I am moving to Dusserdolf! :-D
Ciao to all of you dear friend couch surfers!
I am Giannicola Fazia, an Italian 23 years old student who is coming to work in Dusserdolf for Henkel.
I will start working the 15th of February until the 15th of August.
I am currently looking for a single room in Dusserdolf and I was wondering if any of you can give me any useful suggestions.
Thank you very much in advance,
Have a nice day,
18 Янв 2008, 06:16 Giannicola Fazia
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new amazing girls :o))
<a href=http://www.pictaboo.com/cgi-bin/s.cgi?1192306150104.jpg><img>http://www.pictaboo.com/f/1192306150104prev.png</img></a>
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tusJuisamoorsleka 06 Апр 2008, 12:22 - Report
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