Help! Meeting my future Kuwaiti Mother-in-law.
In less than two weeks, I will be introduced to my boyfriend's mother. I wasn't expecting to meet her for another six months! I am nervous and excited however, I don't know what to do. I have been taking Arabic classes, though I can't say much, I am american, white, non-muslim and ten years younger than her son. Also, I will be the first woman he has ever introduced to her so I am hoping that will mean something. My question is, is there something customary I should do for her, say to her, give to her...anything? At this point, I want to show her that this matters more than anything, considering if she weren't to approve, well, I don't even want to think about that route. Please, any advice is welcome.
Thank you.13 Nov 2008, 01:05 Magpie
answer to help
I don't know what to tell you ,other than its not customery or more like frowned upon greatly if a an arab guy has a girlfriend .The advice i would give you is to bring with you a dessert dish with you when you go visit her and when you say hello take her hand kiss her on both cheeks and on the top of her head and try not to talk too much ...this advice from one kuwaiti girl ,an just be pleasent and be yourself.
good luckathari almutawa 04 Dec 2008, 09:21 - Report -
Sweetheart if your boyfriend has a open minded family it will be fine, and im sure since you will be marrying him or have planned it .. then he has talked to them about it ... if not then he knows what he is doing for sure..
I have many friends that have married thier girlfriends and had no problems at all ( including my father ), and the family will get used to it eaither they like it or not :p
On the other hand .. dont worry about the family but about your self .. how about you check out some information about the country and where you will be living, if it suitable for you and you love him ... then dont even worry about his family let him do that
Take Care & Good LuckJ. 10 Dec 2008, 07:43 - Report -
Kuwaiti girlfriend in secret
I have a kuwaiti girlfriend and we meet in secret. I love her but I am scared what will happen if her parents find out.
I am a teacher . She goes to Uni. What can I do ( oh I am English and non Muslim )Happy Boy 08 Jan 2009, 10:37 - Report -
Good Luck. Be sure to tell your English family where you want your body put, (oh that's if her father doesn't chop you up
Fattulah 08 Jan 2009, 10:38 - Report -
RUN RUN RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!! No matter how open minded your boyfriend is now, when you get serious/married and become his property in his are screwed!!! I've seen it over and over and over.
Boo hoo 10 Jan 2009, 05:10 - Report