I understand!
After the Machtergreifung the Nazis didn´t begin directly to bring jews in KZs and so on. Hitler was voted democratically and Paul von Hindenburg (+ 1934), the Reichskanzler, was the most powerful person in the "Third Reich". But after the Machtergreifung the Nazis began slowly to to disfranchise jews. Nazi functionaries began to stage protests against jews and write hate-filled letters to the editors of great newspapers and so on. 1935 the condition of the jews got more difficult. For jews it was prohibited to get a job. The "Nürnberger Gesetze" made it very difficult for jews to get their rights. Nazis were able to steal jews their assets. Before WW II have begun, jews had marginal rights. After the war began, the Nazis started to kill them in the KZs. Some doctors began to make cruel operations at jews. Before this they made inquiries because they wanted to attest that the "Aryan" and the "nordic race" is better than the "jewish race". These inquiries were measuring the size of face, nose and other parts. In the KZ Auschwitz the Nazis began to use Zyklon B to kill the jews. This was a insecticide with the active component prussic acid. In Wikipedia are much information about the holocaust. I can´t tell everything about that because it´s so much.
The reason of the success of the German forces, the "Wehrmacht", was the using of tanks to subject parts of europe. The forces of the other countries used great troops to make great battles. But the Nazis used the tanks to breach the troops. This caused confusion by the objectors and the German foot soldiers who followed after the tank divisons must only to pick up the addled objectors and make them to prisoners of war. But the Nazis also invested much money into the research to invent "silver bullets". One of this silver bullets was the V2 (V2 = Vergeltung 2 = vengeance 2), a big rocket which was build by Wernher von Braun (later he build the rocket which flow to the moon in 1969). A V2 did bang into the middle of London. The Nazis started to build huge battleships like "Bismarck", which scuttled the HMS Hood. They started also to build a aircraft carrier which was named "Graf Zeppelin", but by command of Hitler they stopped the project. Hitler detected that he couldn´t win a naval war against Great Britain. He wanted to stop the aid shipments to the United Kingdom with submarines. The German technology was very modern. After the war the US took the battle cruiser "Prinz Eugen". But they had much problems with the motors because they were so modern. The US used this technology the first time in their own ships in the 70s! The reason why the German Empire lost the war is that Hitler wanted to wage a war with the whole world. I think the point of inflection was the attack onto the Soviet Union. This can´t work. But to understand the whole war it´s good to read Wikipedia´s article. There you will find every weapon the Germans used.
But you must don´t be afraid. The Nazis hated other Nations, that´s right. But I don´t think that they hated every nation. Germany had federates. Hitler was an Austrian. He attacked other nations to get "Lebensraum" (living space) for the Germans.
But this dark time of the German history is so long ago that you mustn´t be afraid if you come to Germany that somebody will hurt you. The most Germans are hospitably and they respect every person. Only a few idiots hate foreigners, but the police checks their behavior accurately. Germans are very interested in other nations. They learned from their mistakes in the past. So you mustn´t be afraid of Germans if you meet them.
I see you´re very interested in this time, are you? So I have film tip for you: Valkyrie. This is the story of Graf Stauffenberg´s assassination onto Hitler in the "Wolfsschanze". I´ve read that it´s a very good movie. But it´s dumb that this movie starts in German cinemas not earlier than spring or summer 2009.
Hallo 21 Dez 2008, 09:05 - Verstoß melden