AL Rowad international school Riyadh
Hi there,does anyone have any info on Al Rowad International school in Riyadh?How is life in Riyadh for a muslim expat family (ie kids entertainment,sports clubs,price of family accom etc)Thanks
21 May 2007, 11:12 Sina
for admission
Greetings! I am a doctor, moving to riyadh from malaysia in march first week. My kids have completed class 3 and class 1 and going to new classes in april.
Can anyone give me email addresses of Al manarat and al rowad international schools?
Can anyone also tell me that these two schools will take my kids in march (midst of the session).
If anyone give me the email address of any teacher there, i will be grateful.
thank you my email is
[email removed]Dr Huma 20 Feb 2009, 09:58 - Report -
it is the same
the female section is the exact same thing to the male section , except the teachers are women and the students are girls and the subjects are the same except there are some subjects are girly like how to cook and the female body so they don't teach it to the boys and the boys have some subjects they don't teach it to the girls every thing else is the same
asaad alwabry 24 Feb 2009, 09:37 - Report -
**** manarat riyadh
dum dum dum dum dum dum school stupid stupid
Ahmed 25 Feb 2009, 08:43 - Report -
I can teach biology or chemisty for high grades and science for primary grades
I am living in Riyadh and i hope to tell me about international schools that need teachers for any of these subjects
thanksranda 25 Feb 2009, 03:52 - Report -
An experienced Esl lecturer,trainer,supervisor
I Am seeking an Esl job at one of these schools.{ AL Rowad,Al Anjal,Riyadh Najd,Al Andalos ,Al Ekhaa ,Al Hassan},Could anyone give me their emails, addresses or phones?Egyptian,near-native,Have Ba general English from Egyptian schools,Tesol,Delta,post graduate studies in English,instructional technology ,training and supervision skills from USA Un"Georgia,Maryland",more than 20 English cert in different areas,28 years of teaching,training and mentoring international Curricula,All levels,ToEFL,IEltS overseas'USA,Egypt,middle East".I would be grateful
Warm regards
Email:[email removed]
Cell:20100789580Hamed Ahmed 28 Feb 2009, 03:13 - Report -
need almanart number plzzzzzzzzz
hi can u plzz give me almanarat school's number
faiza 03 Mar 2009, 03:39 - Report -
Assalaamu Alaykum to the Riyadh Educator and the Teaher in Rowad
In response to your comments, Insha'Allah Jannah for you and forgiveness for me.
Hesbee Allah wa namma wa keel.Nowal 11 Mar 2009, 07:13 - Report -
Al-Rowad International School Website
Please visit our new website for further information about our school.
We are now accepting applications and cvs for the upcoming academic year.Mrs. Shari 11 Mar 2009, 07:17 - Report -
@ Mrs. Faiza
You are on the Al-Rowad International School link. Manarat's link is listed under Manarat International School. Perhaps it is best to ask your question under that link.
Best RegardsMrs. Shari 11 Mar 2009, 07:20 - Report -
Admission in BBA for daughter
Assalam alaikum,
I am residing in riyadh for nearly two years now. My family has been with me for nearly five months now. While my younger ones are studying Manarat, I am facing problem on account of the admission of my elder daughter who has already done her Intermediate from Pakistan with computers, physics and mathematics. She wishes to study Business/Accounting. While I have the option of sending her abroad, I would like to explore and exercise the option of keeping her here with me and see her completing her graduation from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I have been trying hard to find information which could help me in securing admission for her in some university but till now I have not met with any success..maybe my computer skills are to be blamed. I would be extremely greatful if someone could provide me guidance on this issue. My e-mail is [email removed] and contact is 0566134348..thanks and take careSajjad 12 Mar 2009, 11:59 - Report -
Follow the automated 18 Mar 2009, 07:52 - Report -
Dear Mrs Shari
I have 3 years of experience in teacning KG & Grade 1 in riyadh AL Noor Int School and would love to work at AL- Rowad int school. Can I please have the the email address to send in my resume. ThanxSithy 25 Mar 2009, 03:07 - Report -
does ur school provide transportation as my home is far away from euromarche.i live in haiyal mansoura-khanshalila.pls reply
naveeda 29 Mar 2009, 01:38 - Report -
suppose if i get job in al rawad school. how much will be the salary
naveeda 29 Mar 2009, 01:41 - Report -
Male and Female Teachers
Al-Rowad International School needs the following personnel:
1. Teachers: (Male and Female) for all subjects, including Quran, Arabic and Islamic Ed.
2. Specialists in school management and educational supervision.
3. Secretary: Fluent in Arabic and English, both reading and writing.
- Applicants must be Bachelor Degree holders as a minimum in the revelent subject.
- Applicants should be fluent in written / spoken English.
- Applicants should be experienced in teaching international curriculum.
Interested quilified candidates may forward their CVs to teh following addresses:
For Male Teachers: [email removed]
or fax 966 1 483-2630
For Female Teachers: [email removed]
or fax 966 1 281-0855Mrs. Shari 29 Mar 2009, 07:46 - Report -
Mrs. Naveeda
Assalaamu Alaikum,
I am unable to answer your questions with what info you have provided me. However, you are welcome to come in and apply. At that time, your questions can be answered.
The school does offer transportation for teachers who request it and the buses do travel long distances. I am unfamiliar with your area.Mrs. Shari 29 Mar 2009, 07:56 - Report -
one more thing i to ask is that is teaching experience important for applying for ajob in urschool.and is it an indian school, pakistani or....? what is the languageof teaching?
i will be waitingfor ur reply.naveeda 29 Mar 2009, 09:49 - Report -
Assalaamu Alaikum,
Your salary will depend on your teaching experience and degree. Depending on your interview / model lesson, it will be decided if your English Language Command / accent is enough to be hired with or without teaching experience. Al-Rowad International School has accepted and trained new teachers with little or no teaching experience. All international schools' are teaching in English. It is always best to come and apply in person with your cv.Mrs. Shari 02 Apr 2009, 12:14 - Report -
English Teacher
I am an experienced English Teacher. I would like to apply for a teaching position to Manarat or Al Rowad. Could you please forward me the contact information of these two schools.
Thank you
SherrySherry 06 Apr 2009, 08:40 - Report -
Al-Rowad International School contact info
For Female Teachers: [email removed]
or fax 966 1 281-0855 /
phone 966 1 281-3033Mrs. Shari 06 Apr 2009, 02:08 - Report -
job as vice principal
i did master degree in business administration and have more than 20 years experience in teaching and as well as management. residents of pakistan and live in lahore pakistan. please let me know if a suiable vacancy exists under your management. now a days, working as vice principal
thanksmuhammad mosaid butt 13 Apr 2009, 02:32 - Report -
Query about Al-Rowad School
I am moving to riyadh and bit confuse about schooling for my kids. I would like to know the key differences between Al-Manarat and Al-Rowad School, though they have same fees and same milieu. How kids get english fluency and accent in both schools? Do they have foreign, English, teachers at primary levels?
Please just reply me back on above questions..
Jazak Allah
Husna BegumHusna Hoque 19 Apr 2009, 05:40 - Report -
honest & clear opinion about 2 schools
I cam to KSA a few weeks ago. I am looking for an international school for my kids. I would like to have honest opinion ABOUT 2 , manarat & Alrowad. What is the basic difference about the shcool. Are there American techer at KG level so kids can adopt a proper accent. On the whole, which of the two schools is better. My e-mail address is ali [email removed]M. Ali 19 Apr 2009, 10:01 - Report -
registration in rowad school
i want to know the registration date abd age criteria in class pre nursury my son age is 2.5 yaer
my email is [email removed]muznah 20 Apr 2009, 07:43 - Report -
summer school in riyadh
i want to know summer school in riyadh for 5 to 6 year
email me [email removed]mrs imran 20 Apr 2009, 07:54 - Report -
Kingdom versus alrowad
MY daughter attended manart school in riyadh this year, and she thinks it sucks, she is inthe 6th grade. So I would appreciate any help for transferring her to a better affordable school. Is Kingdom schol good and how abour their fess??. Through out this forum people are divided about Alrowad , but overall I got the impresion that its standards are deterioating , am I right???
A worried mother 21 Apr 2009, 07:48 - Report -
Rowad International School Website
Most of your questions can be answered by visiting the website.
If you cannot find the answers to your questions, you can contact the school.Mrs. Shari 21 Apr 2009, 08:23 - Report -
The Differences between Al-Rowad and Manarat
Manarat is a beautiful school (building), and it was something special when Ms. Jehan Al-Angri was the principal there.
Al-Rowad provides children with an islamic atmosphere and a family-type environment.
Both Manarat and Al-Rowad have Americans / British / Canadians employeed in the Primary Section. Yet, Al-Rowad has more native English speakers because we have a larger Primary Section. Manarat's Primary Section has limited space and can only offer 2 sections per grade level.
Manarat International School / Girls' Section often has to replace principals on a yearly basis. Al-Rowad has a stable administration / faculty.
Which school is the best? By asking online, you are receiving opinions. You must visit the schools and decide for yourself.
I have worked as a teacher at both schools, and I prefer Al-Rowad (a more friendly environment).Mrs. Shari 21 Apr 2009, 08:45 - Report -
good day
myself and my two kids are moving to ryadh. they are both in grade 3 but afrikaans. my husband is working for alsalam. can anybody pls help or give any suggestions.
thanksR BOTHA 23 Apr 2009, 07:33 - Report -
Can i get the exact location or address of al-rowad international school in riyadh
Hayath 25 Apr 2009, 03:37 - Report -
For Mrs Shari or anyone who may like to share their opinion, JazakAllah
I am a British/pakistani and currently looking into Al-Manarat and Al-Rowad for my sons aged 8 and 4.I am also hoping to apply for a teaching position. Kindly explain my following concerns: from the al-rowad prospectus, I get the impression that the teacher and student population is mostly Arab, and overall, the student population is not multi-cultural. Is this true? Does this pose a problem for non-arab speaking students in terms of settling in and communicating with students and teachers? Secondly, what is the medium of teaching and communication for Arabic language and Islamic studies at Rowad? I would really appreciate your help. Which of the two schools is more suitable for british education combined with strong curriculum for islamic studies, and yet the environment is multi-cultural and there is strong communication in english? ThanksAlia 28 Apr 2009, 11:18 - Report -
Jordanian male looking for work in KSA any help would be appreciated
I am a Jordanian male. I lived in the states for over 20 years so I am a native English speaker. I am currently working and living in Egypt as an English Language consultant. I have a degree and my TEFL certification I also have over 9 years of teaching experience. I want to relocate to the KSA any help? ... what schools...? please reply back to my email if possible gazak allahu khier slams
[email removed] +002 016 58 999 58Mohamed 29 Apr 2009, 01:04 - Report -
Assalaamu Alaikum,
Al-Rowad International School is international with students from all over the world, and it is an Islamic school. Due to our location in the middle east, the majority of students are from the gulf area. However, we have a variety of students from other areas of the world. Many of our teachers are native English speakers: British, American, Canadian and South African. Most important... all of our teachers are practicing Muslimahs / Muslims. The Arabic Dept. places non-Arab students in the appropriate levels, based on assessments. Islamic Education is taught in Arabic and in English. Of course, memorization of the Holy Quran is only taught in Arabic.
Presently, the KG and Primary Sections teach boys along with girls up to Grade 2 (female teachers).
If you have further questions and / or would like to seek employment, please do not hesitate to visit the school.Mrs. Shari 03 May 2009, 07:41 - Report -
i have tripplets baby boy
hi.i have tripple baby boy.and would like to send then to a very good insitute.My sons are almost 2 year old.can u plz tell me the best entertanment center in ryiadh for 2 year babyes. where they can read and play. plz give me good advise.
tripple baby 04 May 2009, 12:18 - Report -
We all miss teacher Kaiser
I heard teacher Kaiser is coming back to Rowad, if he is, make sure your children are in his class. ever since he left we have had crap to deal with and because we know that he was so cool we are really feeling the difference and feel as if we are missing out. He used to teach us and we use to play and learn. sometimes we didn't even know he was teaching, we thought we were playing but learned so much. wow!
ahmed 04 May 2009, 02:03 - Report -
Rowad ...Salaries
Doea anhyone esp mrs Shari have any ideas as to how much salary does rowad pay to teachers with Masters who can teach higher classes - no experience....???Just curious...
Curious Georgia 04 May 2009, 09:37 - Report -
Curious Georgia
Rowad School pays well, actually a little better than other international schools. However, I cannot quote you a salary expectation, as this is the duty of Mrs. Sana, our principal. Salary offers depend on your degree, major, nationality, teaching experience and the vacant position. Most all of the larger international schools in Riyadh have starting salaries that can range from around 4500-6000 riyals per month. If you are interested in working with us, you should come in with your cv / resume' and apply as soon as possible.
Mrs. Shari 06 May 2009, 02:06 - Report -
Need a teaching Job in Abha or Jaddah
Hi whould u like to any one plz help me i want to job there as a teacher i have 5 year experience in Pakistani school.
plz contact on E-mail [email removed]
right now em in Abha Saudia ArabKhurram Safdar Ali 06 May 2009, 03:28 - Report -
Workers Available for Saudia Arab
Hi my name is Mukhtiyar Allah yar em doing job in Abbah since last 25 years i have lot of workers like laber driver officeboy crane oprator fone oprator bla bla any one have need so plz contact on 0096508551567
Mukhtiyar Allah Yar 06 May 2009, 03:36 - Report -
Customer Care Center
HI ASA i want to do job in Saudia i have sales experience in NETSOL Pvt Ltd & right now em doing job as a Customer Service Executive in Gerrys Information Technology Technical support department both form belong to internet broadband. if any buddy wants to help me so plz contact me on my personal cell number 0093008925835 & email Address is [email removed] & [email removed]
Sohail Safdar Ali 06 May 2009, 03:43 - Report -
i just want to know whether your school provide transportation for those who live in haiyal mansoura near saptco bus station that is beside gardenia and opposite to haram center.
i am willing to apply as a teacher in your school and i live in haiyal mansoura.
will any one give me information about transportaiton.
i will be very thankful.
i will be waiting for replynaveeda 06 May 2009, 04:13 - Report -
Mrs Sharia
With all due respect and honour - I am really curious to know what does getting a job have to do with NATIONALITY.It sounds very discriminating actually.People think by being native english speakers or by being wth nationality from some western country they will be paid more.I am an asian i have lived practically all over the world - in NY,London,Antwerp,etc but I have studied from India Delhi i am a post graduate,that makes me less educated than my european or american or canadian counterparts???Just because I have a degree from my home country??If the same degree with or without experience is with a westerner she would be paid more than me??if she would be offered 8000 riyals i would be offered 4-5000 Riyals just because I am an Asian???
With all rspect please take only the education and experience into account and do not take the nationality part because that sounds racist.
Inshallah ta3la i will apply to your school,Thanks for the info)
Curious Georgia 07 May 2009, 12:32 - Report -
I need to know that anyone knows about private bus or taxi who can give pick and drop to my two kids to al rowad.My residence in hai al murooj, behind hyperpanda.
my mob no is 0558151959Dr Huma 09 May 2009, 02:14 - Report -
Curious Georgia
There is no need to feel offended. I am far from being a racist.
Actually, I should have stated that the salary would also depend on your accent in the English Language and not so much focus is on your nationality, as we are an Islamic international school. Unfortunately, many international schools and universities do hire (at a higher price) teachers according to the color of their skin, hair color, and eye color. Possibly because they feel that it is better for business... Americans teaching American books. However, at Al-Rowad International School, many teachers (non-native English speakers have mastered the English language and have little or no accent) make the same or possibly higher salaries than my own. We have some fantastic teachers from all nationalities.
You are very welcome to come in apply.Mrs. Shari 10 May 2009, 04:50 - Report -
Mrs Shari
Thank you so much for your kind reply Mrs Shari.I will apply.I did not mean to offend you in anyway.
CG 11 May 2009, 09:21 - Report -
Thumbs up for Al-Rowad
Mrs Shari, thanks for your informative reply. I was very impressed by the friendly yet professional attitude of the staff at Al-Rowad, I believe that a school that shows such respect and care towards parents and staff is likely to instill same values in its students.
Alia 14 May 2009, 04:27 - Report -
tuition fees
Tuition runs starting from 15,000 to 18,000 SAR yearly - depending on the grade level. They offer discounts if you have two or more children in the school. And of course, every year, the tuition goes up
GK 15 May 2009, 12:44 - Report -
i want mathematics job in your esteemed institute. I am M.Sc maths.
Muhammad Akram Awan
email: [email removed]Muhammad Akram Awan 16 May 2009, 03:53 - Report -
School in Riyadh
I have three boys currently studying in AlWaha in Jeddah and I am looking for an equivalent school in Riyadh. I have seen Manarat and not been impressed with the level of discipline. I observed tell tale signs of a collapsing order over there. I have been told that there is racism in King Abdul Aziz school as majority of lebanese teachers favor lebanese students. That feedback was enough to discourage me(an indian) from going there. I am looking for a good school with a good fair mix of nationalites among students and teachers that provides acceptable education (British Curriculum) and persues development of islamic values as its culture.
Please advice if Al Rowad qualifies and if there are other options.
Thanks in advanceImtiyaz 17 May 2009, 02:00 - Report
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