App-based jobs in your city
Make some extra cash with AppJobs

Take advantage of the hundreds of app-based jobs in Canada with AppJobs: find your city, choose your job, sign up and start working and earning. Making money through your phone has never been easier.

Make money in your city
From DoorDash and ElderCare to Upwork and Udemy, today there are hundreds of apps that allow you to work and make money through your mobile. Now, with AppJobs, you can find all these app-based jobs in one place.
Better still, AppJobs lets you search by city and job category, making it even easier to find the best job for you. Whether you fancy making a bit of extra money as a dog walker or language tutor, or working part-time as a local guide or home-chef, AppJobs can show you all your options and get you earning.
Compare jobs
Thanks to AppJobs rating and reviews system, you can find out what a job is like from people who do it. Compare jobs based on earnings, how easy it is to get started and frequency of work before you sign-up.
Find app-based jobs in your city and start earning now!
• Calgary
• Edmonton
• Montreal
• Ottawa
• Toronto