties and you won't see the 'cultural side of the country' in this case! I see a major difference in today's generations: both my cousin and my friend organise monthly reading group sessions to discus newly published Arabic and English books. I see a sea of difference between Kuwaiti's mentalities in the 1980s and 2008 and I am amased. My cousin went to China to learn more about the Chakra stuff! She she's now 25 years old teaching chinese language and also courses in body energy! The educational system is the one responsible for creating enlightened generations and in Kuwait non Kuwaitis teach in schools.. so, they come for the money not to make a difference and you know the rest of the story. Yes, there are many private and public museums in Kuwait.. all you need to do is look around you. Finally, try to make the best out of your presence in Kuwait rather than live in a dark hole like a mole!
Ameera Al-Tamimi 20 Aug 2008, 09:25 - Report -
Hey Larry
Don't you have better things to do...?..!
Sarah Harington - Ncl - UK 20 Aug 2008, 10:07 - Report -
Single Western women love it in Kuwait?
Rocket Science at its best! You take one single women, of any beauty level, preferably with blonde hair, light eyes, pale skin, or any of those attributes, and throw her in a country full of the exact opposite female version of her. Add into the mix that the native females of that country can't speak to gents in public and have little to no interaction with them. Mix that with an entire country full of horny males, (most with a bunch of money that they worked very hard for) and the fact that they will do anything to get a girl, and there you have it. An ugly girl from the states can come here and get a boyfriend with a Lamborghini at will! Pretty girls can get basically anything they want at any given moment! Tell me I'm not right.
Yalla at a playa. 21 Aug 2008, 05:32 - Report -
Single Western men love it in Kuwait? Yep.
Lesson two. Take one overweight, balding, not so handsome male, pay him well, or even decent in Q8. This man needs two characteristics to succeed, a passport from a liberal country and a taste for Asian women. That easy. A guy that never scores back home has an instant wife! He's happy for the female company, she's happy to not be a slave!
Yalla if ya hear me. 21 Aug 2008, 05:43 - Report -
just wait u kuwaiti f***ers to get slauted by americans, u guys r like pussy for americans and world s watching ur mother get f***ed by them, u were been blessed but forgot to keep it in da right manners.
if u r a qualified person just ve a look on the loosing rate of ur oil productivity.
kuwait just wait u guys will be our khadim in india.
then hindus will f*** ur mothers there.A kuwait Fucker 23 Aug 2008, 11:20 - Report -
Kuwait, the land of honey and milk
To the Palastenian who cursed Kuwait I say: before 1991 there were 450000 Palastenian in Kuwait. In 2008 there are 700000 Palastenian with foreign passports in Kuwait! So you see? To the people coming to Kuwait for the money, of course you will NOT see any culture in there. This is because your eyes are busy counting the banknote! There is a very old Kuwaiti saying literally translated to: Basra is by the sword! Zobair by the drink! And Kuwait by the mood!
It means: Basra is rulled by force, Zobair is the place for boozing, etc. and in Kuwait you find everything in accordance to your mood! You want to be religious, go ahead! You want to be gay, who's holding you? You want a woman? Can't you see the green light? You want culture? The best Islamin collection in the whole world is in fact there. Donation for the Americans after a big typhoon, and another one for the Tsunami victims, not to mention PLO, London Zoo, Pakistan Earth Quake victims. Kuwaiti girls are very pretty. You want to see the culture, you need to mix with peopl not have agressive attitude towards them right from the begining! Also remember that we all are humans, not angels.The one without a sin stone Kuwaitis! I saw Americans loud and don't respect lines in two airports. I saw English miser all the time. I saw generous jews, and rude Egyptian women. Italian resturant charged me 330 euros for only one chargrilled sole fish and two lemondes, so shall I call all the world mothr...rs? NO!Sara Harington 25 Aug 2008, 02:29 - Report -
Things to do...
Hi all... am not a Kuwaiti but.. i was born here.. lived abroad and came back before 2 yrs. and i have some conclusions to say and ill keep is simple and to the point.
Bad: yes there are good people.. my father is working in a gov. inst. so all of his colleagues are Kuwaitis’ from his 20 yr of work i know 2-3 descent Kuwaiti’s with whom i had tea, divided bread and i know their families and i can say they are the best! if you are a Kuwaiti and you are descent and respectful and good person .. i can say there are very very "white hatred" people and i would be honored to conceder them my family ... BUT... the other kind ..like the ones who to any thing that they don’t like say: get out you are taking our money bla bla... i have no comments everything is obvious..
And for me the most obvious characteristic is selfishness... is it because of the war or im not sure what ill give some examples...
1) you are taking our money = im working 10 x harder than a TYPICAL Kuwaiti , i Know what I’m doing ( where we knows just to drink tea
2) My dad went to a hospital.. as you all know or don’t know kuwait has medicine for Kuwaitis and non Kuwaitis(claiming that the min of health is governed by muslim laws saying treat all Muslim equal = Kuwaitis and non Kuwaitis) in any case he went there and he got a bag of medicine (he has a lot of probb) a Kuwaiti guy commented to him : YOU TOOK ALL THE MEDICINE like he is jealous of his disuse!!!
My father smartly replied.. This is not typical for a Kuwaiti to say something like that Kuwaitis are generous people. You must not be a Kuwaitiand i hope you take 2 x the medicine i took
3)all in all c how people are driving (Kuwaitis and non Kuwaitis ) selfishness no one cares for another ... se how people park if he can he will take 2 spaces just to.. take more..
Im waiting in a line.. ans here comes a Kuwaiti guy.. because he is above others he is going directly to the front of the line.. and so on… People here jut want to take what doesn’t belong to them (ps : non Kuwaitis REARLY tr to cut in any line)...
and nothing is enough to feed the greed. i hope if you had a house and a car and money one day and the other day you where left by the Irak’es with nothing... you will start thinking differently but this change is way too radical!!!
To summarize.. People her not jugging by 1 or 2 or 3... But by majority are not nice and i have been in contact with a lot.. if they are good(10|%) the are the best but for the most they are Not, to say at least ok!
Next.. Weather.. Well 6 months of bad... 6 months of goodbut when it is bad it is very bad!! Like i cant go out.
THE Good! And what to do!!!
Well im 26 and a sport oriented person so... my suggestions are!
1) go for a bike ride, i did it last night at 01:30and it was the best... nice sea side.. Empty.. The weather was nice.. You can go for a swim in the same time!
Next.. you can dive... the visibility and the conditions are considered Low visibility and it is not Sham but. you can ...do a few dives every year just for practice.
Buy a motorcycle!don’t get a bmw like me go for Japanese!
Kuwait is nice for that. but the BAD thing is you cant travel you need some paper work to get out and of course a Kuwaiti sponsor!!
Next i fond KITE-BOARDING in Kuwait an i have put my self on a waiting list!!! That is Coool!!!!
hmmm i got to a gym.. i guess ou can to that any where... well these are the small thing i can enjoy here...
Except that.. that is that.. and as the Kuwaiti gay guy saidif we dont like it we can leave
that is true right? if you cant leave that means that you are not good in what you do so you should sty here
lets face it the foreigners here are the bottom of the.. Food chain.. you don’t get some nice fancy experts here or Nobel prize winners
so if you are here, and you want out but no one will take you .. im sure you suck so you belong here
all the best to all Kuwaitis and non Kuwaitis and im sure if we all listen to Bob Marley we would love each other morewhich ever race, nationality or gender we are.
Sam 26 Aug 2008, 09:59 - Report -
one small addition(driving in Kuwait)
It sucks balls
People from Egypt are driving like they are in fuc*** Cairo people from India.. are also very bad driver mostly(and Kuwaitis get any Indian to be their driver even though he had never even seen a car) probably they would respect a cow on the road more then another fellow man , and Kuwaitis.. Well if he has a bigger car he will do what he wants and lady drivers? What to say she is I don’t know what typing a sms to her boyfriend ,driving 120 and changing lanes!
But what is annoying most of all is that no one is using the signals!!! You can imagine why is that dangerous? Is it because they never Learned to use them in the first place
Or is it BECAUSE again THEY are SELFISH!! And if they think it will not benefit them they don’t want to move a finger?
Lets say you are driving a car or a motorbike, you will notice in ana street people going in and out of lanes at high speed’s without giving a blinker or even takening a loog they just don’t care.. Why should he move a finger and wanr others where he is headed ? They should be smar enough to know right?
In any car driving in Kuwait sucks ass because of pooor driving ethics an education (the driving test doesn’t include any driving jus a polygon where you go in a strait line and worse case scenario you are asked to parallel park, but in most cases Kuwaitis with a connection get it without even going to the exam) So be very very careful, they are mad sam 27 Aug 2008, 07:59 - Report -
Reading the posts on this site has made me very sad. My best friend just moved to Kuwait a week ago, after signing a 2 year contract, and he's having a hard time adjusting. I did a search for "kuwaiti culture" so I could learn more about the place he's in and maybe find some advice I can give him...but instead I'm reading posts from people saying how terrible the country is, and worse, ignorant, rude comments from Kuwaitis themselves. I truly hope the people my friend meets are more intelligent and compassionate than some of the poeple posting on this site.
I have never been to Kuwait, but I have traveled to a few different countries and in my experiences, there are good/bad, educated/ignorant, friendly/nasty people everywhere. In Austria I made wonderful friends but also had to listen to some very racist comments. In Costa Rica people took such good, compassionate care of me when I got sick, but I also had to listen to asshole guys hissing at me every time I walked down the street.
Shouldn't people assume that Kuwait would be the same way??? Some good, some bad?? Or is my friend doomed to be miserable for two years?Patty 29 Aug 2008, 01:48 - Report -
f*** kuwait, f*** the people of kuwait! f*** the hypocrtitical bs religion! its all a crack! its all a f***in joke! you know what, maybe i should go back to my own country since i hate it here so bad, but i am having to much fun taking all your money cos you are a bunch of f***ing worthless subhumans!! i can't wait till the rest of the world realizes they don't need your oil. what else does this country have??? lol.....it will just end up being iran's target practice. i would f***ing knock the teeth through about almost every single one of you mother f***ers if it wasn't for the fact you are all a bunch of pussies! expatriates make this country. we outnumber you! lol.....kuwait is a third world nation. remember that. third world......what in the hell do you guys have to offer but oil?? no culture, no technology!!(hell you haven't even figured out how to purify water and deliver to a city without having water trucks!!!)nothing of social value!! you prey on the weak and the destitute! hell, you can't even take care of your own (the bedoons)! your women are hot though.......thats about it. had fun with a couple of them when you can get them to take off the head dress!! ha ha ha!!! i just like to start shit....peace!
FUCKQ8 30 Aug 2008, 02:24 - Report -
all you people defending this place by saying how much money you have ARE THE PROBLEM WITH THIS PLACE. I have this car, I have this money, I have this job with so much power blah... blah... blah... who cares?
You really think you are better than everyone else, just because your country hit the geological lottery and can pump money out of the ground? You can't even run your own country. You have to pay others to design, build, and maintain evrything you have.
When the oil runs out, and it will run out, everyone will leave. This place will be a ghost town full of ignorant, lazy people, that will have no idea how to make a living because they have been spoiled and handed everything for 5 generations. Good Luck!hahahahahah 01 Sep 2008, 10:07 - Report -
Wow! Who knew there were so many vile and venomous people living in Kuwait? First of all, the same general theme seems to be repeating itself on this message board. Kuwaitis have big cars, big houses etc., is that all foreigners think about when they come here? I think not. I know many foreigners who have lived here their whole lives. Had children here and plan to retire here. I think most of the people complaining are the ones how came chasing the quick money and schemes that came with the invasion of Iraq. Guess what? Get rich quick schemes do not work.
Everything was fine for you a few years ago when living here was cheap. Now that the situation has changed, everybody has started bitching. Why don’t you go live in Dubai I wonder? They have nightclubs, Alcohol, rampant prostitution, and best of all, almost no Arabs to be seen. Yet here you are still in Kuwait, eating the food, going to the malls, drinking prison toilet wine and marrying the first Phillapina waitress that bats her eyes at you at Chilies. Come on people wake up, you know you are not mad at the Kuwaitis who welcomed you into their country. Your mad at yourself for being a failure and can’t stand the idea of going back to the same miserable life you left in the first place. Showing up empty handed in front of family and friends is hard pill to swallow.
To all the so-called Kuwaitis who posted here saying they hated Kuwait and everything in it, and that they were leaving Kuwait for good, I say good riddance. You are bitter because you never fit in the first place. Your background is probably of mixed origin. American/British Mother. Kuwaiti father. I have seen it many times before, in fact I am of mixed origin and proud of it. You probably cannot speak Arabic, which is a shame really, because it is now a very marketable skill to have, especially now that you live in New York or wherever (Karma). I have a feeling we will be seeing you all back here very soon, when you fall flat on your face and reality sets in. To all the expats that don’t want to be here, guess what, you can leave. We Kuwaitis like it here, it is our country and it is our home. We have been privileged enough not to have to leave our homes to find work. I think all the people bitching on this message board; give expats here a bad name. You are the few, and you besmirch the legitimate efforts of all the people who come here to work, leaving behind their families, children and friends to provide for them and give them a better life. The last thing I want to say to you all and it’s something I want you to remember…
A proud KuwaitiA proud Kuwaiti 03 Sep 2008, 04:06 - Report -
A proud Kuwaiti?????
What are you proud of? Oil exports? That is the only thing that this country contributes to the entire world. Your culture died long ago...once upon a time you had ancestors who did make a living by cultivating the sea, which now gets raw sewage and who knows what else pumped into it because Kuwait is too irresponsible to care about their own country, much less the global environment. Prostitution is rampant here, just not as openly as the other Gulf coast countries. Alcohol, also rampant. You know as well as I do. The difference? These other countries know that oil will not last forever, and they need other means to contribute to their economy, so they should be a little more hospitable to the rest of the world. Kuwaitis love it here? Of course they do, you idiot! They are basically spoiled little kids that aren't responsible or accountable for their own actions! It is a known fact that the government of Kuwait creates "nice" jobs for Kuwaitis, even though an Indian, Paki, or Filipino is doing all the work! You say you are priveleged enough to not have to leave your country to work? Privelege equals finding oil, which was found not by Kuwaitis, but by Brits! Why do you leave your country to go to college in the U.S or U.K then? Be priveleged and stay here for a good education....yeah right. I'm an expat, and I don't walk around with a shitty attitude, because I get paid a ton of money, not because I am lucky, but because I am skilled at my trade. I did great in the U.S, and even better here because your Government needs me here, hence the large pay. Your country needs every expat, Indian, Paki, Sri Lankan, Filipino living in this garbage society. Your ignorance truly shows in your post, and you have the typical Kuwaiti attitude that most others do. Someday the bubble of protection and ignorance protecting Kuwait will burst!
Hannah Montana 03 Sep 2008, 05:05 - Report -
Paint on fenders and bumpers
Why do you see cars with brown or tan spray paint on the bumpers and fenders? Please tell me that what I've heard isn't true. Do guys really do that to simulate a dirty car, like they were out in the desert being a real man or something?
Punky Brewster 03 Sep 2008, 05:11 - Report -
oh my god
is it true guys ,that the life in kuwait is hell compare to other countries?just wanna to know because i will be travelling to kuwait next week.i am affraid of going there rite now by reading all the post in this websites
great vodka 04 Sep 2008, 09:23 - Report -
Great vodka
Life in Kuwait depends on your sex and nationality! Extremely racist people. If you are Asian= slave. Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan= slave. Eastern European = prostitute. If you are a white or black male, you are cool to most Kuwaitis.
Joe 04 Sep 2008, 04:40 - Report -
One line only
There is culture in Kuwait.
Amal 04 Sep 2008, 08:36 - Report -
Kuwaiti culture
Drive up and down Gulf road, go to the mall, eat, drive up and down Gulf road, harass girls, smoke cigarettes, drive super fast with nowhere to go. That's Kuwaiti culture. I don't think Kuwaitis are Muslim either because they don't ever stop to pray. Or they carry prayer beads and follow around a girl with a nice ass in the mall.
Dahler Menhdi 05 Sep 2008, 04:37 - Report -
Kuwaiti reproduction in the future
Kuwaitis will genetically evolve to reproduce via cell phone. Find your prospective mate while sitting in Applebees, get her attention by glaring at her non-stop or going pssst pssst psstt. Once this is accomplished, texting back and forth from 5 feet away will occur until the girl ends up pregnant.
Mhbals Es-Hairi 05 Sep 2008, 04:40 - Report -
So funny
These postings back and forth are great...Keep them coming!!!
Kuwaiti's Funniest Forum!! 09 Sep 2008, 05:19 - Report -
I'm waiting...
I'm waiting on a valid Kuwaiti comeback...not possible. "Proud Kuwaiti" above sure isn't responding. Ramadan= sleep all day, then just do everything at night. These people don't sacrifice a thing. That's just what they need, another reason to eat a huge meal every night.
Fheel Miballs 10 Sep 2008, 04:50 - Report -
plz , don't be like this , plz ;(
hi mr.larry ( the question's writer ),,,,
I think all of them mustn't spoke in this way , and they must answer the question ,,,, but as i see the express there hater .
Hi everybody ,,,
why u talked in this way ( bad words ) , and why did u hate the pigeon of the peace ( Kuwait ) ,,, am really fell in some sad experience 4 some people that happened in Kuwait ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I think we need more museum and more libraries ,,, i agree ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ALL OF U REMEMBER WHAT THEY WANT , DID U REMEMBER THAT KUWAIT WAS BEAUTIFUL BUT THT IRAQIS WAR CAUSE A HUGE DESTROY 4 KUWAIT'S BUILDINGS AND KUWAIT'S ENVIRONMENT ( they burned 737 oil well ) ,,,,,,,,,, I am not looking for something that back 4 u the trust in Kuwait ,,, am very happy in Kuwait and i will make real my dreams here in Kuwait .
I know more about the countries and about the world , i know that we have the elements to be the city of the future ( inshallah ) .
I sharing u that there is mistakes in Kuwait as all the countries in the world have ,, ( the stupid one who said we r perfect ) nothing is perfect ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
am so sorry that someone in this world hate my lovely country Kuwait ,,,,, U MUSTN'T BE STUPID , U MUSTN'T TAKE AN IDEA FROM FEW PEOPLE ,,,, AM REALLY SURPRISE , IS REALLY THAT U HAVE THIS SMALL MIND AND THIS NEAR-SIGHTEDNESS ???
MAMA said " u mustn't believe all things that said " ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I CHALLENGE U :
1_ WE r the most safe place in this earth .
2_ We r the most democratic country in the middle east ... ( London have the hydpark but we have kuwait ,, the biggest hydpark to say what we want without fears )fatma al mutairy 11 Sep 2008, 01:53 - Report -
excuse me ; )
I KNOW there are MISTAKES IN MY SPELLING ,,, maybe from the anger , speedy or because my English is so bad ( that is it , am sure ) my bad English ,,, am so sorry 4 my mistakes .
LOOK every one ,, we know that the war that happened in 1990 had an bad effect at Kuwait ,, bad we hate to said " what happened in the past is the reason " ...........
TAKE US 15 YEARS and am sure that we will be the city of the future .
4 those who said we love money and it is every thing 4 us ,,, " am sorry u r wrong "
DO u know how many money that kuwaitis spent to save the starvation in africa ,, I know it is good things we did for rewards from god , we didn't care about u that u have small mind and the thinking isn't take part from your life .fatma al mutairy 11 Sep 2008, 02:09 - Report -
We r so kind , i swear it ,,,,,,
I Know that u said she is Kuwaiti and she must love her country whatever it is ........
but ,,,, I swear that i am very objective ,,,
I love kuwait and i am anger from something bad on it , I hate 2 have bad feelings and keep in silent, SO i will work hard and we will help each other to make real our dream ( Kuwait is the city of the future )fatma almutairy 11 Sep 2008, 02:17 - Report -
No one is perfect .
GOOD LUCK AND BYE BYE ; )fatma al mutairy 11 Sep 2008, 02:40 - Report -
kuwait sucks
so, you kuwaitis actually think that you're country is amazing, yeah? since you guys believe in "democracy", why don't you let people vote on this topic? i am sure that at least most of the people will say that kuwait sucks.....you guys would die for your country? ssuuuuurrrreeee, that's why you guys were the first people to run away from kuwait when the iraqis invaded kuwait...heheh....f***in loosers...
TA 11 Sep 2008, 04:34 - Report -
LOL...Ignorance rears it's Kuwaiti head once again.
Let's dissect Fatma's post. Kuwait is not a democracy, it's a monarchy. The leader of your country was not elected, he was born with one of two last names, and is automatically put in line to run the country. Being born into a family does not qualify you to run a country, albeit a crappy one. Kuwait, the safest country on Earth? Yeah, if you don't ever go outside. You have more fatal car accidents in one month than the U.S has in a year..all of this happens in one city, Kuwait city! The only reason that violent crime isn't rampant is because a large portion of the population are slaves that can't leave and the justice system in will never punish an Arab. A Kuwaiti will never be accountable for his stupidity because of "wasta". What has changed from the gulf war in this country? Nothing, it never was beautiful, clean or even a nice place to live. The only thing that made it better was the huge influx of expats to help run and protect the place from your neighbors to the north. Compare Kuwait to Hydepark? Have you ever been to Hydepark? People there are happy, and FREE. A girl can wear a thong there and sunbathe, and nobody cares. She won't have 50 guys harassing her. Comparing Kuwait to Hydepark is so far fetched I can't even begin to wonder how you figured that one out. Kuwait will never be anything in the future, because there is no industry, no exports, no tourism, nothing. Just oil. Once that runs out, you guys are done. A free country my ass. Women swimming in full burkas, that sounds like freedom! Not being able to chat with a girl in public, that's freedom. Can't have an alcoholic beverage because the gov't won't allow it? Yeah. The list could go on forever. Well, my rant for the day is over, I'm Christian and forced to live by Ramadan rules..that's freedom. Because you can't tempt a Muslim, because if they give in it's their fault. I can't eat or drink outside because you might get jealous and do the same. Change religions if you don't like it! I swear you won't get struck down by lightning, I promise! I hope to hear a loud "pop" soon, which would be the sound of you removing your head from your ass!
Freshly Snipes 11 Sep 2008, 05:12 - Report -
My country Kuwait is soooo great. We are sooo proud of our Kuwaiti towers and our communications tower. They don't do anything and were built by indians, pakistanis, and malaysians but we are soooo proud of them. They are better than the pyramids, Big Ben, or Mount Rushmore!
Kuwaiti clown 11 Sep 2008, 05:17 - Report -
Kuwait towers
Hello Yay. Kuwaiti towers are built by serbians.
Then destroyed by Iraqi. Then rebuild by indians and other slaves. And now nobody is cleaning them. So you cannot see anything from them, just dirty glass... But this is normal in this country.Heho 12 Sep 2008, 09:49 - Report -
Summary of all your complaining...
Look your people:
There is no culture, museums and other stuff in Kuwait because Kuwait is not so ancient city like Rome, Barcelona, Vienna, Milan, Athens...
You should take into account that. Kuwait was desert some years ago. Then english discovered oil. And now Kuwait have money. But under americans only. They are taking more than a half under excuse: protection from Iraq. But America first allowed Sadam to attack Kuwait, this is clear. So they can come. Like now for Afganistan, they need oil pipeline there... What if will be different like it should be reagarding what people wants: if Kuwait's goverment will no be so corrupted, if Kuwait will be part of the Iraq, then Iraq will be rich country. Americans will be unhappy. With strong Iraq, you will have oil war, maybe 3 world war and destruction of the earth. So, it is good like it is now and nothing will change: kuwait people are rich and keep silent, goverment is corrupted, poor people have their poor jobs, white man here is sucking money for engineering and charge like hell, everything is under control. Kuwait is more rich than Abu Dhabi or Dubai, yet it looks like Cairo, a little better. This is because they don't keep all the money here. Sad. Shouldn't be like that. But do you know any other way? Shall arabs pump their oil by themselves and sell to america and to other world 150USD per barrel? No! They cannot. Technical reasons and political. World is using them...
I was talking to many kuwaiti young people on site where I work, they are all engineers and smart, and they are unsatisfy. They know all this but they cannot change anything. Not yet. If they will try, then all world will have problems...Heho 12 Sep 2008, 08:22 - Report -
wtf is this?
whats up with all these negative posts?
you know people from all over the world come swarming just to work (for the money and that the kuwaiti dinar is the strongest currency)just like the irish when they came to america. people, try to understand there are 3 million people in kuwait and only 1 million and few hundreds are kuwaitis!!
that means kuwaiti citizens are therefore a minority of those who reside in kuwait. the government rarely grants citizenship to foreigners to maintain status quo! understood?
so to all the tits here that say asians are treated like slaves by kuwaitis are ignorant f***s. you know what? asians bought this to them selves, you know why? because all the asians came swarming here and are actually poor! very poor and uneducated of course! farmers/criminals/pimps.. etc you name it.
98% of the crimes in kuwait are committed by asians and other arab nationalities.
i'll give you the conclusion:
asians+arabs come here, earn money then go back to their country to build a villa. then a grandson/daughter is born does the same thing. its a cycle!!! the f***ing closest and cheapest future is in kuwait!!! all of you foreigners know that!!! and yes! thanks to our oil, otherwise you went step your foot in here and earn some serious money to maintain your future. or otherwise you would have stayed in palestine throwing rocks on jews or in india/bangladesh/sir lanka playing in the sewers and more dirty shit that goes there!!
these negatives posts are from boredom in kuwait and nothing else. not from slavery not from treatment..
so please stop the false facts about kuwait, its a beautiful country but less to do for fun. its a good place to work in for the right people!
i'm proud to be a kuwaiti, we have maids a driver, both asians and we treat them like family. infact we treat every asian good if hes respectful, honest.. etc.
thank youEz 13 Sep 2008, 01:21 - Report -
To Ez
You should be thanking the Asians and other Arabs who come here....just for a minute imagine kicking them ALL out...who would do any labour intensive or skill/trade based job. You'd all sit them staring at each other wondering who's going to cook/serve you in restaurants, wait on you in shops, clean up the streets, build your buildings and water your plants...and who's going to wipe your butts?????????????????????? Who's left for you to exploit? The eskimos? There is nothing with moving to a foreign country for work, nothing wrong with accepting labour from other shores, but for Allah's sake, treat people fairly and with respect. Asia expat might be committing crimes as you may say, but from what I read in the papers you're killing your own people on the roads including children who are perched in front as your own personal airbags!
Very ezi 13 Sep 2008, 01:19 - Report -
The intent of this forum, Justlanded, is to assist those who've either arrived or are considering coming to Kuwait in making a decision, right? Now, most people on here are just stating facts, and unfortunately the majority consensus is that Kuwait sucks! The Kuwaiti dinar is a strong currency, but one that is barely recognized beyond your own borders...that's a fact. If the dinar were to lose value like a euro or a dollar, nobody would care except for you idiots. Asians brought slavery upon themselves? They ask to be raped, beat, and they like to walk behind their owners with their heads down, wearing a slave uniform? They asked for that? In America they would be given a chance to prove themselves, in Kuwait they are automatically garbage because of their race. How many of these Asians have their passport in hand, with the option to leave when they want? Probably none. Slavery. They leave their countries because work is hard to find, and they suffer here to make a better life for their family or for their own future. Once oil runs out you Kuwaiti shitheads will not be accepted in other countries because you don't know how to work for a living, you people have no industry, work ethic, and can't provide anything of any value to the rest of the world. Every Kuwaiti that goes to school here will eventually become an "engineer", labeled that like everyone else here. These "engineers" will not be up to the rest of the worlds standards, so they'll be shit out of luck. Who engineers and builds buildings and structures here? Not Kuwaitis. Kuwaiti funded, yep, but not a single Kuwaiti put in a hard day's work or got his hands dirty. Tell me what's beautiful about Kuwait? The waters of your coast are severly poluted, you've killed off all of your native animals, and have no clue what is good for the environment. What's beautiful here, The grass along Gulf road that you have picnics on, only to coat it with garbage so indians can pick it up? Don't tell me that everyone on this forum says this stuff because they're bored...that's a ridiculous statement. Kuwait sucks plain and simple, and the people here are the biggest idiots walking the earth. The good thing is, I can leave whenever I want, but I'll stay here and take your money, the more I take the less you'll have when your oil runs out! Is your mascera running yet?
O.J Simpson 13 Sep 2008, 05:05 - Report -
to O.J Simpson
Iv heard this alot and thats not true. Now you said this yourself that you will stay here and take our money, well you have to stay here otherwise you will go back to your country poor or no good salary there
. Now dont tell me im wrong here.
You have no idea about our oil, we have 10% of world reserves! 10%!!! you know how long this will last until a new energy source will be invented/discovered !! You are an asshole and so are the other tits that are here who swear and shout false facts.
The major fact is that you want to earn money and STFU!! You know that its an islamic country with no clubs.. etc.. you know you wont find it here then why come? why not go to Emirates? Bahrain? Other Gulf nations!!
O.J Simpson tell me, why do you say all this? apart from Kuwait sucks! Its because there is no fun here, you just said it yourself!
To Very ezi
Well my friend, do you want a fact? Kuwait bought North/South Koreans to build all the stuff in here, and thats in the present. But in the past, yes they were Asians.. They are good builders to be honest. And theres no way Asians will leave Kuwait becuase its the only good place to earn money, they cant go to Emirates because 65% of the population there are Asians.
GIVE ME A GOOD POSTIVE REASON!Ez 13 Sep 2008, 06:08 - Report -
i am in need of some help for live my life
hi iam yasir azad from pakistan iam in need of ur help plz help me my life is in trobial plz safe my life and help me IN the Name OF ALLAH and MUHAMMAD.to contact me my num and e mail adders 0090-333-4101722 [email removed]
plz help me and save my life do contact meyasir azad 13 Sep 2008, 11:45 - Report -
when u hang out at a mall.. or drive around the city.. u wont actually find "culture" if u really wanted to see "culture" u should have met typical kuwaities who basically never go to malls... because our lifestyles are too "cultural" to go to malls.. u should have visited mubarikeya, but it really changed within the last years.. but still..
q8lover 14 Sep 2008, 01:14 - Report -
i'll tell you you're wrong because your mentality is the typical kuwaiti arrogant airhead. i made quite a bit of money in my country, the u.s, and will continue to do so if i leave here. i just make a ton of easy money here, so why not take advantage of it? you will never leave this country and make money, kuwait is all you have. 10% of the worlds oil reserves isn't going to last long, and kuwaitis aren't doing shit to try to discover alternative fuel sources. they don't care. guess what you tool, the u.s has oil reserves too, but we care about our environment and won't drill for it until absolutely necessary, we'll just keep getting it from you clowns. facts aren't false when their obvious....you kuwaiti fags are just too stupid to admit it. kuwait is a half-ass islamic country, you guys pick and choose what rules you want to follow and what you don't. everything i've said in all of my posts are things that are just plain as day, things that are obvious to everyone. i'm not bored in this country, i find plenty to do, that doesn't change the fact that is sucks because your people are f***ing idiots and the land itself sucks...you can't even use your own sand to make concrete, even that has to be imported! i guarantee you i know more about your country than you do. i'll be sitting at starbucks laughing at you and your habibi who will be wearing matching pink shirts and have at least a pound of hairspray in your hair. you kuwaiti men are little girls.
O.J. "Humpin EZs Mom" Simpson 14 Sep 2008, 07:55 - Report -
For all the stupid people
Fcuk you all, go buy a dildo and put it in your ass for gods sake. Don't like Kuwait? Then leave you fcuktards. Being harrassed by someone? Stand up for yourself you gay shit. No sight seeing??? Don't make me laugh boo hoo my friend hahahahaha
Those of you who are talking about Kuwait like it's like camel city I'd SAY HELLO OPEN YOUR EYES the blind people are better than you
Proud to be Kuwaiti and always will be. Kuwaitis and other nationalities, if you don't like it, getlost scram and leave us alone you weaklings.
PS. I have friends who are from outside Kuwait and happen to be happy living here. When they get bored they can travel then come back (DUH)Oh my, i can't take it, hes too rude 15 Sep 2008, 01:39 - Report -
want to express yourself go public
For those who want to express theirselves why not go public and complain
I think the newspapers and magazines would help you a lot
and EZ
"You Kuwaiti men are little girls".
You are gayInternet is for suckers like you post, people just ignore those retards 15 Sep 2008, 02:01 - Report -
So next time I see a Kuwaiti guy harassing a girl, or looking at me the wrong way, I'll beat his ass...and then guess who will go to jail, it doesn't matter who is wrong or right, the non-Kuwaiti will go to jail,. 100% of the time. There has been many a time that I should have crushed one of you idiots, but it wouldn't be a fair fight, you little girls are no match for anyone from the U.S or the U.K for that matter. We grow up getting into fights and being men in general. You freaks couldn't fight your way out of Starbucks with your latte! In any event, nobody will ever openly complain to the media in this country because there is no such thing as free press here. Even your American newspapers are biased and full of misinformation. I read that garbage for about a week. It's not even worth wiping my ass with. Read through every post on this forum. No Kuwaiti on here with the exception of Q8lover seems to be able to voice an intelligent rebuttal to any of the posts on here. I'd tell you to go buy a dildo but you can't even do that here, no freedom. Your time is better spent laying in the grass with your habibis fixing each other's hair and talking about the latest fashion. I'll bet money that your eyebrows connect!
I humped EZ's sister in a bathroom at the Avenues Mall! 15 Sep 2008, 05:41 - Report -
To Q8lover
Thank you for your post. It was honest, heartfelt and true. I wish I could get close to some native kuwaitis. I'd love to hear and see some of the culture from this place as you're right it's deep and it's rich and it's long, dating back to ancient greece and Alexander the great. I have met some half kuwaitis (mixed parents) who are trying to restore some of the history, but alas, it's not inbuilt into the fabric of your society anymore. And its a shame.
ss 18 Sep 2008, 04:45 - Report -
First of all look at all the Kuwaitis replies it implies that they really are uneducated unmannered and not matured at all but it does say that they are racist, as i was once traveling i came across a Canadian man who used to work for a Kuwaiti petroleum company and guess what he resigned and moved to Egypt !!!!!! yes Egypt one of the reasons he moved was because the racism, hypocrisy, all Kuwaitis that look at other people like if they are from a lower kind of species and the most surprising thing is the salary he got more salary in Egypt than Kuwait, believe me ladies and gentlemen the gulf specially Kuwait is going down in the coming years thats why all Kuwaitis now transfer all their money outside Kuwait because it is not secure anymore and the future will be for emirates Qatar and Egypt, by the i have P.H.D in Economy so i do know what i am talking about and i worked with Kuwaitis in side and outside the country they them self knows very well what we are all saying and they do agree, business men like saad el barak the Zain CEO got out of Kuwait and so many others as well because it is an investment expelling country. anyway there is to much to say regarding this fake country so people do go to Canada, Australia, Qatar, Dubai and even Egypt there is more life their than Kuwait and it has taste not tasteless like Kuwait, people their are much more fair and humble and they even treat tourists better.
Kuwaitis please go have some education and see other people and other countries and look to life with a different point of view and different eyes, do you self a favor and start thinking for your self and working hard as anyone else, start taking care of your own self instead other are doing ever thing you know what if non Kuwaitis got out of the country u will never be able to live and handle your own country please either you change or stay at home and don't open your mouth again and keep your face down to the floor.The Naked Truth 23 Sep 2008, 10:54 - Report -
Kuwait Towers
The state of your towers is abyssmal. I took an overseas visitor recently and felt I had to apologise for the fact that you cannot SEE out the bloody windows cause they are so filthy!!! I know there is sand blowing around constantly so why build observation towers that are not somehow self cleaning (it's a water tower for heaven's sake...surely it can spray itself!!!) or have a regular window cleaning service done! Let's face it, in the absence of very many tourist attractions, it's pretty much the one thing that overseas visitors come and see. No point in having pics of the destruction the Iraqi did...the state that it's in is close to that and nobody else is to blame!! KEEP IT CLEAN!!
ss 25 Sep 2008, 03:00 - Report -
Kuwait towers
yes ss, you are right! i was also there, f***ing so dirty that makes you puke when you drink your coffe there. they have bloody milion of indians here, put one on the rope and make him clean all the time. let him go only when windows will be clean! otherwise cut the rope... anyway, nobody will notice that he is missing.
Enduro 26 Sep 2008, 04:58 - Report -
Im planning a move to kuwait for a year in the next couple of months. I must say these comments are settling the doubts in me to say the least. Except for a couple of objective views in this forum, most people just seem to be pissed off on either side. Are people in kuwait only there for the cash to be made? Does anybody have something positive to say about this place?
fulano 28 Sep 2008, 01:49 - Report -
I feel sorry for all of you
This is very sad!!!not only do foreigners disrespect us but ever our own people. look, every place has its good and its bad. i'm a kuwaiti who is studying in the US, i've seen drugs, booz, prostitution, child abuse, rape, school shooting, homelessness..and the list goes on.. on the other hand, i've seen things that made my stay here enjoyable. Kuwait is just another country with good and bad. if any of you have taken the time to get to know below the surface, you would have been to the greatest book stores, the greatest museums and the best cultural experiences ever. I agree that there are some changes that my country could do certain things better, but so can yours. this is where open-minded, intelligent and classy world citizenship comes into play. instead of the insults and the disrespect, how about some constructive critisicm!! from both sides, whether you're a kuwaiti or not!!! this non-sense has to come to an end someday. ignorance never solved an issue and i'm sure that we're all intelligent human beings who can make the rigt choice for ourselves and for the people in general. please don't fall into the vicious cycle of hatred, prejudice and resentment. Rise above all of this and be the individuals that your morals, values and philosophy bestow upon you. It pains me to read all the negativity on this forum, but I pray to God that one day, nations and individuals will realize that no one is perfect.
Manal Al-Hasawi 02 Oct 2008, 06:46 - Report -
Speaking of constructive criticism
Ok fine...
lets start off with constructive critcisms...
lets begin with Kuwaiti Schools...
lets leave the private institutions alone...
Im talkin about public schooling here...well according to me, the students who recieve public schooling in q8 behave like animals...Its evident during school dispersal...spitting and throwing stones at passing cars are common traits of these so called students...the best part is that the parents dont seem to bother when they see their own kids doing such things...these kids are like wild animals....very violent and destructive..passing by these schools during dispersal hours is scary..lolzzzzz..I wish they were more tamed...Perhaps an animal tamer cud do the job!!Zach 03 Oct 2008, 05:07 - Report
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