Rent an apartment in Valencia?
Hello, I bought an apartment 2 years ago in Valencia capital, Spain. As I only get there a couple of weeks per year, I would like to know if you if you heard about any english-speaking rental agency able to look after my apartment and let it for me?
Many thanks for your answer,
Suzanna16 jul 2005, 07:55 Anonymous
Apartment in Valencia
Hello Suzanna,
I cannot help you with an agent, but I am looking to rent an apartment for my boyfriend and I in Valencia for the month of August, as I am learning Spanish and he is working freelance. If you are interested email: [email removed]
NarelleAnonymous 23 jul 2005, 03:22 - Rapporteer misbruik -
your apartment rentals in Valencia city
Hello !
Our website is the leading apartment rentals provider in Valencia. We are quickly expanding and are always looking for new property owners to increase our existing portfolio and to provide a wider choice to our clients.
We are focused on quality service both on the customer and owner sides. We have flexible contracts so you will be able to define when exactly you want to rent it. I hope we can help you.
Please contact us at [email removed] or by phone (Pilar) at +34 627276988
FredAnonymous 24 jul 2005, 02:18 - Rapporteer misbruik -
I can't help you with an agent either, and I don't know whether or not you contacted Narelle, but I will be attending school at the Politecnica in Valencia from September through June. I arrive September 6. I need an apartment for the entire time that I will be there, and I am interested in yours. If you still need someone to rent your apartment, let me know at [email removed].
GiacomoAnonymous 04 aug 2005, 11:17 - Rapporteer misbruik -
about your offer
if you want to rent your flat you can send me emailto [email removed]
Anonymous 26 aug 2005, 07:41 - Rapporteer misbruik -
the same for me
i arrive in valence the 6th of septembrer and i look for an appartemnet so if you can give m e more details i'm really interested
--> [email removed]
psi'm french)
Anonymous 28 aug 2005, 11:30 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Hi I am a 27 year old Italian student who just graduated from University in U.S. I am moving to Valencia and need a place to stay. I don't mind sharing with others. Please let me know if you can help and how much it would cost to rent your appartment.
my email address is:
[email removed]Anonymous 31 aug 2005, 11:07 - Rapporteer misbruik