
  • Fellow brothers and sisters, I've been to swiss and many other parts of europe. I even got a residence permit but at the tail end i decided to journey back home. It is a mess indeed, racism and what have you. Beware that life is very difficult there in swiss. Many many nigerian girls end up doing prostitution to earn a living. Infact "all that glitters is not gold". Switzerland is just the name, when u get in there that is another story. My brothers and sisters to be fore-warned is to be fore-armed, don't say u were not adviced on this matter. Use the small money u have to start some kind of small business. That will help u a hundred times rather than wasting it paying people to secure a swiss visa for and also wasting such heavy amount on flight tickets. "The truth is bitter but it most be spoken". If u have ears then hear if not do what u like. Once you are in swiss please dont forget to come back here and adviced the others about the hell u are going through. If u care u can contact me using: [email removed]

    "If I Knew......" 18 sep 2008, 02:16 - Denunciar
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how can one get visa to switzerland within 3month from now

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