Swissbenefits have put together a short list of the most important things to have sorted out before you leave:
Documentation: Be sure that all permits, documents and visa issues are sorted before the big move (your passport must be valid). Also you are likely to need your diploma, driving license and curriculum vitae. It is worthwhile bringing photocopies of all documentation, as well as passport photographs as these may be needed later during your stay.
Insurance: You need to know what kind of insurance is available to you, health insurance, third party liability and household insurance etc. Swissbenefits knows the system inside out and would be happy to assist you with finding the best solutions for you.
Renting a home: Take note of any damage in your home and to declare it by registered mail to your landlord as soon as possible after moving in (within ten days at the latest). Ensure that your deposit is paid into a blocked account - not into a personal one and if you are not fluent in the local language, it is recommended that you have someone translate or explain the contract to you.
Household effects: If you wish to have your household items, pets or car imported into Switzerland duty-free you will need to complete the 18.44 household effects application form and send it to the customs office of importation. It's a good idea to make a photocopy of the application form.

Pets: If you plan to bring pets with you, make sure that their vaccinations are up to date and that you follow all the rules of importing pets to Switzerland.
This is a general checklist but since personal situations differ you may have a number of additional things to consider.