Opening a business in Romania? Contact APT
Helping you enter the Romanian market

APT Group acts as a partner of Western small and medium sized companies for business setup in Romania. Whether you are looking for qualified staff, are in need of an adequate infrastructure, or require local management support - APT is your proficient contact for all questions related to Romania.

APT helps your business grow in Romania by offering services in both human resources and public relations. At APT reputation is key, and they will help you establish a strong reputation with a focus on developing a dynamic reputation platform that can be built upon. They also have a whole range of public relations techniques to emphasize the importance of your brand in Romania. Their affiliation with Pinnacle Worldwide, one of the leading organizations of independently owned public relations firms, will help establish your brand at an international level. Competences offered to your business by APT include:
- BPO Services
- Recruitment & Selection- They find and hire the highest-quality employees possible, without all the hassle. If you are looking for a job do not hesitate to check their job-posting page.
- Executive Search- Their funnel of candidates suitable for management and executive positions derives from their market knowledge/networks established by their senior consultants in various industries.
- Personnel leasing- They limit your exposure; this is a quick, simple and cost effective alternative for directly employing the resources you need.
- Payroll services- This is a cost effective solution for the entire burden of performing all the work related to labour contracts and taxes in house.
- Employment administration- You can improve your business focus by reducing the burden of employer-related paperwork.
- Training & Development- Help you to achieve measurable results through training for more productive employees. Their Development Centre currently provides about 30 programs, mainly meant to develop personal & professional skills.
- Internal Communication- Good internal communication is essential for a work climate based on trust and sharing common values.
- Public Relations activities- As a full-service communication & public relations agency, APT Group helps companies promote their image by providing a broad range of services performed to the highest standards.
- Consulting- APT can perform consulting at the strategic level including design of HR policies/processes and tools, structuring appropriate compensation & benefits packages, employment related tax advice, performance management sought from a holistic perspective and Career Counsel including Talent Management Programs performed by their certified career counsellors (GCDF).
- Logistic services- Can provide all the needed help for a company when entering Romanian market.
For more detailed information about APT and how they can help your company, visit their website , or contact
Andrew Littauer President, Marilena Petrec, CEO Executive
APT Resources & Services SRL
Address: 82/B2, Clucerului Street, Sector 1, 011368
Bucharest, ROMANIA
Phone: +(40)21 222 1303, +(40)727 799 799, +(40)747 020 022
Fax: +(40)21 222 1304