room for rent in utrecht
Hi I am an intrenational student in Utrecht, living in a two bedroom house. I have a nice room available for 350 euro, t.v. Cable, Internet... inclusive. E-mail: [email removed]
20 feb 2006, 12:57 Anonymous
Room for rent at cheap__________Utrecht
I Have a room to rent/share in Utrecht.
[email removed]Roby 23 ene 2009, 01:06 - Denunciar -
Looking for room Utrecht
I am looking for a room in Utrecht between february and april. I am an exchange student.
Please send me an email if you have one at [email removed], I will answer and give some details about me. Thank youovidiu 26 ene 2009, 07:43 - Denunciar -
lookin a room in utrecht
we are two exchange students from Lithuania. we are looking for room in utrechf between january and july. it will be great if we will live together in one room. please send me e-meil if u have some offers to me.
thank uMonika 27 ene 2009, 09:55 - Denunciar -
lookin a room in utrecht
my e-meil: [email removed]
Monika 27 ene 2009, 10:02 - Denunciar -
rent in Rotterdam
I'm about to move to Holland and just wondering how much a typical room (monthly rent) will cost in Rotterdam/Amsterdam. Thanks, Alex
Alex 28 ene 2009, 04:55 - Denunciar -
I`m a student in utrecht. NEED A ROOM FOR RENT!!! UP TO 400 euro. From Feb 1 till June 31.
[email removed]
tel: 0643904483
YosifYosif 30 ene 2009, 04:41 - Denunciar -
chambre a louer+ utrecht
Jai 1 chambre a louer sur Utrecht,envoyez email pour plus dinfos.
salutationskasbah 31 ene 2009, 02:37 - Denunciar -
chambre a louer+ utrecht
jai 1 chambre a louer sur utrecht.
0649640972 31 ene 2009, 02:39 - Denunciar -
loking for a room for rent
Hi. I'm an exchange student from Indonesia. I am looking for a room in utrecht from march until july. Please send me an email if you have info.
[email removed]Tyas 04 feb 2009, 11:33 - Denunciar -
room for turist
nice furnished big room 22m2 in centre of Utrecht,for female (women)..price 20 euro per night, [email removed] .
adam 08 feb 2009, 03:05 - Denunciar -
Reply to "Anti-scam"
@ Anti-scam
You are stupid bastard to say its a Nigerian scammers, cant it be a german or latino ? foolish idiotic white bastard with foolish skin.I hate foolish whites 18 feb 2009, 10:34 - Denunciar -
room in utrecht
i need a room from september to july 2010,possibly closed to the faculty of law
martino reviglio della veneria , italy 18 feb 2009, 11:36 - Denunciar -
looking for room.
hi, we r a black couple looking for a single room anywhere in the Netherlands. we r both christians and will be learning Dutch and working.
Kenneth and Grace 19 feb 2009, 03:09 - Denunciar -
Looking for a room in Utrecht
Hello there,
I am a 26 years old female professional, and I am looking for a room in Utrecht from the beginning of March for long term.
Anyone who needs a roommate can contact me!
I can pay up to 700€ all incl. to share a big and nice flat with nice roommates.
sosso_b @ hotmail . comSophie 25 feb 2009, 03:31 - Denunciar -
I'm looking for room in Utrecht
I am an exchange student from Warsaw, Poland, and I'm looking for not expensive room in Utrecht (from 1st of April until 1 of July).
my mail is: [email removed],Marta 25 feb 2009, 08:50 - Denunciar -
Looking for a Room in LEIDEN from the beginning of MARCH
I am looking for a room in Leiden For contact: [email removed]
6 28 feb 2009, 10:43 - Denunciar -
HI, we are two exchange students from Lithuania, and we are looking for not expensive room in Utrecht, from 1st of April until the 1st of July, we could live together in one bedroom,or inseparates bedrooms.
my emeil is: [email removed]10 01 mar 2009, 12:33 - Denunciar -
Room for 6 months (May - October)
Hi, I am a Kenyan student due to travel to Utrecht to study and undertake research at UU between May and October, 2009. I am looking for a room/flatmate at a reasonable cost . If you have a proposal or in a position to assist, kindly get in touch through [email removed].
Karuru 05 mar 2009, 12:47 - Denunciar -
Room available!
I have a room available immediately and for the next 5 months (end of August) however this is negotiable, could be shorter or maybe longer.
It is 475 euros including all electricity, etc. Located about 10min from the city centre by bus or bicycle. It is large and furnished with internet/cable tv, etc. Two bedrooms, shared with one other student. Email me if you would like: [email removed]Carl 10 mar 2009, 08:26 - Denunciar -
room available
i got two nice and large rooms in utrecht in a nice house. If you interest please mail me [email removed]
Thank youthnx 11 mar 2009, 01:49 - Denunciar -
Looking for a Room in Utrecht
Hello, I am an Irish student and will be doing an internship in Utrecht in June. I am looking to rent a room for one month. Can anyone help?
Karla 26 mar 2009, 01:49 - Denunciar -
Looking for 3 months accomadation in Utrecht
Hi, my name is Andrew and I'm an Irish student. I will be moving to Utrecht in June and I am looking for a room to rent from June to the end of August. I will be in Utrecht doing my fourth year project in Utrecht university. My e-mail is [email removed] thanks.
Andrew 11 abr 2009, 03:34 - Denunciar -
Looking for a room in Utrecht, in summer 2009
Hi, I am french and I'd like to find a room to rent in Utrecht for the mounths of june and august 2009, if anyone has something for me, you can send me a mail at [email removed]
Thank's for your answer ^^Thomas 11 abr 2009, 08:46 - Denunciar -
Room needed In Utrecht, June/July 2009
Hi! My name is Jordan. I am looking for a room to rent in Utrecht as I have an internship nearby. Preferable dates would be from June 15th - July 15th, but it would also be possible to rent for the entire months of June and July. Please contact me if you have anything available! My e-mail is [email removed]. Thank you!
Jordan 14 abr 2009, 07:28 - Denunciar -
looking for room in utrecht fo june
hi my name is karla , im an irish student and im looking for a room in utrecht for june as i am doing a 1 month internship! please contact me at [email removed]
thanks!Karla 16 abr 2009, 04:04 - Denunciar -
looking for a room btw June - October
hey, i'm a turkish student and i'll be doing my internship at utrecht university this summer. i'm looking for a room in utrecht between June 12th and October 9th. please contact me at [email removed]
Fatih 24 may 2009, 07:26 - Denunciar -
we want to find not expensive room in Utrecht for 4 months
we are two exchange students from Lithuania. we are looking for room in utrechf between september and january. it will be great if we will live together in one room. please send me e-meil if u have some offers to me [email removed]
thank uErika 26 may 2009, 04:08 - Denunciar -
Looking for a room in Utrecht
I'm a 19 year old student looking for a room in Utrecht. I am from Romania and I am studying economics. Would be nice if I could find a room between €250 and €330/month.
mail: [email removed]Alexandra 28 may 2009, 12:54 - Denunciar -
I want to rent in (City) Utrecht, Netherlands accommodation for rent
Is 350 is per month? please write me at: [email removed]
Thanksfari 31 may 2009, 10:08 - Denunciar -
urnished room to rent from mid june to end august mid september
Hi, my name is Andrew. I'm an Irish student and I need a furnished room to rent. I'm moving to utrecht for my fourth year project in utrecht university from june-september. I would be delighted if theres anything available as I haven't had any luck so far. Up tp 400 euro also. thanks very much! e-mail at [email removed]
Andrew 03 jun 2009, 05:21 - Denunciar -
looking for a room in Utrecht for a 2009/2010 academic year
Hi, my name is Ania. Im a Polish srudent looking for a room in Utrecht for a period from September 2009 to August 2010. Would be ideal if it was close to the University. Thank you in advance for any information. Cheers.
email at [email removed]Ania 16 jun 2009, 02:00 - Denunciar -
looking for a room / roomate in Utrecht - academic year 2009/2010
Hi, my name is Nikos, I'm 29 yo from Athens-Greece and I'm going to study Informatics in Utrecht University. Please contact me if you have a room to rent or if you want to share your/a house with me. Thanks!
Nikos 17 jun 2009, 01:15 - Denunciar -
I urgently need a room in Utrecht
I`m an Italian student, I`m looking for a room in Utecht below 400euro/month.
Please let me now
[email removed]Sandro 17 jun 2009, 04:02 - Denunciar -
for whom that is looking urgent for aroom in amsterdam
you know nobody in amsterdam and you dont to live in a hostel with 5-7 pepeople
have something for you
cosy-small room
06 411 657 92sinqo 18 jun 2009, 06:57 - Denunciar -
rent a room
hi, is it possible to rent this room for me and my wife? we are very nice and easy-going people. both have good references
pls, write us
best regards, 19 jun 2009, 09:36 - Denunciar -
Single room available
For single person in our 3 bed room flat and can mail at [email removed]
Taj 24 jun 2009, 11:16 - Denunciar -
Room in centre of Utrecht!
Hi, my name is Helene. I'm an italian student and i need a furnished room to rent for september.I'm going to study economics at utrecht university. please contact me if there is something available!
Thank you
[email removed]Helene 25 jun 2009, 11:53 - Denunciar -
Looking for a furnished room in Utrecht (from 1st of September)
Hi, I'm a lithuanian girl and will be studying my master in law at UU. I need a furnished room from 1st of September. I am friendly, sociable, can easy adapt in new places.
Hopefully someone has an offer for me. (I could pay not more than 450euro, preferably less..
[email removed]Julia 26 jun 2009, 01:14 - Denunciar -
looking for a room in utrecht
Hi I'm an exchange student looking for a room in a flatshare in Utrecht from the beginning of september 2009 until june 2010.Please contact me at [email removed]
micol cattan 27 jun 2009, 12:03 - Denunciar -
Looking for a furnished room in Utrecht
Hi, my name is Alejandra. I'm from Mexico and I will start a Master's degree programme at Utrecht University on September 2009. I'm looking for a room to rent from Sept 1st (or before if it's possible- I will arrive the last week of August).
Please contact me if you have/know about a place.
My email: [email removed]
Thank you!! =)Alejandra 27 jun 2009, 07:52 - Denunciar -
looking for a room
hi, my name is zuzanna, i'm 22 polish student looking for a room in utrecht as i'm going to have 3months stage there. I start it from 18.07.
If you have any offer please conatct me:
[email removed]Zuzanna 28 jun 2009, 06:49 - Denunciar -
looking for a room in Utrecht
I'm a czech girl and I'll be studying next semester at Utrecht University. So I'm looking for a furnished room from 1st of September. I want to pay not more than 400 euro per month.
ThanksKristýna 01 jul 2009, 08:34 - Denunciar -
Need a room from mid Aug. 2009
I am a 28 yr old Taiwanese-Canadian girl looking for a single room in a shared flat. I would like to pay no more than euro400, or preferrable 350. I am attending TiasNimbas business school, and if you have anything near that area, please kindly let me know! I am fun, neat, independent and love animals if you have any. looking forward to hearing back from you soon!
Sabrina 04 jul 2009, 03:29 - Denunciar -
looking for an accomodation for July and August
I'm italian student; I will be in Netherland this summer for an english course from 20TH of july till the end of August. I'm looking for a room in Utrecht. It?s very difficult for me find accomodation from Rome and so I can't see the room before the 20TH of july. I hope to see some photos of the room before leaving.
thank you very much
ValentinaValentina 06 jul 2009, 11:34 - Denunciar -
need a room from sept'09 - sept'10
I am 28-yr-old Taiwanese girl looking for a furnished room in Utrecht. I will be attending the TiasNimbas business school this coming fall, and are willing to pay for a single room for no more than 430(incl.) I am a fun person with great sense of humor, and also highly respect other's space. If you have any room for this period, or even shorter, Please kindly let me know. I wouldn't mind anywhere 20mins biking distance from school. pls contact me at [email removed]sabrina 11 jul 2009, 10:29 - Denunciar -
female student looking for a room in UTRECHT
I'm a female international student looking for a room in Utrecht from Sept. 2009. I'm a perfect roommate - friendly, clean, easygoing, love sports and travelling, spend most of my time outside the house. I would like to pay 350 - 400 EUR max. If you have anything to offer, please e-mail me [email removed].paradise 19 jul 2009, 06:12 - Denunciar -
Hi,I'm interested from this message! How to contact with you? 22 jul 2009, 02:23 - Denunciar -
Looking for a room
I am Phuong (girl) from Vietnam. I will start a course in Utrecht this September and looking for a place to live for about 4 months. Please let me know if you have any room available!
I am an easy-going person and able to adapt to any new environment.
Please leave me a message at [email removed] if you have any room available! Thanks!
PhuongPhuong 06 ago 2009, 12:09 - Denunciar -
Looking for a room in Utrecht (from 1st of September)
My name is Julia, I am 23 years old girl from Lithuania,
Vilnius. I'm going to study at Utrecht University my master -
Law and Economics, though I'm not a typical lawyer, don't be
mistakenI'm friendly, like communicate with people but can
be quit if it is needed. I like traveling, reading, films,
music, parties, culture, etc. - I like a lot of fun things but
despite all the fun things that i like, I suppose I'll need to
study a lot, so quiet atmosphere would be appreciated sometimes
Last semester I was exchange student at Oslo university, so I
already have some practice being international student and
roommate. I respect other people and their space and rarely have
complaints for anybody. I also keep my stuff clean and tidy!
I am coming to Utrecht 1st of September (+/- 2 days) and will
stay here for one year. If the room is available earlier,
in that case, I could pay rent for that time if it's needed.
If you have a room to rent and I am the right person
for you, than please let me know because I'm starting to panic
about my room search seems that it's quiet difficult to find accommodation when you're not in Utrecht, hope you'll give me a chance
P. S. We could arrange Skype conversation instead of normal
meeting, just to know each other better and have an idea about
who your future roommate might be..It's up to you
My e-mail [email removed]Julia 06 ago 2009, 12:26 - Denunciar
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