germany sucks
it is over, Germany is full with nazis, and the east germany sucks.
It is ugly (not all), dirty and the ppl always sad... (not everybody but a 95% YESSSS)
i cant understand them, why can´t they enjoy the life???
Sorry but germany sucks.11 mrt 2007, 02:10 new york man
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Business: Online Marketing / SEO February 25, 2009
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W119 CITISPACE WEST UKjon 23 mei 2009, 09:31 - Rapporteer misbruik -
u no good germnary
um u no good
no make fun of Germnary
nasi dont live anymore today
amazing kimchi
come to koreayeuchi kim 25 mei 2009, 02:57 - Rapporteer misbruik -
re: u no good germnary
hello ^_^
I form Korea to but not norht, they're are dictators @_@ i no follow Kim Jung IL bekaurse he he is a Communist. I agree with Yeuchi- no make fun Germnary goood place, Hitler nice man he klean land form jewrs, he invent UBOT and Many other things.Gyeongju Kim 25 mei 2009, 03:31 - Rapporteer misbruik -
oh my god !
what kind of people write here..i was just looking for some info. about Germany but this foro is patetic..
And you Korean how could you talk about "cleaning" or ("Klean how you wrote) if that were real you were not able to be in Germany ..!
usa people are such a ignorant group of people.... 25 mei 2009, 06:45 - Rapporteer misbruik -
My trip was horrible
I went to Germany with an open mind thinking all that I heard about the people of Germany were stereotypes. I met many friendly and kind people, no doubt, so I would not want to tarnish the name of German folk, especially since in every country you have good and bad apples. However, I will never go back. I was traveling with children and in a rush to catch the train back to Litchenstein and thus, forgot to get our ticket for the metro. I thought, it was possible to pay a premium once on the train, as we do in the States if you do not have time to get your ticket. Well, I was mistaken. It was a huge hurrah. "40 euros" screamed a gentlemen. Who manhandled me all the way to the cash machine until I paid him. I was uncertain of the procedure and a bit scared, and as I tried to explain to him that I would just like to go to the ticket office to pay my premium, he screamed at my children and I. I was shaking and terrified and never in my life treated this way, all for a forgotten train ticket. I understand that this could be an isolated case, however, because of my experience and treatment, I will never spend money or visit that country again. It was too traumatizing over a mistake and small infraction.
Neveragain 25 mei 2009, 09:09 - Rapporteer misbruik -
What the hell is wrong with you peepol?!? A am a korean living in Aremica, and it disgust me to see how racist people here. Korea is not bad and why cant we all just have pease?
Yeuchi, how old you are? I show you good time and you pay kimchi, yes? Parents say I bad girl, but you know girls just wanna have fun -,^Kandee Lee 26 mei 2009, 01:26 - Rapporteer misbruik -
re: my trip was horrible
omg wtf well i am assuming that you are american...and i kinda have to say that you deserved everything that happened to you. haven't you ever heard the phrase "when in rome, do as the romans do"? same thing applies to every other country T.T we're not in america where you can just act however you want...if you want a monotonous, culture-depraved experience, then you should just have stayed there. haven't you ever heard of the policy we have on trains and tickets? it's plastered ALL OVER our trains and trainstations O.o it says if you get caught without a ticket (as MANY americans tend to do) then you have to pay a fine of 40 euros. now, are you suggesting that we break our own laws and policies, just so that YOU, someone who broke OUR clearly stated policies, don't have to pay the fine? are you saying that the law shouldn't apply to you?
p.S. you are right that IS an isolated incident. i myself have ridden the train tons of times without a ticket, and when i DID get caught, i paid the fine, BUT i was never screamed at OR manhandled -.-*niQue 26 mei 2009, 01:36 - Rapporteer misbruik -
I'm an American, love my country and proud, and I came here to defend Germany, I lived there for four years, it was pretty and the people were generally nice.
But then I came here and all I could find was Germans hating on America, running their mouth about the same ole typical stereotypes, "Americas fat, Americas dumb"(when statistics prove both those sterotypes incorrect)
The thing is, the "Nazi" German stereotype and the "dumb fat American" stereotypes are both worn out, old, and untrue.
It's time to let it go.
Besides, why are we hating on each other, when France and England(which Both actually DO suck) are still there to harass?God Bless the USA 26 mei 2009, 07:25 - Rapporteer misbruik -
I can tell you all for sure that German Universities are awful.
german hater 27 mei 2009, 11:24 - Rapporteer misbruik -
germany sucks
Germany sure is lousy place, at least the in the east. Its hard to have a positive attitude about a place when, for example, you get off the train and there are skinheads drinking beer and staring at you (in the morning)...or perhaps you go to the gym and the gentleman next to you in the locker room has a tattoo of interlacing swastikas up his entire leg. The universities are terrible as well- So disorganized that sometimes its like studying in a circus.
andy 27 mei 2009, 11:37 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Greetings from Ostwestfalen,where you come from.
native 27 mei 2009, 05:05 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Isn´t it typical of Germans - they can dish it out but they cant take it. They are the best people in the world with the best of everything - the rest of us are inferior compared to them. They may not say it to your face, but they sure will let you feel it if you´re a foreigner. That is, unless they need something or can mooch off of you. That´s just how it is, sorry.
Sorry 28 mei 2009, 11:57 - Rapporteer misbruik -
c,mon you lot!!
I don't think Germans are that bad!!! they have the same social problems as anywhere else!! Skinheads staring at you in the morning??? thats normal in England too!! over 40% of British men don't know what to do with thier hair and therefore, shave it all off.
i've lived in Holland and Germany, and whilst i have absolutley no problem with America, you Yanks pointblank refuse to speak the native language (or even try!!!) even if you fully understand it!! That mind-set is going to get thier backs up. If your in thier country, then try to respect thier customs. Even if you don't speak German, try?? In my experience they will either polietly correct you or start speaking english anyway but respect you for trying.
as for Germany's neo-nazis, we have the national front and the BNP, but no-one takes them seriously. I think the world learned its lesson last time fascism got brave and we all had to sort it!!!pro-europe brit! 30 mei 2009, 01:14 - Rapporteer misbruik -
just dumpish
this comment before is describing the sense of this thread. Just dumpish.
flyin dutch 04 jun 2009, 07:08 - Rapporteer misbruik -
German F*cks.
this comment before has the looks of a German douchbag. No style and no originality.
Germans have nothing to be proud of. They should walk around in shame for everything that they've done to various nations of people. The list of their victims is endless and stretches from Africa (during colonial times) to America (during WWII) and to Europe (pratically the whole continent, including the holocost). Germans have no souls. They are heartless and cruel...a blight on the human race.TRUTH 04 jun 2009, 07:17 - Rapporteer misbruik -
above cannot refute a thing I have said.
The Dutch...another group of useless people.TRUTH 04 jun 2009, 09:06 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Irony of Ironies
Ah, but the Dutch have practiced racism very well indeed, inflicted terribly upon the people in their former colonies, along with their German counterparts, so I find it...ironic to be called a racist by the very people who are the progenitors of the concept. Germany and the Netherlands--two nations riddled with cunts and douchbags. Neo-Nazi riddled subhumans.
TRUTH 04 jun 2009, 09:15 - Rapporteer misbruik -
last comment
"The Dutch...another group of useless people."
and u think u r not a racist? ok. continue livin in ya dreamworld,maaan.
I think u don´t gonna be happy. stay in ya closet and watch ya hitlerposter.flyin dutch 04 jun 2009, 09:29 - Rapporteer misbruik -
idiot above does not address the points I've made.
Above, still is not addressing the points that I presented in my paragraphs. This is because he is AFRAID of the TRUTH, so he chooses to ignore what I've written and instead go off on a tangent.
Also, I suggest you pick up a book and read, you ignorant worm. The last time I check, the Dutch and German were NATIONALITIES. Not RACES. So stop playing the RACE CARD, you dumb cunt. what's the matter with you, were you dropped on your head whilst you were a baby?TRUTH 04 jun 2009, 09:41 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Coward Dutchman
This idiot Dutch picks and chooses what he wants to address, staying away from the most important points that I've made, because they are to dangerous for him to discuss. And he knows they are TRUE.
How about, instead of latching onto useless side comments, why don't you cofront and address the meat of my argument? The evils that were inflicted by Germany onto various countries on this planet? The racism and bigotry practiced by the Dutch on the people in the former colonies? Why don't you address what really counts, you cowardly cunt.TRUTH 04 jun 2009, 09:45 - Rapporteer misbruik -
i agree. Franziska is lame....
Mike 04 jun 2009, 09:59 - Rapporteer misbruik -
why i´ve discuss wiv ya smattering?
its not a card,it´s the truth. confront ya wiv this fact.
and makes no sense to discuss wiv a ignorant RACIST who argue wiv defamations. i enjoyed an education based on moral and ethics where is no place for such a shameful attitude.
Really funny... iam studying slawic history in Cracow and don´t need discuss wiv ya dangerous smattering.
stay dribbling in front of ya poster!flyin dutch 04 jun 2009, 10:02 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Shut up with your racist comments.....truth
@flyindutch.... agree with you. But its useless to talk with such a person.
Rasista da merda! Nao tems argumentes ar quente! Pensa melhor o que falas antes de abrir a boca.....em que mundo e que vives???????Marinho 04 jun 2009, 10:15 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Pathetic...simple just.
Your people are racist and evil. And you attempt to cover it up.That's why you won't discuss what I have pointed out. How typical for your kind, I am hardly suprised.
Also Dutchman, I suspect that you lack the mental capacity to have any sort of complex conversation...aside from your nonsensical blurts crying racism and your illegible writing, and poor syntax and grammar, you have no valid point, no argument. I doubt your small brain can form one, even if your life depended on it. You have been given ample opportunity to produce a suitable rebuttal, but you have failed. In every way. I suppose I shouldn't blame you, as losing is in your blood. A characteristic of a nation of weakings and sycophants.TRUTH 04 jun 2009, 10:43 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Where are you from?
@Truth. You´re the acme of racism. You are the argument. And why you speak in this colonial language?
Also, it doesn´t need to read books to know that there were colonies in africa, america, asia, australia within brutal acts. And stop speaking of blood. It smells like a speach of Hitler. tu déconnes! restes dans le placard! Monde n´a pas besoin de ce putain de raciste!!!
richard*richard* 04 jun 2009, 11:35 - Rapporteer misbruik -
makes no sense
@Truth (whatever you are from) Why you want to discuss about the fact of colonies? And what sense makes it about the personality of persons.? While you generalise everything you argue racist. Perhaps you have to read some books about racism.
Sorry for my english!!!Bjôrn 04 jun 2009, 11:57 - Rapporteer misbruik -
French Fried Faggot
Quiet you Frog eating cunt. You're one to talk. Why don't you go run away and hide? It is what you people do best.
Defending the xenophobic behavior of the Germans makes you a Nazi sympathizer. You filthy froggie French. Your women do not clean their bodies and have yet to implement razors for their hairy armpits and minge.TRUTH 05 jun 2009, 12:48 - Rapporteer misbruik -
@BJorn, not only should you be apologetic about your poor language skills, you should also apologize for your pathetic existance. You are an oxygen waster. You Nazi cunt. The fact that you are asking me why I want to discuss colonialism speaks volumes. Only a person with much to hide, and who wants to ignore the atrocities they've inflicted on others would ask such a question. You ugly boring German. A nation of sexual deviants and degenerates. That's all you are!
TRUTH 05 jun 2009, 12:54 - Rapporteer misbruik -
look.this is germany
ANGRY DAVE I love your comment
America is the best
Germany is beautifull, but the people and the laws are just f...d up.tinimini 06 jun 2009, 12:32 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Sorry tinimini
@tinimini: Sorry for my comment before, but some people are really so green, sick,brutal and racist. u know that i didn´t want to judge about the u.s.a and the people there. everybody is an individual. sorry for that!
But a short question.... why u have your problem wiv the german law? u know that the german law was created together with the u.s.a. in 1949? the main difference between the german and the american law is the germanjudiciary works mainly based on legal texts and the american based on precedent.flyindutch 06 jun 2009, 04:30 - Rapporteer misbruik -
angry on germans
Of course new german generation diddn't participated in holocaust and most of the countries own those brutality of history.
But I dislike germany because most of germans seems so racists (not all!!!) , if u looks different than germans u'll feel it directly. Ask blacks , asians or black haired people. Everywhere u'll be controled , your neighbors calling police because you are not german. They treating you as a criminal. They still have that racist laws and now wants dictate that ----ing laws on europe. If you germans wants to be racists then ok , only close your fronts and live overthere without any foreign relations. I dont want europe becames like germany , because lots of people wants to be world citizen!!angry on germans 07 jun 2009, 12:44 - Rapporteer misbruik -
cannnot confirm wiv u
I cannot confirm your opinion. I´m so often in Germany and i noticed a spirit of a big interest in all new and foreign cultures. Yes,...u can also make individual bad experiences. But this u can make in every country. For example I was wiv an afroeuropean fellow student ( german ) in brazil and u.s.a. we had so often problems because of his skincolour. It was so awful. But we know that we don´t have judge about the whole people. Also we have to consider the cultures and the temperament of the natives. In some regions the people are really introverted, some people r very direct, some people r fitted but not honest and some people are extroverted.
I noticed that in all threads here that the people judge about a whole country (equal whether france, germany, uk, nl and...) because of one personal experience. The people have to think about what they do wiv their comment. They judge about other people they don´t know and they use so often superlatives regarding there nation and their ethnic group. This behaviour is nazistic and racist.
So often these comments r written by americans. Please, don´t tell us european how we have to deal wiv the different cultures. You have not the position to judge. Look at europe and the numerous different cultures. we r livin together in peace and we don´t need walls.
Regarding the laws....
please look at the german constitutiontext. Read the first paragraphes and u know that in germany is no possibility for racist laws. also there is a seperation of all powers which contol each other.
Please act wiv respect and lern!flyindutch 07 jun 2009, 01:58 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Not true, germany is a great place!
Thats not true, i am german love all the other countries (except France, french people with their "baguettes" sucks a bit"
! I thought all the americans are great people without prejudices against other countries! Don´t believe what the people claim! The german people love America and the properties and qualities of it! You´re racism, not the german. And not all germans eat pork and german food, and germans don´t call you a snob if u don´t want to eat this crap (yes, i can´t stand this food too, but we are not eating it all the day)!So please be nice, ther 80 millions of germans and most of them are educated! We aren´t dirty and obsolete, these are prjudices! Lies! And most of us hat Nazis and want to electrocute them! WWII is a long time ago, and the today´s generation has no guilt! (p.s: hitler was austrian, and austria is not a part of germany!)
Klippklar 07 jun 2009, 02:13 - Rapporteer misbruik -
ok I am the last person that would ever judge or disrespect anyone, and I am not saying that all germans suck and are mean, and maybe I havent been here long enough to meet the good ones,but so far I havent met one, and by the way do you people know how to ever smile or is it everyday a bad day.
you guys have the worst customer service, you seem to make things so much harder than they really are,school system I hate it, it pisses me off.there is so many things that I can go on, but honestly i really dont like this place.
and I know what your going to say why not go back to US if you dont like it here, but i have my reasons otherwise i would of quit before my 3 months when they asked for a so many documets for a friken visa that i was never asked on my life time, even my religion, uhhhhh.what the heck does that have to do with me getting a visa here maybe they base that on religion, why ask then.
ok i am gonna go now thats enough and NO i am not fat, because that what you people think of americanstinimini 07 jun 2009, 03:53 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Dear tinimini.
First Iam not a German. I was born in the Netherlands, studied in Germany and now in Poland.
I didn´t say that directly u judge people. I talked in general about the guys who r writin in the whole forum regarding every country or for example the guy who created this thread.
It is definitely ok when u say that u don´t like to be in Germany and u have ya reasons. That´s ok. Everybody makes their experiences and has their reason to like or to dislike something. And this is the sense of this forum. The people have different experiences and want to discuss about that.
But Iam of the people who say for example. .....
Germany sucks, all Germans r racist, all european r criminals....but god kissed my country. the best country ever.
Its the same if i would say.....all americans hate afroamericans, hispanics, moslems, chinese ....r fat and love to make war.
U read the comment of "The Truth". Now, do u think I have to think all americans r like this sick guy?
Everybody loves his country....and this u have to respect.
I also have countries or better to say regions where I have my problems with the natives and his behaviour. For example i have my problems wiv the people in Vlaanderen (Northern Belgium), southern Britain, Schwaben in Germany ( region Stuttgart) or Miami and Floriada in the USA. But I like the people in Texas or Louisiana although they r a little bit provoncial and live retired. I dislike the phony friendliness in some parte of the States.
U r right that Germany has the worst customer service. In german its called " Deutschland, die Servicewüste.". But I think there gonna be a change. There is a new sensibility regarding that theme. I have made the experience that with courtliness, jokes and laughing I get everything. But u have understand each character.
Regarding the visum. the States the religion is also ask. Because of the growing terrosism the immigration laws of every country are intensified. Especially in the States.In additon the u.s.a. and europe exchange the facts. And notice that the most people northern africa, iraq, afghanistan, somalia, balkan immigrate to europe and not to the states. the wars r in front of our doors. Furthermore notice that the immigration laws r edited by the european union. so, there cannot be big differences. and for example the strict arrangement at the airports r specified by the u.s.a.
at the end.....
what do u mean wiv "you people"? i ve never said that all americans r fat or something else.
in respect
dag!flyindutch 07 jun 2009, 09:30 - Rapporteer misbruik -
ur just an idiot, jew or not a jew, ur just ignorant!
GERMAN 08 jun 2009, 05:25 - Rapporteer misbruik -
angry on germans
So if you black haired in most of the cities they wouldn't allow you get into discotheques. Also owners of restaurants or bars they wont have black haired because germans wouldn't go there if there are foreigners!! I know it well because I lived n germany 7years and I traveled lot. Racism exists everywhere but its depending of proportion. I worked as translator in german court and i saw sooo much... that what they do with foreigners, also i have rich experience with police and how they treat them. Even in law they puting illegal foreigners in jail for 1,5years and they can give them again this delay. Just search in internet u'll find lots of things about it.
angry on germans 08 jun 2009, 06:07 - Rapporteer misbruik -
0,33 regarding to the U.S.A. Sorry....
flyindutch 08 jun 2009, 01:19 - Rapporteer misbruik -
flyindutsch i think we should be friends :)
since i moved to germany i dont have any friends
tinimini 08 jun 2009, 04:25 - Rapporteer misbruik -
I don´t need to defend Ger. It´s the fact
- This comment I don´t need to add something.
Adeus!flyindutch 08 jun 2009, 04:39 - Rapporteer misbruik -
where r u livin?
greetsflyindutch 08 jun 2009, 04:42 - Rapporteer misbruik -
@Brazilian Rasista da merda!
@Brazilian Rasista da merda!
Marinho 08 jun 2009, 04:51 - Rapporteer misbruik -
munich area,
did you study in germany by the way?tinmini 08 jun 2009, 05:19 - Rapporteer misbruik -
at the moment iam in crakow (poland). normally i study in nrw. in a few month i got to go back. there iam livn in krefeld near düsseldorf and the dutch border because my girl is livin there.
bayern? - my girl and some german friends told me that its really strange there. thats right? they told me that the people there r very arrogant.they often say that bayern doesn´t belong to germany.
what u r doin there?flyindutch 08 jun 2009, 05:54 - Rapporteer misbruik -
got married, and my husband was living here,
i dont like it here so far thats why we might move back to US,i was planing to go to college here, but my german is not that good, which i am learning but very slowly,and its very hard to find a job here, so yeah its making me go krazytinimini 08 jun 2009, 06:14 - Rapporteer misbruik -
what is ya husband workin for? perhaps u have to start a career in the tourism industry. or perhaps u have to move to berlin, dresden, cologne, munster or hambourg and ya opinion gonna be changed.
in the rhineland or frankfurt u have a lot of americans cause of the natostation.flyindutch 08 jun 2009, 06:58 - Rapporteer misbruik -
angry on germans
angry on germans 09 jun 2009, 04:33 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Opinion of a Lithuanian
I'm in and from Vilnius, Lithuania and I've been to both USA and Germany and to many other countries, enjoyed them and I always wanted to go back home, and I did. I love my country and I think that all countries are beautiful. I always met beautiful friendly people in Germany and USA too and I do not understand why do you find Germany so sucky? Perhaps because you suck yourself? I'm sorry, I did not mnean to insult, but really, take a look at a mirror, mirror of life.
Jonas 11 jun 2009, 01:49 - Rapporteer misbruik -
Bayern(Bavaria) is the south end of Germany. Most of the cities there where built by the romans and in fact it ist the richest part of germany, with less homeless people then anywhere in Germany else (And by the way, accumulation is better than in the other parts, too).
Till the WW1, Bavaria was its own kingdom and some old people there still think, that it would be better, if it still would be like before. (And its a bit right, too. Woth the Fall of the Wall between east and west Germany, we all had to pay very much money to recreate the German economy)
Now all put together:
Bavarians arent arrogant, just a bit proud of their past.Steve 11 jun 2009, 03:54 - Rapporteer misbruik