germany sucks
it is over, Germany is full with nazis, and the east germany sucks.
It is ugly (not all), dirty and the ppl always sad... (not everybody but a 95% YESSSS)
i cant understand them, why can´t they enjoy the life???
Sorry but germany sucks.11 mar 2007, 02:10 new york man
Quisiera que me escriban personas de Alemania, sean latinos o alemanes, para de este modo Abrir un puente cultural y que los prejuicios se terminen de una buena vez. Mi correo es [email removed]
Auf wiedersehenDaniel Quiroga 02 feb 2008, 02:20 - Denunciar -
America sucks
America has more nazis than any other country in the world (proven with statistics), their overwheigt-rate was 67% in 2007 and is still growing, their voices are low like fat opera-singers trying to speak with theior fatty ugly, fast food in their mouth.
America is an dirty piece of rubbish-streets, with racism everywhere, police-brutality, Facim-Politics, organisations like KKK or the anti-,muslim politics.
God shits on America, since america is a country stolen by english idiots who liked to slaughter native americans, thei dont have history and culutureAmericaSucksNiggerCocks 02 feb 2008, 04:55 - Denunciar -
I have to agree that America sucks, its an ignorant and nationalsocialistic place, full of fat ignorant people
da 02 feb 2008, 04:57 - Denunciar -
I lived 29 Years in America and i have to say it sucks really.
Here in america they are all ignorant idiots, they are all lazy and fat, and the work isn well payed, they just threat you because the food sucks, the TV and humor sucks and our women suck, they are all fat and ugly.
Thats why i moved to germany 1 year ago, its alot better than in sucking-americaNewYorkAmerican 02 feb 2008, 04:58 - Denunciar -
America sucks really, i went there, and i saw only fat nazis who liked to threat black people, and the police brutality is bad there, i saw about 7 times how the police got brutal at black people who did nothing
d 02 feb 2008, 04:59 - Denunciar -
why is this about America ?
Why do you write so much about America here ? the people who bashed Germany were not all American. One guy was Mexican as his nick viva Mexico said. I think Mexico sucks much more than Germany or the United States.... go there to see what really sucks before you complain about other places.
Alex 03 feb 2008, 02:29 - Denunciar -
answer from a "real german"
hi guys, i`m glad to have found this page!!!
I`ve immigrated to germany from a little east european country (Latvia) 12 years ago, when i was 9 years old!
when i was about 16 i got the german citizenship. So, i`m of the typical central european appereance, have this fu...n senseless citizenship here in west germany, did my a-level here and have always been doing my best to integrate into this dead society.= it was all in vain!!! no chance, even to have the smallest and easiest contacts here.
now, from 30.12.2007-09.01.2008 i have been in a student journey in Israel, saw israelis, and met there some new yorkers, so i can tell you:
i will make my studies here and piss off as fast as possible, i just have do decide where to goand step into contact with the right agencys for immigration.
would be nice if you comment on it, or give me some proposals concerning americaeugene 05 feb 2008, 03:48 - Denunciar -
answer from a "real german"
... i mean, what shall i do if they prefer their dogs to me?!!
how would you behave if you had an isolated busy, and absolutely senseless life like a psycho?eugene 05 feb 2008, 04:00 - Denunciar -
@ Eugene
Why do you have an isolated life ? In which city do you live ? I have visited the US and Israel and I liked both countries. If I could get the citizenship I'l also move there and live near the beach.
Alex 06 feb 2008, 06:46 - Denunciar -
i think america is full of ignorant people. i lived in germany and in america. i would never go back to live in america but will in germany. people are lovely. only thing is if you do not spk the language, you're screwed but it is the same in bloody usa, with no english you go nowhere.
time to go to school people from 07 feb 2008, 11:41 - Denunciar -
@aLEX & JM
nice to see some new answers here after a few days..
ALEX, to come to your question:
i live in hannover.
i am not even talking of being lazy and lying on the beach all the time. I can tell you, i would prefer to do hard work in israel, for example taking care of helpless old people or working in the parts of their agriculture, than doing my army service here for 9 months or do the same kind of work here, even if they payed less!!!- thats the difference!!!
i want to be usefull dealing with people i accept in places i can stand .
of course the germans don`t insult you or play bad tricks on you, they just show some ordinary elementary politness- that`s all!
you think your problem is the language????- NOOOO! most of the germans speak a simple english, just like methey just dont give a damn about you after a few polite sentences asking you where you are originally from..
as you won`t solve your problem by learning some new german vocabularies, you may feel screwed for a "long" period of timeEugene 07 feb 2008, 01:12 - Denunciar -
germany sucks
I was in Germany in november to meet my fiances parents...i am from florida and i thought that the people were very nice and polite...but no english...i am considering going to live there but i know i have to learn the language...but to me Germans are very nice people...and Germany is beautiful...
anonymous 07 feb 2008, 02:23 - Denunciar -
@ JM @ Eugene
@ JM: In my experience Americans are one of the most helpful, friendly and most hospitable people of the world. Since English is a world language there is not such a great need for them to learn other languages but still many do.
Besides in many Latin American countries people also know only Spanish and many are also totally uninformed about other countries.
@ Eugene: I didn't want to imply that you will be just lazy at the beach.But it's nice to live in a sunny place, go for a walk on the beach after work or on the weekend.
Alex 07 feb 2008, 11:30 - Denunciar -
Distant, inflexible & Selfish Volks
i like german landscape, people and bear. you read it right but i'm sorry to say based on my 2-years experience of living in germany with my brown skin that german folks are very distant, inflexible & selfish.
"distant" coz i believe if you put them in one room with a foreigner after one year they wouldn't even know his f***ing name. the same thing you wouldn't need a minute for with e.g. pakistani/indians/americans.
"infelxible" coz they love to do every single thing in the most complicated way possible. you'll hear things that can be explained in one sentence in the simplest way as a whole page.
"selfish" coz if there's a woman being rapped in a train no body would even say a f***ing word coz they just want to focus on their business & it's none of their business. i've always felt sorry for people who were really in trouble in germany and nobody really gave a shit. and i believe this selfishness is caused coz of coldness in their blood.
i, a fluent german speaker have been ignored so many time by people coz of my accent and coz of my skin color. so don't get shocked even if you speak the language, you'll find the german mann/frau at a reception desk looking at other german looking friend at your side while dealing with you coz you just don't exist coz you got a different accent/color.
you wouldn't believe it but it's true, nobody took us in a bar in cologne on karnival night because we were not dressed crazy. after 11 bars we succeded to get in one & after a couple minutes i saw security guy taking drink off my turkish friends hand and i couldn't stop myself asking what the hell was going one. no reason, he said, "ihr passt nicht hier" means you don't pass here. which of course turned my mind the upside down & i even called the cops who refused to come coz it was something that they said they would come for!!! anywayz i managed to get money back & everybody heard that racism still exist on a huge scale in thsi country. the funny part is my turkish friend would insist on walking away from there just like that but we people live and die with dignity & we prefer one day life like a lion to 100-years life like a hiding fox. i didn't agree with my turkish friend & thats why we got our entrance money back at least. later i told my friend the reason why racism is being fueled up in germany, and the reason is not reacting on it. one the other hand i can understand with poor turks, they got no back and forth, means can't accept to go back to turkey coz they're 3rd generation here & can' just get fed up & say i go live in the us or uk coz it would mean a new language, a new society for them, so they keep their mouth shut. a person like me who has live in 5-different countries and speak 7-international language a& got back & forth just can't take this bullshit & thats why i reacted on it.
Shahjeeeee 08 feb 2008, 01:16 - Denunciar -
Distant, inflexible, selfish Volks
i like german landscape, people and bear. you read it right but i'm sorry to say based on my 2-years experience of living in germany with my brown skin in so-called most liberal city of cologne that german folks are very distant, inflexible & selfish.
"distant" coz i believe if you put them in one room with a foreigner after one year they wouldn't even know his f***ing name. the same thing you wouldn't need a minute for with e.g. pakistani/indians/americans.
"infelxible" coz they love to do every single thing in the most complicated way possible. you'll hear things that can be explained in one sentence in the simplest way as a whole page.
"selfish" coz if there's a woman being rapped in a train no body would even say a f***ing word coz they just want to focus on their business & it's none of their business. i've always felt sorry for people who were really in trouble in germany and nobody really gave a shit. and i believe this selfishness is caused coz of coldness in their blood.
i, a fluent german speaker have been ignored so many time by people coz of my accent and coz of my skin color. so don't get shocked even if you speak the language, you'll find the german mann/frau at a reception desk looking at other german looking friend at your side while dealing with you coz you just don't exist coz you got a different accent/color.
you wouldn't believe it but it's true, nobody took us in a bar in cologne on karnival night because we were not dressed crazy. after 11 bars we succeded to get in one & after a couple minutes i saw security guy taking drink off my turkish friends hand and i couldn't stop myself asking what the hell was going one. no reason, he said, "ihr passt nicht hier" means you don't pass here. which of course turned my mind the upside down & i even called the cops who refused to come coz it was something that they said they would come for!!! anywayz i managed to get money back & everybody heard that racism still exist on a huge scale in thsi country. the funny part is my turkish friend would insist on walking away from there just like that but we people live and die with dignity & we prefer one day life like a lion to 100-years life like a hiding fox. i didn't agree with my turkish friend & thats why we got our entrance money back at least. later i told my friend the reason why racism is being fueled up in germany, and the reason is not reacting on it. one the other hand i can understand with poor turks, they got no back and forth, means can't accept to go back to turkey coz they're 3rd generation here & can' just get fed up & say i go live in the us or uk coz it would mean a new language, a new society for them, so they keep their mouth shut. a person like me who has live in 5-different countries and speak 7-international language a& got back & forth just can't take this bullshit & thats why i reacted on it.
Shahjeee 08 feb 2008, 01:24 - Denunciar -
German Volks: Inflexible, Distant, Selfish
i like german landscape, people and bear. you read it right but i'm sorry to say based on my 2-years experience of living in germany with my brown skin that german folks are very distant, inflexible & selfish.
"distant" coz i believe if you put them in one room with a foreigner after one year they wouldn't even know his f***ing name. the same thing you wouldn't need a minute for with e.g. americans/ pakistani/indians.
"inflexible" coz they love to do every single thing in the most complicated way possible. you'll hear things that can be explained in one sentence in the simplest way as a whole page.
"selfish" coz if there's a woman being raped in a train nobody would even say a f***ing word coz they just want to focus on their stuff & it's none of their business. i've always felt sorry for people who were really in trouble in germany and nobody really gave a shit. and i believe this selfishness is caused coz of coldness in their blood.
i, a fluent german speaker have been ignored so many times by people coz of my accent and coz of my skin color. so don't get shocked even if you speak the language, you'll find the german mann/frau at a reception desk looking at other german looking friend at your side while dealing with you coz you just don't exist coz you got a different accent/color.
you wouldn't believe it but it's true, nobody took us in a bar in cologne on karnival night because we were not dressed crazy. after 11 bars we succeeded to get in one & after a couple minutes i saw security guy taking drink off my turkish friend’s hand and i couldn't stop myself asking what the hell was going one. no reason, he said, "ihr passt nicht hier" means you don't fit here. which of course turned my head upside down & i even called the cops who refused to come coz it wasn’t something that they said they would come for!!! anywayz i managed to get money back & everybody heard that racism still exist on a huge scale in this country. the funny part is my turkish friend insisted on walking away from there just like that but we people live and die with dignity & we prefer one day life like a lion to 100-years life like a hiding fox. i didn't agree with my turkish friend & that’s why we got our entrance money back at least. later i told my friend the reason why racism is being fueled up in germany; and the reason is not reacting on it. on the other hand i can understand with poor turks, they got no back and forth, means can't accept to go back to turkey coz they're 3rd generation here & can't just get pack up their bag & go live in the us or uk coz it would mean a new language, a new society for them, so they keep their mouth shut. a person like me who has lived in 5-different countries and speak 7-international languages & got back & forth just can't take this bullshit & that’s why i reacted on it.
The International 08 feb 2008, 01:43 - Denunciar -
thanks Shahjeeeee & hi Alex
yes shahjeeeee , these are the aspects i meant..
first of all foreigners think they have to improve their german and admire the politness, but afterwards
your f***n knowledge of the language doesn`t pay off...-thats exectly what i have experienced and tried to tell here...
germany can be interesting for business visitors like the "man from florida", but if you want to build up your complete life here from the beginning till the end, you have to learn closing your eyes and do a special training for your nerves
so guys, if you are interested in germany as an immigration country listen to shahjeeeee (2 years here, no accent) and me (12 years here, no accent)
alex, lets go together on another journey to israel next time...
one can always fly there to work voluntarily in a "kibbutz", (agriculture)
Eugene, fan of robert de niro 08 feb 2008, 01:13 - Denunciar -
@ Shajee @ Eugene
Shajee German people are quiet and distant. You are right. But it's not just in relation to foreigners. Also for Germans who move to a new city it can take a long time until they meet close friends. I don't know why the German culture is like this. On the other and Germany also has some good things and it's not too nice if you generalize about all Germans. There are also foreigners who have a hateful attitude towards ALL Germans. I feel bad if someone discriminates me only because of my ethnic background. Just accidently I was born in Germany and it doesn't make me a bad person, or ? Also there are Germans who are not allowed into some clubs. Still if someone really hate Germans there is always the chance to learn English or French and move abroad. But then in every country there are some stupid people. If you say Germans have a coldness in their blood it sounds racist to me.
@ Eugene: Maybe I will move to Israel in the summer because of my girlfriend. But I have to learn to speak Hebrew better. Are you a student at university or in High School ? Maybe I could volunteer in a kibbutz and improve my Hebrew in that time.Alex 08 feb 2008, 05:03 - Denunciar -
@ Shajee
In Germany there is a law which prohibits discrimination. So if I were you and your friend I'd investigate more about this club and tell the incident to the press. You can make it known that this club is racist and tell people to boycott it. That will help more than just generalizing about Germans on the internet. In my city there was a protest in front of a club which discriminated people. The protest was on tv and in the newspaper and then the club got really in trouble. I'm surprised to hear it happens also in Köln because Kölners think of themselves as so tolerant and open minded. You can contact the anti-discrimination office of the University (Asta).
Alex 08 feb 2008, 05:09 - Denunciar -
@ Alex @ Eugen
alex, what's the benefit of such a law of discrimination only in words that the cops (polizei) don't even take serious. read again, i've mentioned that i called cops twice and the lady on the operator at 110 hanged up on me both times by saying "it's not what we'd come for". now you tell me where's the f***en law of discrimination by dear??? and above all, who's got the time to put something straight that people couldn't in past 63 years on this soil??
Shahjeeeeeeeee 08 feb 2008, 08:58 - Denunciar -
@ Alex @ Eugen
alex, what's the benefit of such a law of discrimination only in words that the cops (polizei) don't even take serious? read again, i've mentioned that i called cops twice and the lady on the operator at 110 hanged up on me both times by saying "it's not what we'd come for". now you tell me where's the f***en law of discrimination my dear if the law itself refuses to react??? and above all, who's got the time to put something straight that people couldn't in past 63 years on this soil??
i think liberal germans should take this job themselves of sweeping off this "distant, infelxible, selfish" crap from their society....Shahjeeee 08 feb 2008, 09:02 - Denunciar -
@ Sahjeee
So generalizing about Germans is the better way ? What do you gain by that ? Stereotypes just drive people apart and create hostility.
Alex 08 feb 2008, 09:53 - Denunciar -
:) & Alex
Alex, the girls there are really beautiful so far as i have seen a few did you manage to get a girlfriend there???
Eugene 11 feb 2008, 06:51 - Denunciar -
@Alex & Co.
i`m just starting my studies in some kind of a university..
i thought i would maybe start it in the automne, so i was also interested in the 3 months work in a kibbutz
here, in germany, we have a an organization for united kibbutzes... they told i could send them an e-mail and fly to israel in 3 weeks if i wanted to, so it wouldn`t take long. you have to pay the flight, that´s all! you even get little pocket-money there, and of course all the food and a place to live.
but my situation has changed, and i will start my studies here now....- but these volunteering progrmmes are a real good idea, goes fast without organisatorical problems.
i don`t know why and i couldn`t even imagine it after decades of ordinary middle-european life, but anyway, the 10-days short educational programm in israel has changed my point of view towards the f***n boring life here!- i`m feeling like i would go away from here in any case, sooner or later, but i won`t stay for further decades here because it`s somehow a wrong place for me.
i don`t even find blond girls attractve any more really!)
Eugene, fan of de niro+ pacino 11 feb 2008, 11:01 - Denunciar -
germany rocks!
haha, its funny to read all this weird messages about how germany sucks.
i lived in several countries. last australia, now germany. im so glad to live in (southern) germany now. the living standarts are higher than anywhere else in the world and it has sooo many beautiful places.
to those who claim germany is a racist country: have you ever been to the UK? or australia? or france?
no country in europe is as international as germany.
i love this country. im certainly staying here for a long while.Raphael 22 feb 2008, 02:35 - Denunciar -
german people
german girls are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo attractive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
micha 22 feb 2008, 02:37 - Denunciar -
Pros and cons of living in Germany
I'm Indian national working in Germany for 4 years. here are the pros and cons of being here:
1. GREAT, EASY, AFFORDABLE Public transportation is an exaggeration. It's amazing and fast. No need for cars.
2. NO RACISM -I'm a man of colour and thick accent so far I've never faced any discrimination. It's advisable though to stay clear of seedy bars -any area where losers and louts hang out should be avoided in general. Why invite trouble when you can avoid it safely? There is also no discrimination in workplace. I was just promoted twice so far based on merit alone.
3. Many Germans speak English -if not fluently, they wouldn't ostracize you for not being able to speak German fluently. Most of them are "kool". In fact, it pays to be a perpetual foreigner - people are always considerate and understanding.
4. Great place for research and career development -Germany has produced 76 Noble Prize winners. It is the R&D capital of All Europe. Anyone with the remotest interest in Science and Technology would find Germany is heaven, just after the USA.
5. Work culture is fast, efficient and creative.
6. People are friendly and not cold and distant as someone mentioned. Well, it may depend on your own individual attitudes. I never felt shunned by anyone because of cultural differences. Most Germans seem much more polite, considerate and proper in comparison to my own Indians who claim to be warm but are usually rude and intrusive.
7. People are very understanding of my own dietary preferences: As an Indian Hindu, I'm a vegetarian who doesn't smoke, drink alcohol and rather a puritaniacal lifestyle. It does not prevent me from socializing with those who indulge in things. Most people I meet have shown an inclination to be vegetarian. I'm also a member at ISKCON Krishna worshipping mission and a majority of our members are Germans and other Europeans.
None. And I am being very serious. Germany is the best country to live in Europe followed by Italy (which I also like very much because of its unique culture).Crawling Insect 23 feb 2008, 08:38 - Denunciar -
Germany is not quite right for most people.
I'm an Asian male. Ive been in west Germany for 2 years.I think for white people here,its not all bad. It's just a little boring.The people are in general pretty boring and their sense of humor is really weird.The german music and movies do suck.Even my german classmates dont like their own music.Like 90 percent of the songs on radio are american songs.And almost all the movies in cinemas are from Hollywood.Theres even no german movies winning a single award in Berlin's movie festival this year. And for colored people,its just worse. I've been verbally insulted on the street and in the Strassenbahn by strangers for lots of times.And I know in eastern Germany the insults on colored people sometimes can be physical.Like last year 2 Indian American students and their professor from US got beaten up on a bus in Dresden.While no one tried to stop that,the 2 beaters got away. We all know theres also lots of racists in other countries.But the proportion of the bad apples in Germany might be bigger than other western countries.I think the proportion is the key when we talk about this issue. To be fair,i did meet some friendly open-minded people.But compared to the majority which in general really dont quite like foreigners,those good normal people are just too few.While I try to get out of Germany as soon as possible,I hope the younger generation could be way different from their parents and grandparents.And quite frankly,sometimes I do see the changes happening among them.
a guy in Germany 09 mar 2008, 08:32 - Denunciar -
an encouraging incident
I just recalled an incident happened in the last year.In a small eastern german town,a local young german woman succeeded to stop 2 neo Nazi members who were trying to abuse a kid from a immigration family. No doudt the respectable female hero paid some price,not just got beaten up,but also got a Nazi symbol carved on her ass by the bad guys with a knife.Its reported they tried to carve the symbol on her face at first but failed because of the woman's resistance.So just for the sake of that brave woman,its not right to say Germany is full of
Nazis. But I dont know if everyone else could be lucky enough to have someone like that woman to save them or help them under a similar circumstance.a guy in Germany 09 mar 2008, 08:54 - Denunciar -
Everybody in here who post should all die in the Holocaust
you're saying germany sucks caused your all f***in afraid to be killed by them.
and fuck you all post shit in here ! Germany would have killed all of dickheads ! 10 mar 2008, 05:57 - Denunciar -
i like germany
I think if you think germany sucks you've known the wrong people.The people I know form germany are always very nice and friendly...nat ignorant and arrogant...
a german friend 12 mar 2008, 04:08 - Denunciar -
not a good place to live
i live in germany since 2006,and i never like it.yes some of them are nice people,but many just sucks.i cant believe the fact that nazis can do what they want,that is seek.i live in may germany,i cant wait to go to paris,peace.
peaches 12 mar 2008, 09:51 - Denunciar -
germans >.>
i agree with New York man
im dutch (german's neighbour) but german ppl talk like their angry 24/7
every1 knows the "angry german kid" wich beats up his own computer cuz he cant start UNREAL TOURNAMENT or something...
i bet the most german kids are like this... especially when they play WoW (the gayest game ever). when they die they kill theirselfthats funny
anyways GERMANS SUCKdutch guy 18 mar 2008, 12:00 - Denunciar -
Hate Germany
i hate germany! i travel for work all around the world and i think germany is the worst place on earth. their faces....their inability to have empathy...their abilty to find fault about others. germans are the shit of the world....if i could only find a way to insult them....but they love confrontations....any ideas? if you saying "i don't understand your dialect" but i speak i need someting else....i realy realy want to get on their case...f*** german people. 26 mar 2008, 03:11 - Denunciar -
Amarican fat ass car fuel - the wale oil of tomorrow!
if the iraki people finally won against the oil stealing bastards there will be no fuel for your war machines. but fortunately there is mc donalds. those worn out veterans become fat anyways when they get back. maybe you can make oil from old veterans of even better:soliders, politicians and some of those idiots on this page here! yes, would it not be interesting to find out how many hummers could be constantly riding only from veteran oil? i mean we should all be thankfull to america that they provide the worlds future fuel. i'll be the first one to modify my mercedes benz tdi with an american fat ass engine. the patriotic gasses could possibly bait some pentacostals which i will also tank my car with. men, i should write a book about integrated fuel- and world peace -management!
what do you think? kentucky fried chichen and after that to pizza hut?
yanky soliders f*** off!!!
Human resources 09 abr 2008, 06:47 - Denunciar -
Germany HATER
germany sucks, they are only killing peaple, and they are all f***ing nazists. f***ing idiots i hate u becouse u started the f***ing war and f***ing killed alot of peaple. today is the day rudolf höss die, for 61 years ago exaktly, that guy who was general of auschwiz, and hitler shot him self, what an c***.
GERMANY HATER 16 abr 2008, 02:24 - Denunciar -
I'm from germany and i want to go to america;-)
hey im from germany but i come from a small village and i can tell you: germany isn't so ugly and dirty you think. here most of the people are very tolerant. but sure: there are exceptions. but most of the racists live in the east of germany. germany has changend since the f***in' war. 85% of the germans are worried abouth the things that happend. but i want to go to america, i love america. germany is so cold and so one
thats my oppinion hope my english isn't so bad i'm 15 years old. greets
Thiel 17 abr 2008, 09:23 - Denunciar -
Topic starter from Jew York: you are wrong.
Nah, Germany is not full of nazis, but communist-hippies, brainwashed america-sucking homos and most importantly: Turks. If it would be full of Nazis, then there would be no filthy Turks, no greedy Jews, and no little pieces of shit from Jew York like yourself, but happy people filled with healthy nationalism, like every other nation in the world. However, your post signalises that there is still hope for them, albeit I think you are overestimating the tendency. Shall I be wrong.
Taygetos 20 abr 2008, 03:56 - Denunciar -
J. M. Stein (Unknown Underground Artist) 24 abr 2008, 03:14 - Denunciar -
J. M. Stein (BORN ON EARTH 24 abr 2008, 03:21 - Denunciar -
Yes, healthy nationalism.
healthy nationalism killed millions. and jews control your whole life, so don't act superior, white peoples need to be superior is what makes them fight there own brothers.
god hates nazis 07 may 2008, 07:43 - Denunciar -
germany kicks ass
germany is the best country ever it will take over the world and all you ass hols will see when we shove a f***ing luger up your ass and kill all your frends you are in denial they will take over the world. america is the shit stain of germany's future planet. they will reign supreme f*** all you non belivers
alex 12 may 2008, 08:57 - Denunciar -
Find a Friend and You May Feel differently
We have lovely friends from Germany who moved here for 2 years. We have known them now for almost ten years. We visit them every two years and they come back to visit us every two years. We have three children the same age. We are worried about the exact same issues with our children a decade later and in two completely foreign countries. We are concerned about our homes in much the same way. My husband may do a cultural exchange with his company and we hope to go to Germany for six months. I am looking forward to meeting new friends. I also know that we will deal with red tape and issues of adjusting to things we do not understand. But, that is why we are going, to have a cultural exchange. Hopefully, we can meet friends as wonderful as we have met when our German friends moved here. We don't always agree on everything political, social, educational, or religious. But, we do see another point of view. And, contrary to popular belief, all the members of my family can locate Germany on a world map as well as other countries. And, contrary to popular belief, my German friends have a wonderful sense of humour and fun. Find a friend there are you may feel differently.
hlynn 13 may 2008, 04:45 - Denunciar -
Haha, the guy who said America is full of racism
who killed millions of jews?
adolft hitler!
what was he?
f*** you german bitches.
germany and germans suck!
oh and to the guy who said americans spend more time watching t.v. than in school, there are adults, adults do not go to school.
it is funny how you say i watch more than 7 hours of t.v. daily.
i watch less than that in a week.Germans suck on my left nut. 19 may 2008, 10:19 - Denunciar -
Germany is still our enemy
When the media releases a story about a pedophile or murder who is released from jail after not serving enough time then recommits his crime there is usually some public outcry right? Now we might debate what the proper sentence for a crime is, but generally with premeditated murder most nations agree that the sentence should be sever.
Germany, under two different regimes is directly and singularly responsible two of the greatest human tragedies in history by starting the First and Second World Wars. Yet how were they punished for this? Much of the damage done to stop their terror was repaired by the same people that fought for their lives against them. Many of those companies and their executives like Mercedes Benz, who directly contributed to our enemy's war effort were never punished at all and have been allowed to profit from their crimes.
The past is the past right? Wrong. There is clear evidence that Germany supported Croatia's war effort. There is no way operation Storm could have been successful with German marks. Germany's blood deal to support the Euro in return for the EU's support for Croatia's independence is what caused the bloody war in Yugoslavia.
Those football stadiums full of scramming Nazis were not held there at gunpoint. The German people are culpable for a great deal of suffering. The fact that the most they have done about their guilt is to create long words about it shows how little they actually feel. Their constant meddling shows where they want to go. It is too bad we could not have settled up with Stalin and let him and his way with them. Perhaps more mercifully, they should have been divided into their pre-WWI borders. Our father's dropped the ball, as so many parole boards do, it is we who are forced to live with the consequences. At least we can take heart in the fact that for all the hype about Germany, history is against them when it comes to winning wars. Even the French (Napoleon) managed to rather soundly whip them and they were thoroughly trounced in WWI and again WWII. I only hope that when we give it too them again, we do not hold back a third time.
To address a couple of the above comments...
Just as the P51 proved fighter and the T45 a better tank - I'll put my faith in my Desert Eagle over that tiny Luger.
I am sure Germany is a beautiful place, but that beauty is marred by an evil past. I am equally sure there are some intelligent and kind people who live there - but they have never paid the price for crimes they have benefited so much from.
As for the Turks and Jews in Germany suppressing its healthy nationalism- if they stopping Germany from engaging in another war against civilization than they are doing their ungrateful host an enormous favour given its tack record on military success.Boycott Germany now! 20 may 2008, 06:05 - Denunciar -
About Germany
I say, noone has the right to say Germany sucks if they haven't lived there for at least 10 years, because even then as a foreigner you do not yet know all of and all about it. People can be stupid anywhere.
I've grown up in Germany, been living here for quite some time (I've been living in the states as well so I think I can compare what I saw and felt) and as a born German citizen who has grown up in this country, I can just say I HATE IT because of what happened to me here! Btw, the Nazi quote in Germany is pretty small although it might be higher in the east but I mean, the states have their republicans as well...German dude 20 may 2008, 07:25 - Denunciar -
Sticks and stones
How exactly would my, or anyone for that matter, visiting Germany change the fact that its people are responsible for two major wars and probably the dark ages as well? Would I get a discounted hotel rate because my country gave up thousands of its young men to defend its freedom against this hostile nation? Would I get a free meal because my mom had to ration food and supplies at home for the war effort? Would I get a rental car because my nation still has debts from arms it needed to build to fight a war you started? More importantly, how would that change the fact the current, well mannered and kind population of Germany has not paid reparations that any vandal would be responsible for even under Germany's own civil code? In fact, paid anything that anyone with any kind of moral character would feel responsible for? No, these fun loving, kind and wonderful people are happy to take handouts with no intention of paying them back or even acknowledging them. No, this reformed nation, as it likes to call itself, is satisfied to write books and plays about its feelings of guilt. Interestingly, most of its guilt seems to be with respect to the holocaust. The German government has seen it fit to start erecting cemeteries to its heroes in places like Latvia. Proof that it really has no feelings about the millions of other innocent people it killed trying to stop it from its insane desire to conquer the world.
The comment above about freedom is not really complete, freedom means to have war? Sometimes wars are needed to defend freedom yes. I could see why there might be some confusion here- German's don't get the connection between freedom and war the way the rest of the world does. They see war as only a means to take freedom from others. So while the rest of the EU, and nations like Canada, Australia and others were trying to stop a tragedy in Yugoslavia, Germany was supplying Croatia's holocaust denying government with arms to murder Serbs and muslims.
As for the moron's from Texas, they have twice defeated Germany in combat by building better equipment, fielding better troops, better officers and being better disciplined soldiers. So if Texas is full of morons I wonder how one would characterize Bavaria? I will grant America has done some nasty things (particularly to First Nations people), but nothing on the scale of sacking Rome, starting two global wars, or the holocaust. Given the choice, my travel dollars are going into the USA where at least I know they will not contribute to an enemy's war chest.
As for being jealous, I am not sure where that might have come from. The most interesting part of German history was when it was being beaten by Caesar. Its rebirth after the war was due to handouts - it could not have done it on its own so there is nothing to be impressed about there. Its energy policy is designed to give its architect a comfortable pension from a Russian oil company. The Japanese make better cars. The Italian's make better wine. Every body but the English make a better supper. Okay they've got a good football team and decent opera - but nothing worth missing and certainly no cause for jealousy (I'll go back to Brazil to watch football and to Hungry for the opera or the UK for both).
Now was there a suggestion in there that I was a yank? You should play nice - if you have to result to name calling your position can't be that strong. Face it. Germany belongs to the Axis of Evil. Don't buy things made in Germany and don't visit there. Germany's lack of initiative to reimburse the allied forces and victims of the holocaust is proof its people have not reformed. If you're a German citizen your nation is guilty of some horrible crimes of which the holocaust is but one part. You stole generations of our boys, emptied our banks, forced our people to ration food and supplies- for what? Because your parents wanted to take over the world. Think about that. That is crazy stuff. Your country wanted to rule the entire planet and as a result two entire generations suffered. Your nation is in a position to start paying back some of those debts. Those people you call morons saved you from the Russians who were justifiably irked at your attempt to exterminate them. Your father invaded their country and killed 2,000,000 of them. Called them genetically inferior. Were it not for those you so openly insult, there would have been no Berlin Wall because there would have been no Berlin airlift. There would only have been a long forced march to Siberia. If you were born after the war know that you would have been born into crushing poverty and life as an outcast - your people deserve that fate. Because your government lacks the moral character to repay its debts, you as an individual who have received profits from Germany's crimes (even if you did not participate directly in those crimes) should consider paying a portion of that money back through donating to allied veteran's funds and charities. Justice will be served in time.Boycott Germany 21 may 2008, 08:54 - Denunciar -
Sticks and stones
How exactly would my, or anyone for that matter, visiting Germany change the fact that its people are responsible for two major wars and probably the dark ages as well? Would I get a discounted hotel rate because my country gave up thousands of its young men to defend its freedom against this hostile nation? Would I get a free meal because my mom had to ration food and supplies at home for the war effort? Would I get a rental car because my nation still has debts from arms it needed to build to fight a war you started? More importantly, how would that change the fact the current, well mannered and kind population of Germany has not paid reparations that any vandal would be responsible for even under Germany's own civil code? In fact, paid anything that anyone with any kind of moral character would feel responsible for? No, these fun loving, kind and wonderful people are happy to take handouts with no intention of paying them back or even acknowledging them. No, this reformed nation, as it likes to call itself, is satisfied to write books and plays about its feelings of guilt. Interestingly, most of its guilt seems to be with respect to the holocaust. The German government has seen it fit to start erecting cemeteries to its heroes in places like Latvia. Proof that it really has no feelings about the millions of other innocent people it killed trying to stop it from its insane desire to conquer the world.
The comment above about freedom is not really complete, freedom means to have war? Sometimes wars are needed to defend freedom yes. I could see why there might be some confusion here- German's don't get the connection between freedom and war the way the rest of the world does. They see war as only a means to take freedom from others. So while the rest of the EU, and nations like Canada, Australia and others were trying to stop a tragedy in Yugoslavia, Germany was supplying Croatia's holocaust denying government with arms to murder Serbs and muslims.
As for the moron's from Texas, they have twice defeated Germany in combat by building better equipment, fielding better troops, better officers and being better disciplined soldiers. So if Texas is full of morons I wonder how one would characterize Bavaria? I will grant America has done some nasty things (particularly to First Nations people), but nothing on the scale of sacking Rome, starting two global wars, or the holocaust. Given the choice, my travel dollars are going into the USA where at least I know they will not contribute to an enemy's war chest.
As for being jealous, I am not sure where that might have come from. The most interesting part of German history was when it was being beaten by Caesar. Its rebirth after the war was due to handouts - it could not have done it on its own so there is nothing to be impressed about there. Its energy policy is designed to give its architect a comfortable pension from a Russian oil company. The Japanese make better cars. The Italian's make better wine. Every body but the English make a better supper. Okay they've got a good football team and decent opera - but nothing worth missing and certainly no cause for jealousy (I'll go back to Brazil to watch football and to Hungry for the opera or the UK for both).
Now was there a suggestion in there that I was a yank? You should play nice - if you have to result to name calling your position can't be that strong. Face it. Germany belongs to the Axis of Evil. Don't buy things made in Germany and don't visit there. Germany's lack of initiative to reimburse the allied forces and victims of the holocaust is proof its people have not reformed. If you're a German citizen your nation is guilty of some horrible crimes of which the holocaust is but one part. You stole generations of our boys, emptied our banks, forced our people to ration food and supplies- for what? Because your parents wanted to take over the world. Think about that. That is crazy stuff. Your country wanted to rule the entire planet and as a result two entire generations suffered. Your nation is in a position to start paying back some of those debts. Those people you call morons saved you from the Russians who were justifiably irked at your attempt to exterminate them. Your father invaded their country and killed 2,000,000 of them. Called them genetically inferior. Were it not for those you so openly insult, there would have been no Berlin Wall because there would have been no Berlin airlift. There would only have been a long forced march to Siberia. If you were born after the war know that you would have been born into crushing poverty and life as an outcast - your people deserve that fate. Because your government lacks the moral character to repay its debts, you as an individual who have received profits from Germany's crimes (even if you did not participate directly in those crimes) should consider paying a portion of that money back through donating to allied veteran's funds and charities. Justice will be served in time.Boycott Germany 21 may 2008, 08:55 - Denunciar -
Born and Raised in germany
I've been living here for over 16 years ...and i've only been to the US on Holidays...I'm half german and half english though^^ --- and germany is just miserable ...i HATE THE PLACE and i'm trying to convince my dad of moving the the land of the free ! I LOVE you guys (americans) ...and i know a lot of mates who would love to live the american way of life !! young germanys can be cool but the older guys still have a nazi brain! ..just let those guys died and then come back
Hilton 23 may 2008, 05:45 - Denunciar -
comment about ppl post
Man i truly believe and share all the things you said.. if we could just make an stop and try to help each others, we could make a different world..
this experiences that people talk about in this topic is interesting to know as an idea but is not something that could make anyone to change or make an opinion of a country.
Good post lezombie
Saludos de PeruEnrique - 25 may 2008, 03:56 - Denunciar
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