medical services in canada

  • The medical services in canada or the system itself is one the worst probably in the world. Doctors don't care about the patients but care about getting the money so they can be reacher an reacher. Every time you go to a doctor he never knows what your problem might be and he will send you to n different doctors or if you are lucky and stubborn enough he will send you to a specialist who will not know either what your problem might be. They will keep doing that for ever it seems like because the appointments are 1 month appart at the best. Sometimes some doctors will give you an appointment for one year later.

    So, don't come to Canada expecting good medical service. Spend your money at home where probably doctor s have more knowledge and care about the person, not the dollar bills.

    sergio higuera 30 abr 2008, 10:39 - Denunciar
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Medical service for foreigner

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