Things to do...
Hi all... am not a Kuwaiti but.. i was born here.. lived abroad and came back before 2 yrs. and i have some conclusions to say and ill keep is simple and to the point.
Bad: yes there are good people.. my father is working in a gov. inst. so all of his colleagues are Kuwaitis’ from his 20 yr of work i know 2-3 descent Kuwaiti’s with whom i had tea, divided bread and i know their families and i can say they are the best! if you are a Kuwaiti and you are descent and respectful and good person .. i can say there are very very "white hatred" people and i would be honored to conceder them my family ... BUT... the other kind the ones who to any thing that they don’t like say: get out you are taking our money bla bla... i have no comments everything is obvious..
And for me the most obvious characteristic is selfishness... is it because of the war or im not sure what ill give some examples...
1) you are taking our money = im working 10 x harder than a TYPICAL Kuwaiti , i Know what I’m doing ( where we knows just to drink tea
2) My dad went to a hospital.. as you all know or don’t know kuwait has medicine for Kuwaitis and non Kuwaitis(claiming that the min of health is governed by muslim laws saying treat all Muslim equal = Kuwaitis and non Kuwaitis) in any case he went there and he got a bag of medicine (he has a lot of probb) a Kuwaiti guy commented to him : YOU TOOK ALL THE MEDICINE like he is jealous of his disuse!!!
My father smartly replied.. This is not typical for a Kuwaiti to say something like that Kuwaitis are generous people. You must not be a Kuwaitiand i hope you take 2 x the medicine i took
3)all in all c how people are driving (Kuwaitis and non Kuwaitis ) selfishness no one cares for another ... se how people park if he can he will take 2 spaces just to.. take more..
Im waiting in a line.. ans here comes a Kuwaiti guy.. because he is above others he is going directly to the front of the line.. and so on… People here jut want to take what doesn’t belong to them (ps : non Kuwaitis REARLY tr to cut in any line)...
and nothing is enough to feed the greed. i hope if you had a house and a car and money one day and the other day you where left by the Irak’es with nothing... you will start thinking differently but this change is way too radical!!!
To summarize.. People her not jugging by 1 or 2 or 3... But by majority are not nice and i have been in contact with a lot.. if they are good(10|%) the are the best but for the most they are Not, to say at least ok!
Next.. Weather.. Well 6 months of bad... 6 months of goodbut when it is bad it is very bad!! Like i cant go out.
THE Good! And what to do!!!
Well im 26 and a sport oriented person so... my suggestions are!
1) go for a bike ride, i did it last night at 01:30and it was the best... nice sea side.. Empty.. The weather was nice.. You can go for a swim in the same time!
Next.. you can dive... the visibility and the conditions are considered Low visibility and it is not Sham but. you can a few dives every year just for practice.
Buy a motorcycle!don’t get a bmw like me go for Japanese!
Kuwait is nice for that. but the BAD thing is you cant travel you need some paper work to get out and of course a Kuwaiti sponsor!!
Next i fond KITE-BOARDING in Kuwait an i have put my self on a waiting list!!! That is Coool!!!!
hmmm i got to a gym.. i guess ou can to that any where... well these are the small thing i can enjoy here...
Except that.. that is that.. and as the Kuwaiti gay guy saidif we dont like it we can leave
that is true right? if you cant leave that means that you are not good in what you do so you should sty here
lets face it the foreigners here are the bottom of the.. Food chain.. you don’t get some nice fancy experts here or Nobel prize winners
so if you are here, and you want out but no one will take you .. im sure you suck so you belong here
all the best to all Kuwaitis and non Kuwaitis and im sure if we all listen to Bob Marley we would love each other morewhich ever race, nationality or gender we are.
Sam 26 Aug 2008, 09:59 - Report
Kuwait + Culture
- Reply to Larry
- q8nevermore
- Kuwait suckss
- oh no Kuwait is indeed lame
- Hello
- Cant i
- kuwait is over your head
- Kuwait rocks!
- kuwait is made for non kuwaitis
- to the kuwaiti girls above
- i agree with the insider
- Laws in Q8 are bad
- hi everybody
- I loath this place
- Kuwait Sucks!
- Kuwait is a Joke!
- stupied
- People, People, People ... You haven't met the REAL kuwaitis!!!
- give it another thought!
- In your faces
- wtf
- Come on
- Kuwait.... Love it or hate it
- Not al Fingers are the same
- i really dont know!
- Moving to Kuwait.......... ? Still not sure
- move on mr.american
- dgd
- Just like any other country
- Kuwait is disgusting!
- Kuwait should be burnt in hell
- heheh....
- To all the kuwaitis!
- Kuwait Culture - please explain
- Judging?
- Intelligent replies...
- wishful thinking
- giggle
- Don't pass generalised statements
- for bedoon for everrr
- Museums
- ??? completely confused after reading all..
- Harassment
- For Ludolu
- Things to do
- OH
- To Habibi69
- To: Abeer A