au pair needed

  • Hello Au Pair,

    We are a family who require your services as an au pair. My wife and I are from staffordshire in United Kingdom where we work. I am a Financial Adviser with Ocean Finance Ltd Staffordshire, United Kingdom, though I do have a tight working schedule, I enjoy going for sight seeing and like watching movies. My wife is a teacher at the local high school here in the UK where she teaches biology to a range of children.

    In her spare time she enjoys painting. We have two energetic and delightful children, Sarah and Jasmine aged 4 and 3 years respectively, and we do not require much babysitting in the evening, which means that you are a lot free at this period. we would like an au pair who will fit in with our lifestyle and enjoy their time with us. You have a tastefully furnished live-in accommodation with a Private Bed Room, Sitting Room and Sit Out. Fixed Land Line, Internet Ready Computer

    If you agree to take the position you shall be paid 390 British pounds at the end of every week, or its monthly equivalent should you want to receive your wages monthly. We will also pay 150 pounds for your health insurance. We know the amount sounds very high but my wife and I had to agree with a good price to enable optimum performance from you, we love our children and would like the best for them. To this effect your residence shall be comfortably furnished room at our home. We are comfortable here, however we cannot work effectively and take care of our kids hence our solicitation to you to come and nanny for us.

    We will be responsible for your flight ticket to UK and we will help you to get an extra job so you can make for your spare time. I do hope you consider a position with us and you would not regret it. Feel very free to ask question when ever you feel like, as we would like to treat just as a close relation of ours.

    Have a splendid day as you work towards building your career with us.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Carl/Franca Anderson.

    [email removed]

    carl anderson 10 Jul 2008, 09:15 - Verstoß melden
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