germany sucks
it is over, Germany is full with nazis, and the east germany sucks.
It is ugly (not all), dirty and the ppl always sad... (not everybody but a 95% YESSSS)
i cant understand them, why can´t they enjoy the life???
Sorry but germany sucks.11 Мар 2007, 02:10 new york man
Tony F.
Finally! Someone on this post who knows how to spell and properly outline his displeasure without resorting to crude, intolerant gibberish. Your intelligently written story is quite an unfortunate one in that Germany is indeed beautiful, but does tend to go about the simplest matters in the most complicated way. That said, it's a nice place to visit. Yet, a difficult one in which to live.Diane 27 Окт 2008, 10:49 - Report -
Keine Ahnung
Oh my god, what I'm reading here is simply crap. Didn´t plan some American nazis an assassination onto Barack Obama? The most Germans hates nazis and only a few idiots go to the "NPD". And this party is NOT in the Bundestag!
And don´t say there are so few German names in America. The most of the people with names like Smith or whatever else changed their names after the WW I into the English version! Actually, there lives over 42.800.000 people with an German ancestry in the US. This is the biggest population group! A lot of stars from Hollywood or politicians have a German ancestry or German grandparents: For example Leonardo DiCaprio, Victoria Beckham or Dwight D. Eisenhower!
I really "like" that the German TV uses wrongs - it makes the TV more funnier. Watch the German TV show "Switch Reloaded" at youtube (there are also English subtitles). You will see that Germans can have a great humour with wrongs (I think it´s the country with the most wrongs).
I really agree that the German bureaucracy is very difficult an stupid.Hallo 05 Ноя 2008, 10:08 - Report -
@ Diane
Thank you for your kind words regarding my post. And man are you right. There's a lot of beauty here but also a sea of beauracracy so vast it seem impossible to navigate and because of my present problems finding work I find it's no longer important to me whether any beauty can be found here or not. With that being said If I can't enjoy myself here I can atleast warn others before they come, about the VERY IMPORTANT differences that exsist between the American and German ways of doing things. I'm starting a new blog over at
eisbeinundcurrywurst dot blogspot dot com/
substitute the word dot for an actual dot ofcourse.
In this blog I'm going to do my best to document all that has happened to me and to explain what a person needs in order to be successful and to avoid the pitfalls that I've fallen into. First and foremost (if possible) know german before you get here and don't be afraid to use the the german you know. No one is going to make fun of you or you're accent. (Atleast not to your face that is.) I hope to see you guys over at my new blog. Thanks in advance for any who take the time to read what I have to say.Tony F. 06 Ноя 2008, 09:52 - Report -
OK u think germany sucks ? haha cheap knock offs hm ?
where are you guys from America ? you patriotic sellfish bastards you guys are not better than hitler himself.
All right UConn, the moment you have been waiting for since last Wednesday has finally arrived - the top five reasons why America sucks.
Though we all say, "sucks," many do not know its actual meaning. Remember that we are using the official definition for sucks: "to be disgustingly disagreeable or offensive."
As a recap, let's go over reasons 10 through six from last week. At No. 10 is tipping. No. 9 is that Americans are cocky and arrogant. Our lack of a proper presidential candidate fills the No. 8 spot. No. 7 is that there are too many rural people that are overrepresented and No. 6 is that Americans work too hard and do not know how to relax. Now, let's continue the fun.
No. 5: America has good prices for nearly everything, but goods and services are usually of low quality. Think of the great number Americans who receive a free "cell phone" for signing up for a mobile plan. But, then the "phone" doesn't receive service everywhere it is supposed to or you drop the thing once and it doesn't work anymore. Is it really a cell phone then? No, it's just a piece of junk from Korea that's an illusion of a cell phone. But hey, at least you got it for free.
Europe may be expensive, but most goods and services are of much better quality. Garbage Kyocera "cell phones" from Korea can't penetrate European markets because the people demand and expect quality. Even McDonald's tastes better in Holland. And in most cases, the Dutch cashiers speak better English! Now that fact, which I have found from my own experiences, proves how America can be "disgustingly disagreeable or offensive," and therefore sucks.
The No. 4 reason why America sucks is that the United States is environmentally unfriendly. The rest of the rich world looks toward the future with the Kyoto treaty and gasoline taxes to become more sustainable. However, President George W. Bush, along with most Americans, refuses to change. Everyone is terrified of having to pay more for energy and gasoline. I could continue, but most people know about this problem, including how it results in America's addiction to foreign oil.
As the list heats up we get to No. 3 - in the United States, sex is unmentionable and any amount of nudity is taboo. We all remember the Janet Jackson ordeal at last year's Super Bowl. Our fanatical attitude toward sex and nudity is precisely why she did it. She knew it would get her a lot of publicity. I'm not saying we should all be able to walk around naked, but come on, we've all seen a naked breast before. It's no big deal.
Continuing on the subject of sex, the fact that children need sexual education classes in fourth grade proves that sex is unmentionable in America for most people. Even parents cannot mention anything about the subject and need the school to teach their kids about the birds and the bees instead. It's quite offensive.
Let me tell you a story about the urinal that changed my life. It helped me further realize America's disagreeable attitude toward sex. Walking the crowded streets of Holland during Carnival two weeks ago, I came across a four-sided urinal in the middle of the street. Guys could just walk up, pee in one of the quadrants and just walk on. It was an efficient, beautiful thing that would never be allowed in the United States.
Much of America's attitude toward sex is due to No. 2 - America is too religious and is controlled by the rabid, Evangelical Christians of the south. Everyone knows this fact from the last election, so let me point out some examples of how Europe is much different on the matter of religion.
Though Europe is scattered with thousands of huge churches and other religious icons, it is a very secular region. Europeans know that religion has caused nothing but problems in the past, so they have found other uses for their beautiful churches.
The cathedrals of Italy and other parts of Europe are huge tourist attractions. In Cuijk, Holland where my family lives, the local hooligans, my cousin and I use the church stoop as a spot to hang out, drink beer and partake in other more elicit activities because it is conveniently located next to our favorite pub. It also has a nice nook for concealing yourself while urinating.
In the city of Utrecht, where I am currently staying, one of the cathedrals was turned into an apartment building! Maybe doing the same on the UConn campus could help alleviate the housing shortage. Oh wait, never mind, that would never happen in the United States because spending money on more churches takes priority.
And finally, drum roll please. The No. 1 reason why America sucks - the most disgustingly disagreeable and offensive feature to the American way of life - is that the drinking age is 21.
This stupid law rips the social fabric of our nation into halves. On one side are those who are 21 along with those who are willing to risk using a fake ID. On the other side of the divide are the majority of college students who are under 21. At UConn, this group of students is forced, yes, forced, to risk their lives by walking down dark roads or trails to get a drink at a party.
In Europe, a drink at the pub follows nearly every college event or club meeting because the drinking age is only 16. Three days of orientation activities at the university is boring, right? Not when everyday ends with a relaxing drink and a chance to get to know your fellow students. Think how much of a better orientation UConn could have if a little drinking were allowed at the end of the day.
I'm not saying the drinking age should be 16. The age of 18 is more reasonable in America so nearly all college students can go to the pub, thus dissipating the social divide.
Well folks, that's the end of the list. I hope you all, like me, have thought about how we can make America a better place by first learning how it sucks.HAHA ! 07 Ноя 2008, 04:23 - Report -
I have something to say
I think that the American guy from New York who started this threat was of Jewish origin so I do understand that he´s so resentful of Germany and Germans in general, but I still think his assertions about Germany are strongly biased.
On the other hand people who criticize America in this forum are usually Germans from East Germany (former Soviet block) and "Germans of muslim faith" i.e. migrants from the middle east and Asia. These people are usually very poorly educated and they basically blame the US for all the wrongdoings in the world.
I really feel that contrary to most that has been written here, most Germans do love and respect America and Americans more than they do France or Britain for example.
Thank you.Jeff 07 Ноя 2008, 04:48 - Report -
I must agree. Often Europeans think that Americans must be very stupid, but this guys are partly stupid themselves. In every country are idiots! And you´re right: Some Germans don´t like Englishmen. This are showing the soccer matches Germany vs. England.
Excuse me for my bad English, I´m German and want to learn English better.Hallo 07 Ноя 2008, 05:23 - Report -
not Germany germans
germany is nice but germans are ugly
Je ne sais pas Sümük 09 Ноя 2008, 04:10 - Report -
Germany is the worsest country ever
I life in Germany and I really have to say, this country sucks so mutch. It bored me.
Lara 09 Ноя 2008, 07:38 - Report -
During the attacks on nine eleven at least 3.015 people including the attackers were killed. Most of the rich victims'families reveived financial compensation afterwards.
Between 2005 and now an estimated number of at least 3273 civilians have been reported dead in the war on Afghanistan. At least another 3240 civilians haven been killed in the war on Iraq. Few of the victims ever received financial compensation.
In the meantime the war on terror turns out to be a great stimulus to the American industry. Did it provide any other results so far?
God bless America or God damn America?Jeremiah Wright 10 Ноя 2008, 02:24 - Report -
No wait, I´m wrong more than 150000 Civilian Deaths Estimated in IRAQ!!!!!!
God bless or God damn America????Me again! 10 Ноя 2008, 02:33 - Report -
@ Tony F.
Describe your problems here or in your blog and I am sure, many people here will help you.
J. S. 10 Ноя 2008, 12:14 - Report -
LISA 10 Ноя 2008, 07:54 - Report -
It sucks big time
Ive been here for 8 years in West Germany. They are left wing nazis ,miserable, rude, psychotic and generally assholes. And Iam HAlF GERMAN.
DA 11 Ноя 2008, 12:35 - Report -
West Germany is another world ! ..
they have just too many complexes.. but Germany is not just West ..and the other part of germany is really (exepting Pfalz) totally different and open mind !. 11 Ноя 2008, 09:58 - Report -
I'm a German
hello i love america!
i wanna live there when i grow up i'm 14
i hate f***ing racist people here
not all are racist but some i am against racism
i'm max 14 from germany..Max 11 Ноя 2008, 08:16 - Report -
you are so right on the bullet. if i stay in Germany one more year, i will probably shoot myself in the head or something, if this country itself has not killed me yet! this country drains the living life out of me!!!
SFgal 11 Ноя 2008, 11:11 - Report -
I hate Germany!
Germany sucks monkey balls!
People 14 Ноя 2008, 03:06 - Report -
Germany Tops Global Popularity Poll,2144,3234639,00.html
so it is 15 Ноя 2008, 09:20 - Report -
im sorry
but i think,that this place sucks...its true they have a great economy,bussines,industry,etc,etc.but when it comes about people,they are cold,pesimistic,unfriendly,but like i said,it is his culture and country,the weather awfull.if you dont like it (like i do)its better you just go away soon,its just depressing.........
w 15 Ноя 2008, 10:27 - Report -
I hate germany too too too too too much
i hate germany too much, its very ugly and the
germanian people hate anyone not white, my skin is bronze and i lived in many countries around the world, just in germany they called (you are
f***en black guy),so that led me hates any thing
its name germany.
i don't know why they think they are the best
people around the world, i didn't find any thing special or difference in germany just the racismlong guy 16 Ноя 2008, 03:31 - Report -
@ all foreigners
Germany is a free land and the germans live in freedom. No foreigner is forced to live here.
Go home if you don´t like germany.Land der Dichter und Denker 16 Ноя 2008, 01:07 - Report -
another opinion
i live in Germany.. because of personal reasons.. i like Germany.. but i think that most of the german people do not have idea what difficult is to live in Germany as Foreing.. you (German) think that all your "Landsleute" are nice to us, it is not like that.. most of the people in Germany could not realize that another people come just here to realize themselves .. we are willing to adapt our selves to the society.. but the constat rejecting actitud from the German are not too helpully...
When you German are in another countries are most of the times welcome and the people try to be nice to you, why could you not to try to be like that?.. you are some times too "eingebildet" (not all the people, but most of you)?. 16 Ноя 2008, 04:39 - Report -
A positive view from Tampa, Florida-- Taking a bi-partisan approach
Seeing some of the negativity here by some of the commentators, I'll give a positive point of view from an US-American from Florida. First of all, pride goes before a fall. I'm not proud of my country. That doesn't mean I appreciate it. The United States is a very unique place on earth, just like Germany. People should be able to respect other's cultures and they way they live life. Germany is full of hard working, intellegent people just like the United States. I can't say that our country is as free as we all put it to be. There's plenty of discrimination. I like Germany, just like the US. I don't go bragging around that the US is better than this country or that country. The bigotry has to stop sometime. No wonder why the US has lost its place in the world. Fighting a war for no clear reason, bailing out corporations that don't give a shit what people think about them when they go to a RESORT in CALIFORNIA. I don't mean to sound un-American, or un-Patriotic, but this is serious, and it doesnt hurt to look at our mistakes and learn from them. Because obviously, thats why we're in this mess. We never looked back to see what went wrong, so we've gone through this again. When I see all these ugly remarks about foreigners in general, it makes me feel embarrassed that these people could be my neighbours. I know how the Germans feel, I can understand that they don't like us. I read this title, and for a start, are you that ignorant to know that the Nazi Party is gone? Also, may I give a bit of advice. Have you even been to east Germany? If you have then its ok to give your expressed opinion, but to say it when you haven't even been there is another. Americans are great people, so are Britons, so are Japanese, so are the Dutch, and the Germans, they are people just like us. All said and done, we're all the same, we've just grown up in different environments and cultures.
Isaac Grove 19 Ноя 2008, 08:39 - Report -
Germany !! SUKS!!
FUK German
FUK German 20 Ноя 2008, 09:55 - Report -
i love it. it makes me proud you hate us germans. we have many enemys. you know why. we are the kings in europe, we!
not you!!!!!!!
no one beat germany allone, you need this f***ing planet too beat germans in any war.
that mekes me proud.
the most of the worlds technik today comming from germany: mp3's , flat screens, rockets and all that. and thats makes me proud.
i love it.Germans 21 Ноя 2008, 03:28 - Report -
ohne germania - steinzeit
ihr ficker.
thanks to us germans that you can writhe this shit about us. we make your f***ing pc we make your f***ing "american" culture. look in books and you see. a german makes the brooklyn bridge a german (nazi) make that you fly to mars.
your f***ung flat screen is a german produkt. and frank sinatras songs are made in germany.
this list can go longer and longer..
many "american" politics in back time are germans. some of your presidends are germans.
and who build america? the most was germans. you dont belive?
look books.
and who drop the first and only atom bomb over poeple?
ihr scheiß ammis.
we need a new war. only germany vs america.
no fear ,never back.
ich hasse eure arogante scheiß art.
jeder ami der ein pfurz lässt ist sofort ein held.
your land stop livin when you lost 2 towers
and this you call strong?
pussysa east german 21 Ноя 2008, 05:32 - Report -
Dear 'a east german'
An absoloutly charming and educated post.... written clearly, by a lyrical genius....yeah right!
I am a a qualified English teacher living in Leipzig (former Öst) I would strongly suggest you learn a little of the language you wish to insult in if you are going to give it ago....and interestingly your grammar auf Deatsche is not great either......
You fit very neatly into the negative German stereo type......congratulations.........interesting post, what does that leave me thinking.....a very bad example of a defense be honest, really a pathetic it again when you are sober and then decide if you would post such and idiotic message......
After reading or at least trying to make sence of that speech or drunken babble.....or what ever it was.......
I don't think that all the anti Germany negativity is correct either....I have lived in Leipzig for 2 years, and some of the comments are fair.......Germany is a very difficult place for 'auslanders' to settle.
As with every country, Germany has a great deal to be proud of, sadly mentioning flat screen televisions and so on itsnt really supporting this point.....but thanks anyway......If it was'nt for socks and sandles........ 21 Ноя 2008, 02:44 - Report -
Germany the great nation
f*** germans and germany. it's people are dour and unfriendly, rude as hell and totally colorless.
i hear a lot of germans crying about how bad the united states is and how we are all fat and overweight. if that is the case i don't see why they watch our movies, shop our brands and try to imitate us in every way they can? they talk about mcdonalds, but mickey dee's sees great business wherever they are set up in germany? and most of the patrons are locals. now maybe they will blame mcdonalds for all the equally overweight people they have going around in their country.
you germans need to face it. the world can hate the united states all it wants, but we arethe lone superpower and you guys don't even compare. we are the top dogs on the block and you are just the snotnosed pencil dicked wannabes behind the garbage pile that are too afraid to do anything about it. so all you do is bitch and moan in your respective shitholes.
we may not have a lot of history or tradition. and we may not be classy and old fashioned and gentelmanly. but the fact is that we whooped your sorry asses twice and will whoop it again if necessary. all the idiots that talk about us being a failed country and destined to fall are the same idiots that have nothing constructive to offer to the country, rather than taking up couch space and snacing on cream pies, while feeling sorry for their worthless lot in life.
this current economic crisis will pass just like everything else, and when it does these same people will be falling all over themselves to realign themselves with the united states and wax eloquent with their patriotic bullshit. americans like that are better off moving out. go suck off some eurotrash.
we are what we are. we don't have to apologise to anyone or explain ourselves to anyone. the dollar is still the reserve currency of the world. and the world economy is tied in to our economy. if we fail, you fail too. you alraedy see that happening stop hating cuz u know u need us. thats where all that anti american garbage comes from. knowing that they can't make do without us.
you may not agree with our foreign policy, but you don't have to. no one asked you to begin with.
i am a young, aggressive, roguish, pussy chasing infantryman. i don't believe in asking "may i" or offering the other cheek when someone is rude to me. i believe in f***ing the f***ing f***er before he f***ing f***s you.i was in germany recently with a few friends on mid term leave from iraq. we go into this bar in this small german town and are minding our business when some young punks take a fancy to us cuz they hear us using english. they thought we were the typical americans you find in europe. the ones that will apologise for the way their country is and allow themselves to be insulted. well they werent that lucky. after we mashed them into paste, we proceeded to tear the whole bar apart and cleaned house. we got into a lil trouble and the mp's had to pick us up, but mostly they were proud that we kicked ass.the moral of the story being, it doesn't really matter how the people are. if you wanna go have fun there, do so, like you own the place. and if anyone gets in your way, just destroy the cockbreaths.
that's a part of america that the europeans dont see very often. i wish they would. that would teach em to keep their pieholes shut.we have a military presence in germany for a reason. cuz they couldnt do diddly squat if the russians attacked. they suck at war as history has so often shown. so they need us to protect them in their own country. that is another reason they hate us.
but you know what? you can hate us all you want. but you are nothing but an impotent twerp holing his limp dick in his hand and crying mommy.
i am proud to be american and i know we are the greatest nation in the world. and the greatest military power ever assembled. if you have any doubts, try to take us on.
or walk to the nearest us base with your biggest baddest skinhead buddies and say u wanna have some rough and tumble fun. if you survive through that, i'll take you germans seriously. till then go eat shit.Vinny Fletcher 23 Ноя 2008, 01:48 - Report -
For you
yes your musik is good and your films. but your lifestyle is the last shit..usa.
Ey jo 24 Ноя 2008, 03:19 - Report -
too vinny fletcher
you are the super power? where? you dont beat vietnam , your dont beat iraq, your never win a war. thats super power?
super bullshit 24 Ноя 2008, 03:22 - Report -
the world hate usa
for the bombs, the wars, , the slaves, arogance
somebody 24 Ноя 2008, 03:26 - Report -
vinny fletcher
i am a german and i hit many american soldiers. i never see a viktory american wen it comes too trouble. and no german want american soldiers. american tourists are welcome, but no soldiers. the war is over. why you here? we dont need help. you need help in you wars all over the world. you need help from europa. you must lucky you have europe on your side.
A. 24 Ноя 2008, 03:38 - Report -
know that i shouldnt but cant help to complain
K . i ve been living in berlin for couple of months now, all i see is dull unfriendly people who refuse to sepak english with me, i mean i understand this is not an english speaking country, but this doesnt give them the right to be rude to non german speakers.
monkey no.1 26 Ноя 2008, 08:54 - Report -
Germans lost every war they have fought in the last century
sure a. that is why your women love the dark cock and cant wait to some on some dark, thick american meat. go play with yourself you worthless nazi fag.
about us losing the war. think about it. if we wanted to, we could flatten the whole country tomorrow, and be home in a week. it is only beeding heart assholes like you, crying about everything we do that makes us stay over there longer.
f*** nukes. if we kicked all the reporters out of there, told the cake eating civilians back home to shut the f*** up and then went to war like we know how to against the insurgents, they would be done within a week. even now they are running scared, and can only attack fellow iraqi civilians or soft supplu units that have no combat training.
every time they engage the infantry they die in large numbers. and everytime we lose one of our own, we hunt down the entire cell responsible for it and destroy em. of course you candy asses would know nothing about that cuz we dont take the media with us. the media sits in the fortified green zone in baghdad and reports us casualty figures and how we are such bad guys
to tell you the truth we are really bad [people. if i was a nice guys i would be a cahrity worker or a peace corps volunteer. fortunately i am not.and if the bad guys wanna use the civilian popilation as cover to engage us, and the civilians want to help em out, then they are just as guilty. so don't cry mommy when they get whacked too along with the bad guys.
so think what you will about the war. the military over there could care 2 shits about what some sorry assed civilians back home think. we have a job to do and we do it well. we also dont care that you recieve skewed coverage about the war from the media that is supposed to be reportiing fair and unbiased news. that is your cry all u want. people die in war. at the end of the day every soldier out there knows, that we have killed a few hundred of their bad guys for every soldier we have lost and that none of the us deaths have been in vain.lst i checked, war is all about killing more of the bad guys than he can kill of yours. so we are doing a great job there. now when they stop running out of bad guys to fight us, we will come back home.
so f*** off all you sorry ass, pantywaisted, anti war civilian and eurotrash types. cuz we don't care.Vinny Fletcher 26 Ноя 2008, 09:28 - Report -
This is for A as in Asshole
a just to explain a few cardinal truths to you. first of all the war ended when germany lost the war for a second why have we been in germany since then???
to save your sorry nazi asses from the russians. if not for our military presence in germany you would be speaking russian 50 years still need us there, beacuse we still subsidise the defense of europe. about time youi learnt to fight your own battles.
as for us needing you. surely you must jest. why would a country that has whopped your ass twice in 2 major wars and then saved you from getting ran over by the russians, need any help from you?
your nato is a f***ing joke. if we pulled out of nato, it would be like the limp dick that so many of you germans sport. a toothless paper tiger. so save your bullshit for when u are at some gay club with your fellow skinhead lovers and you run out of sweet nothings to mutter in his ear as you are about give him a money shot.
the whole world knows the truth about you germans.we dont need your permission to do anything. we do as we see fit. and if you don't like our lifestyle, dont come to america. no one is asking you to adopt our lifestyle.even though anywhere in germany ones goes, all u see is imitations of american life. sorry bastards.Vinny Fletcher 26 Ноя 2008, 09:44 - Report -
History 101 Super Bullshit
Never won a war??? Last time I checked Super Bullshit, we beat you germans twice in 2 world wars.
Also when u win every battle in a war,but lose cuz the sorry spineless cowards at home wanna cry about everything, it is not called losing a war. It is called having cowards for countrymen, that would rather cry for the enemy and go to canada to dodge the draft, than man up and do what so many americans did without complaining and died doing. That is what happened in Vietnam. We soundly trashed the enemy but lost on the political front cuz of the cowards back home. The guys doing the actual fighting know who won. Since when does opinions of people who were to yellow bellied to step into the arena count?
The way I recall it, the French lost most of the BATTLES and the WAR in Vietnam. Now that is called losing.
Sometimes you have to be able to look at facts and come to your own decision, instead of toeing the popular idiot line, just because that is what everyone else does. I honestly don't expect that from you Super. You name definitely fits. Cuz that's all you are. A big ball of uninformed, uneducated, prejudiced BULLSHIT.Vinny Fletcher 26 Ноя 2008, 10:02 - Report -
Too many WW2 insults, not enough knowledge
All these remarks about the Second World War show people's ignorance about history. The German military was the finest in the world in the 1940s. As an American and historian, I have the greatest respect for the German soldiers of World War II. They were disciplined, well trained and possessed unmatched esprit de corps. In essence, they were professional soldiers. To have accomplished what it did with meager resources was fantastic. With horses for the most part because the German army was that mechanized in 1941, they made it to gates of Moscow, conquered France in 6 weeks and threw the British out of Greece.
The problem with the German military wasn't the soldiers or the was Hitler. It was Hitler that wasted a generation of young German men in the snows of Russia with a ridiculous "fight to the last man" order. It was Hitler's fault that the 6th Army was trapped at Stalingrad and didn't attempt a breakout. It was Hitler that spread the German army out to thin with three prong attack on Russia. It was Hitler that held the tanks from capturing the British army at Dunkirk. Hitler made one mistake after another no matter what his generals advised him. Without Hitler, World War II would have never happened....but if it did, the outcome might have much different.
In truth, it was the Russians that beat Germany, not England or America. 4 out of 5 Germans that were killed in battle died on the Eastern Front. Now I admit America furnished a good deal of aid to Russia, but that wasn't the turning point. Hitler had adopted a foolish policy to treat Ukrainians and other Slavic people as slaves; so these Slavs, who hated Stalin, united behind the Communists in order to escape being slaves. That was the turning point. The Wehrmacht had warned him against that stupid plan.
To be honest, if Russia is taken out of the war, Germany would have won. Neither the USA nor the UK could have landed at Normandy. The war in North Africa could have been pursued and the Germans would have captured the much needed oil of the Middle East. A sort of cold war would have come about between the West and Germany.
Why have I told you all this? I see Americans boasting about beating Germany and I see Germans apologizing for the war. In the case of the Germans, I think the present generation should be proud of its grandfathers and great grandfathers who endured a living hell to fight for their country. Remember this, most German soldiers weren't fighting for Nazism, they were fighting for their wives, mothers, families and their nation. That is something that Americans should respect. The United States is very proud of her military achievements, then both Germans and Americans should respect one another.
During the long Cold war (1945-1990), American military commanders in Western Europe were glad that they had the West German army beside them.
So, really, don't talk about World War II until you study it in depth.Jin Heckman 27 Ноя 2008, 08:18 - Report -
german is for school it sock and f*** it
josh 27 Ноя 2008, 09:28 - Report -
Yeah, sad but true
Indeed Germany sucks, its basically made up of ugly people filled to the brim with prejudices. Its so easy to find rude, ignorant people. On the other hand try to find truly friendly people..., they siriously doubt that other European countries are by far more relaxed and plain simple friendlier. Thats because they are so full of themselves that they actually believe that their country is the best in the world and not to forget, they are always right. So dont bother trying to tell them that there are alternatives...because...there cant be anything better than Germany. You might as well talk to a brick wall.
And I was even born here and speak the language fluently, my parents are both also Germans...who, since about 15 years dont live in Germany any more and arent so keen on going back either, no one really is, once settled in a different country...its just that, one cant really get along with them for a longer period of time, they are always looking for a way to be pissed off at something or to be right about something...
Now dont get me wrong, other countries also have problems and unpleasant people and Germany isnt the worst in the world, but still:
kein schöner LandAngeekelt 27 Ноя 2008, 10:27 - Report -
Right now I am living in Germany, and I used to live in the US. Well, in my opinion, Germany sucks BIG TIME!! I hate here soooooooooo much. Can not wait to get out of here! I am not an American, but I loved the life over there, I thought the life in Germany would be the same like in the US, but I was wrong! People are racist, rude, and so negative! Make you depress. I HATE GERMANY!
zeus 28 Ноя 2008, 09:08 - Report -
Germany sucks- I totally agree
I have been living here for now over 5 years and due to my work i have been travelling all over Germany. I don´t like this country and its people.... they are racist, have no table manners and they are always feeling ill at ease. Just look around in hotels or offices. There is NO foreigner working at the reception of a hotel- no foreigner at bank counters.No black guy working at any cashiers, not even in a supermarket.... and if this is not a racial discrimination... so tell me how I am suppose to register that??
Table manners !!! they are holding their cutlery as if it will evade their hands!! They grab them like digging tools..... and watch out while eating inside or outside a restaurant... no matter where you are,all Germans are staring at your plate when they are walking by....
Small talk... its a joke! it is more a matter of questions/answers like where do you come from? and then "did you leave your country to be here? and finally when is the best time to go there.... then the conversation dies boringly as it has started....
Germans on holiday.... let me laugh, they are so sick and weird that even on holiday, they can't relawhat's that? They wake up at 06:00 am to reserve a sunlouncher...if this is not sick.... tell me more. I have too much to say...
Prost Germans.... that´s why you are soooo appreciated iiiiiiiiiiiiOphelie 28 Ноя 2008, 10:58 - Report -
too vinny
yes you win. whit help!!!!!!!!!
16 29 Ноя 2008, 06:32 - Report -
im tired of people who talk crap about other countrys.U people needs to shut up and respect,because nobody is perfect.And you americans are soo full of many and luxury is disgusting!!!!specially because theres a lot of people who doesnt have nothing to eat.selfish people!!I specially hate those idiots who likes to make fun of third world countrys!The last will be the first!!you will see people,you will see!!
maria 29 Ноя 2008, 06:54 - Report -
Why are some foreigners not welcome in germany?
Read the german newspaper and the german police reports about foreign crimes and you know why SOME foreigners are not welcome.
Foreigner, what have you done against the criminal activities of your brothers and sisters? mich am A.... 30 Ноя 2008, 12:08 - Report -
Poor Germans!
The whole world hates you,but you still didn't realize it.I've been to many other cities than the german ones(Examples:Rome,Barcelona,Istanbul,Athens)and all of them were far better (and cooler)than Germany.
London calling 30 Ноя 2008, 09:24 - Report -
And you....
....f***ing guy over there ("leckt mich am a...." is a good name for you by the way).put your police reports right into your ass.every single foreigner is more worth than you little hitlers!leckt mich am mein britisch arsch!f***ing c***!
London calling 30 Ноя 2008, 09:34 - Report -
Nazi past?
In Germany they arrest you for listening to aircraft (or police/fire) radio ... not here in America. I guess the Germans haven't given up their Nazi past
Freedom 30 Ноя 2008, 11:39 - Report -
Hi to all Americans!
Exactly!Germans are still Nazis.My parents emmigrated from Turkey in the early 70ies.Both of them went to University here in Germany.My family is not religios,so I grew up like my german friends.All of my family-members drink alcohol,eat pork...and so on.My parents would never mind,if I marry a german man or have a german boyfriend.My sister is a doctor,my brother studied business administration.I speak fluently german (better than a lot of people with german parents do),I also went to University here,I am 100% integrated into the society,but....guess what??I still don't feel very comfortable here.In April I was in New York and I felt great there.You Americans are much more polite and nice than german people are.By the way,you are welcomed to visit Turkey.Especially Istanbul is a great town,like another user in this thread already mentioned.And always remember:Turkey is one of your closest allies since a long,long time (it has the second largest NATO-Army).
turkish girl 01 Дек 2008, 12:17 - Report -
Let me add this:
I will leave Germany in June 2009!That's all I have to say,folks!I'm going to bed now.
turkish girl 01 Дек 2008, 12:25 - Report -
total bollox
listen you one is interested in who fought in a war! why? cos it is slaves going to be slaughtered for their masters.
this in fact is the problem here, we are still dealing with a country who painted all non germans as "other," inferior beings and this bollox is still being played out today by germans in their pseudo "superior" cultural way.
i ve lived in this country and many others, and honestly i hate it here most of the time. i miss joie de vivre, total irrelevance and just a honking good time for no other reason.
the germans are not self thinkers, none of them can, they need a script from their masters who tell them what to say through education and culture.
fact is it is a new country,only since 1870´s has it been one, and boy has it f***ed a lot of people over since then.
living here is difficult, i am blonde, attractive and look nordic, these racists think i m russian or eastern european before they speak to me and are quite surprised (they, ugly as they are call us english "monkey islanders"
by the way, forget about democracy here peeps, it´s all for the old germans. i was kicked in the head by a mental nazi c***, (unprovoked for no reason) and when the police came they did nt arrest the german perpertrator, in fact, my boyfriend is morrocan and the nazi pig c***s threated to arrest my boyfriend!...going to court over this soon..
there are 8o million plus here, they are not all bad, in fact the best thing that ever happened to them is immigrants, it´s like decorating an empty room..
it is really hard living here, if you come here cos you hate your country then maybe you ll like it, but if you re intelligent (yes, wankers you can be intelligent and not give a f*** about spelling, c est moi)and discerning the unfairness of the german people can grate...
there is no such thing as utopia, but these idiots think that this f***ed up (as helmut schmid said "all germans deep down are xenophobic"slave, passive non thinkers think this is eden!
La Verita 01 Дек 2008, 12:42 - Report
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