Vienna’s districts are numbered in a 'snail-shell' pattern starting with District 1 (the most central and touristy) in the centre of town, and going round clockwise from there. Each district (Bezirk) has a unique character, so expats have a range of lifestyles to choose from.
Döbling (19th) - The green

Döbling is ideal if you are looking for impressive greenery and a neighborhood made up of villas and cottages. Property there is more expensive than in many other areas, but the nature and pleasant atmosphere means it is worth the price for many. The 19th district also offers some of the best schools in Vienna, with renowned institutions such as the American International School . For higher education, check out the Lauder Business School of Vienna .
On weekends, people visit the Japanese gardens and vineyards, go hiking in the Wienerwald (Vienna Woods), and buy local products at Obkircher Markt. With sports facilities, nature getaways, coffee houses and traditional cuisine, the 19th District is a favorite for expat families.
Landstrasse (3rd) - The calm

This elegant neighborhood is home to the iconic Belvedere palace. It is a mostly residential area that offers a sense of community at a reasonable price. Landstrasse has a good amount of green spaces considering how central it is. In the snowy Viennese winter, children go sledding at the hill in the Wiener Stadtpark . It has a relaxing atmosphere and a wide choice of small stores, bakeries and coffee houses, alongside embassies and elegant townhouses. If you are looking for somewhere central that is relative quiet and relaxes, Landstrasse might be right for you.
Neubau (7th) - The modern

Described by The Independent as a “Seventh Heaven ”, Neubau is a vibrant neighborhood full of design shops, art and international restaurants. Perhaps the nicest thing about this artsy district is that you can find people from all ages walking around its cobblestone streets or sitting in the parks in the area. On weekends, many visit the Museums Quartier . Welcoming, creative, and central, Neubau is a home away from home for many expat families.
Alsergrund (9th) - The culture

The favorite stomping ground of Sigmund Freud, Alsergrund is described by Favourhoods as 'quiet and bourgeois'. Universities and beautiful parks make the 9th a popular choice for students and young families. Packed with theaters and museums, culture vultures will find their place here. On sleepy Sundays, the district offers a peaceful walk along the banks of the Danube Canal. Head to Alsergrund if you are after narrow streets, quaint architecture and a centrally located apartment.
Explore the city
Every Bezirk has a different flavor, you can find out more about others here . Good luck finding the right one for you.