Estate agents in Brazil

A good option to facilitate the search

Consulting a real estate agent for your property search will certainly save you some stress and time.

When looking for an agent be cautious as there are many fraudsters. Every estate agent should have an ID card issued by one of the government bodies which regulate the profession of real estate agents. The card is issued by the respective regional bodies known as Conselhos Regionais de Corretores de Imóveis (CRECI ). The Federal Council is known as Conselho Federal de Corretores de Imóveis (COFECI ).

On the website of the Regional Council of Real Estate Brokers (CRECI ) you can search for real estate agents either according to the region or the different language skills of the agent. The website also has a search engine for real estate for the different regions and states of Brazil.

Another option when looking for a real estate agency is to ask the embassy or the consulate of your home country in Brazil. They can usually name some agencies whose staff speaks your language.

As it is the vendor who pays the commission for a real estate agent, you should consult several agents at the same time. They all have their own property lists so you get a wider choice.

Before visiting the properties with your real estate agents, pass by the properties on your own to get an idea of the area. Many agents offer the same properties. You should therefore compile a list of previously visited properties in order to avoid viewing the same one twice. © 2003-2025 Just Landed