looking for a young arab boyfreind ;)
Hi there ,im a European girl who is looking for arab boybreind(32-37)! Nothing serious ,just holidays out of Europe and UAE,parties and etc..no marriage!
28 Mag 2009, 09:12 just do it
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email me pls at
[email removed]
i am m/33 here in dubai dear friend.
byeJK 31 Mag 2009, 09:15 - Denuncia -
to just do it
Hi there
im original from saudi arabia but me and my family live from 20 years in Dubai.I would like to have relationship with european girl not only just for fun ,,,it can be more ,,like marriage!
Pls contact me if any there any interest!
[email removed]
thanksSaudi in Dubai 07 Giu 2009, 07:55 - Denuncia -
ok call me then
fadi saliba 17 Giu 2009, 11:31 - Denuncia
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