French people are rude?
I want to visit France this summer, but I have heard of some friends that French people are considered to be very rude. Especially when you don't speak any French at all (like in my case). Should i be worried to travel in France now? cause this is the first time that i am travelling alone.... Anyone bad (or good) experiences with french people?
tnx,28 Mai 2007, 05:58 Nathalie
diversity and common ground!
I am french and in a relationship with an american guy since 3 years.
We are together often making fun of each other: you french are so rude! You american can't understand us!
I suppose when people are traveling to foreign countries, they're expecting to meet diversity : in customs mentalities and behaviors ...and they get prepared to the famous cultural shock.
The differences between french and american cultures apparently seem subtle, that brings us to neglect it until one gets upset and lashes out at the other.
Lots of clashes happened that way between my boyfriend and I. I would hurt his feelings with my harsh ways and my straight to the point comments...He would hurt mine judging my culture without really trying to adapt it : french are lazy, french are dirty, examining everything (in good or bad) from his american standards.
But we sticked together because our differences were at the end more attractive than repulsive! and learn to deal with our communication problems.
I would say although american's savoir vivre is less sophisticated than french's, they are more consensual people, better skilled at communication and live in a more extroverted oriented society .
French are probably closer to wild animal! Although very likely to follow complicated rules in society, they can be defensive, but once "tamed" are very devoted and laid back people.
It depends also on our personality and our capacity of adaptation in one's environment. I have been living for one year in Japan, but failed to adapt most aspects of its culture. I just don't fit in japanese society because of my sensibility although i enjoy and grew a lot from this experience.
Some do feel good around french, some don't.
There is definitely some truth in stereotypes, I just can't give credit to people who are overcritical and fuel blind controversy.
Bye! A bientot!Julie 13 Aug 2008, 09:45 - Verstoß melden -
Fly to Portugal and be happy
As a wine importer born in Mexico, I have travelled the whole Western Europe. And my impressions about France are very bad...
The country I really loved in the old continent was Portugal. It`s a beautiful and calm place, a charming blend of medieval and modern architecture.
Their North is a greenish land with a lightly rainy and cold climate, while their South is a sunny land with wonderful beaches as pleasing as Acapulco.
In every hotel, the service is excellent. There are also many English-speaking attendants.
Believe me: Lisbon is much nicer than Paris. And the Portuguese people is so gentle... too much different from the French!Christina Garcia 30 Aug 2008, 11:46 - Verstoß melden -
My story
I've been to France several times before but still got problem with French officer. They asked for my prove of location in France, which I hadnt got due to I've got my visa already, and also I've got my return flight ticket. They asked me to stand aside like criminal, waiting for all other ppl passing by. Then 2 police came and took me to a room, asking me for whole bunch of things until I gave them mobile number of my friend in France (who is not French either). They said to my friend in a very rude way that 'the next time, if I come to france in the same situation, i will be kicked out'. After that, they released me, no execuse. I dont know what's the problem, i've got a work permit in UK, i've got my return flight, i've been to france so many times, because i've got friends who study there.
Anyhow, when I came back to UK. I see 2 ppl having a similar problem, officer come and say appology to them. I know sometimes we've got problem like this, but at least they need to say sorry after thatHung 08 Okt 2008, 05:21 - Verstoß melden -
Are French people rude ?
Yes, they are.
For example I wanted to park, and a guy deliberately did not close his opened cardoor, despite of seeing us to intent to drive there. I stood there 2-3 minutes and drove further. It can not happen in my country !
I could write 2-3 other examples, these happened during 2 weeks when we spent our holiday there.
BUT ! We met a lot of nice people as well !Frank József 14 Nov 2008, 09:26 - Verstoß melden -
Just how rude and stupid are the French? Ask me I know!
The homeless COWBOY living in France story
In French it’s SDF (without fix housing no it’s no I don’t have a motor home or mobile home)
My father, he join the American Army to help fight the Nazis. He came to France to do his duty for god and country as he said. He meets and marries a French woman my mother. I was born in Paris, France because my father and mother were still living in France at the time I was born. I am a duo citizen I am both American and French or Franco-American. I have all the paper up to date and can prove it. I live most of my life in the United States of American because my father wanted it this way he never felt I was French. He hated the French. The French did not have his work ethic and no boy of his was going be raised a pink Frenchy fag that why he left France to never return. My father is a big hard redneck cowboy a man of very few words but when he spoke it was with fire and he only said it once or his neck would turn red then he was mad. I learn to believe ever thing he said because I did not like it when he was mad. My mother is French my grandmother is French my great-grandmother is French all born on French soil. I was born here in France I’m at less half French no matter what my father thinks and so I said today I have French blood flowing though my veins (that was what I said before 2002). My father hates the French but marries a Frenchy he raise three children with a Frenchy and on French soil for many years hating ever minute of it. Why did he stay? I do not know. One day my mother asks me why don’t I come to France and find my ROOTS see family after all blood is thicker then water. If that was not enough she said come and drink the wine and eat the cheese with French breads (it a French thing you have wine, cheese and bread you have life ever thing the don’t worry be happy mind set). I know most Americans don’t understand this but the wines here are not what most Americans like or would buy it just to try it but I have come to an understanding of wines like many French have, it good stuff and it cheaper then water it true; it maybe hard to believe but true you have to live here to understand all this I know in the States life it not like this.
I came to France because my mother ask me to be French I started on the wrong foot I try to start on the right foot with a glass of wine in one hand and my American I-D card in the other I did not yet have a French I-D card (you must have one by French law) I sat as low as I could for 9 months looking for my paper work to get my I-D card I live in fear of going to Bagne de la Guyane a penal colony of the French to be sentenced to hard labor for years. I had never been to prison and not having a French I-D card and then say I was French their throw away the key I never get out. I was told by French people the French have a very bad prison system they could lose you in paper work for months and find you dead. Is this true? I believe it. I had no money, no food and no home but I was told don’t worry it’s France be happy I was told the French government will help me get on my feet just do you’re paper work for the French government or go to Bagne de la Guyane I run to get my paper work started but found it takes months to get any paper work started. Don’t look to start any thing in the Summer months and during the work strikes and any Friday how about the three and four day weekends (two four day weekends back to back is four days off one day of work and then four days off and that one day of work what get done on that day a strike day off or a sick day off that’s 9 days of a no work weekend and don’t forget the day before the weekend and the last day of the weekend can make 11 days of nothing being done, the long weekends go on for three months and on top of that some offices closed down for a month for a total of 3 to 4 months of slow to a compete stop work being done). It can take 4 months to get a I-D Card. When I said 4 months that on a good year some times 5 to 6 months is average for the I-D card to be made and sent to you. You may need any were from one to six different piece of paper depending on if he had coffee and if he had his sick day off in the big weekend so he rested and he had his caffeine you must kiss his as* then he might help you. His job is not to help some one that dose not know this is a rule of France and then here comes a dumb Cowboy know it all smartas* me. Each piece of paper I had to find that were hidden all over France I’m lucky it don’t take a YEAR I was a smartas*. My mistake was not ask the right question at the right time meaning that I already know the answer but that I should have ask it before I left. So I learn to ask questions but never the right one because I don’t already know the answer but if I know the answer I would not ask the question. I have live on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Life is not the same on either side but I am here now and can not just walk away from France or I just might. Why would I leave France after the French government is like this with everybody? The French do live to have a care free life style with wine, cheese and bread and for a love of red tape paper work. The French wrote the book on how paper work can make more paper work and not get the one paper you need. I ask the question why do I need this paper work? He don’t know he made the paper work and know what was for. Or were do I go to get the next paper work? It in town some were on the other side of town next to the….. ? He don’t know or he don’t want to tell me because it was the wrong question. I got this in ever government office in town the person would do what he thought was his job and most of the time it was less then what his title was but never so low as to say he pick up the trash. I said he made the trash he should pick up the trash he said that the garbageman job he don’t get it. His job is to do as little as he can of his job so he sleep well knowing he got over on the system he out smarted the MAN! He wins the system loses.
All this aside can be done I have never work here in France never paid a penny in taxes so for the most part I don’t give a dam about the French and their work ethic or lack of one if it true what my father told me. I never voted or paid any taxes so I don’t like the French is not an issue until issue one thing happen to me that can not be undone, yes the French government did give money ever month at some 300 Euros and the city of Perpignan (a city in southern France) then gave me an apartment with a very low rent and free medical care for me. Then the police for some reason wanted me I had not committed any crimes in France but I have been arrested 6 times and imprison twice for crimes I did not do. I have proof I don’t do the crimes and that the police did not like that and have told me so. I have been beating and kick had stuff stolen from me by the police even had my cane broken by the police. I need a cane to walk with because my father in law try to kill me by running me over with his car he broke my knee. My father in law is French my mothers 2nd husband he was found guilt of the crime he was told to pay me money but have yet to see any money. I was found handicap by French law that said I can get more money but lose my medical care I have no medical care and can not pay for it. My apartment was so bad that I could not heat my apartment because the windows are broken the police broke the windows six of them and the HLM the office in charge of my building will not fix the windows the apartment also had no insulation in three out side walls I also have varicose veins in advance stages so I can not deal with a some what cooler weather I get cold easy so I need all the walls with insulation in them I told that the HLM but will not fix the walls even though by French law their have fix the walls. I ask for this to be done 5 years ago and now the HLM have taking all my stuff all my winter clothes and left me a handful of clothes for summer. My bed was bought just for my legs that I no longer have. I eat dog food for one year had no water in my apartment. The HLM also try to take my handicap money that put me in the physiological hospital. I can say that the French government haves try to kill me in more then one way or get me in prison for crimes I have not done.
I found that the French government is a dumbas* and needs to be kick in the as* so I did so. On the front door of a police station I sprayed painted the word COWBOY on the big front door as big as the door and on the front door step of police station I sprayed painted HOUSE OF PIGS in a mostly Muslims neighborhood because Muslims don’t like pigs and the police are not like as well by them. I had taking pictures of most of my crime spree the day of. The police said I insulted them and I need to be arrest by 12 arm men. Me with a cane I had a broken knee and very bad varicose veins, try and out run 12 guys less then 10 feet away from me. I was held for two days by the police before their sent me to a physiological hospital. WHY? Because I must be crazy even mad I also glue the locks of 7 city offices and the office of The Rights of Man I sprayed painted COWBOY over the whole building so that ever thing need to be repainted by the city it was done by the office personnel the very next day. I also put a chain and padlock on 7 city office doors I even lock the Mayor out of his office. I did this THREE times. I broke French law and did not even get a ticket I got beat and tore my overalls and stole more of my stuff even toke my French I-D card luckily I had two. Why did the police do this to me? At first the police do not know who did the graffiti. Don’t worry be happy is a French philosophy as song by Georges Moustaki : La Philosophie it goes some thing like this (you have all your life to play, you have all your death to rest). I told the police I did the graffiti put glue in the door locks and chain doors to lock the city office personnel and any visitor to that office (I had the pictures on me when I was arrested as proof I did the crime my cane and hat were in the pictures the police toke two days of investigate the crime and said I did not do the crime). Why I do it? To get people to ask why lock out the people and why are the police pigs? Because the mayor is a liar and a thief and so are the police. The police today want my as* in prison and are looking for any reason to do so it or have me lock up in some nut house for the crazy ones and I must one of crazy ones. Crazy enough to make graffiti on police doors and say I did it. Now that is just nuts. No one tells the truth of the crime that deliberate disrespects the police in front of the Muslims like I did and live to tell about to other Muslims. Yes my life is on the line but the HLM wants me to so one way or the other my life have been cut short it just a question of time. I going to leave to this life I leave like a man. That why I put this on a web site to get my story out there. I’m told that the French people are lead to believe that there is no homeless and if any it very few that not what I see and I’m homeless maybe it takes one to know.
So between the mayor office and the Police I have lost all my stuff been in more pain from not being able to eat good and being beating and my legs have gotten worse because of all this the beating and not having my medicine because the HLM office toke all my medicine I had a home filled with things like stove, refrigerator and a dinning room table to eat on by French law the HLM can not take that away from me but did none the less. My life is about to flush down the toilet. I wrote ever French Government office in this country even the President of France yes Nicolas Sarkozy Office but their did nothing. The police and the mayor of this city toke my life and put out it to dry and I am just to let it happen in a nutshell it all of the French Government haves fail to help one of it own. What do I think of France now? Lets see the country is beautiful the wine and cheese are great it just not a country to live in especial if you poor or in need of help. In other words the wine and cheese is not enough as for the beautiful country I can go home. The French Government can deport my as* right out of here but it illegal to deport a French citizen but wait their can break any law their want like throw a disable man out of his home and make up lies to cover their as*. The HLM toke me to court with out tell me or my lawyer of the case so as to win because I was not there the judge said I was at fault I have never been able to tell a judge any of this. Why is the HLM lying? The Mayor lets it happen. Because the mayor is a big time liar. His office have lied to me more then once so I don’t say I think he a liar I know he is a liar and by French law I maybe breaking another law. I maybe going to prison for this crime. Tell me some thing I don’t know.
For any one that like to see the pictures I toke of the police station or the mayor office e-mail me at [email removed]
The French Government people just don’t like to do the job it set out to do until their get mud in their in eye. Me I will be happy to do it but not until it all over their face. Stand aside Colonel Mud because I be swing mud ever were. Please come back to see what else I have done to the French Government. As I have lots of plans just buying some time. You will even found it funny not so for the government office. Lots of laughs mayor of Perpignan.
What do I think of the French people after all the bullshi* I have been though? They are the most unpretentious arrogant aristocratic elitist social class of bourgeois people I have ever met. The kings of France have long ago lost their power over the poor. The royalty alive today with a silver spoon in their mouth like the Marie Antoinettes of yesterday have little to no power left. What is a bourgeois today? It’ s middle working class French person many of them have jobs with the government thinking of them self as better then the rest of us commoners even a co-work that haves the same job title is less then him. He is not the king but just below him. What does this mean? Will he is better then most only the king is better but if ever the people storm the Bastille we can not cut off his head like you can a king. Why is that? Because he only followed orders from the king and after all France is now a socialistic country that haves a king that can not be found. Even the president of France is safe with this chain of command. Why? Because the king is out there some were. Napoleon Bonaparte was not a king of France or king of the French but he did crown himself as Emperor of the French; King of Italy; Mediator of the Swiss Confederation; Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine and he sat on the Imperial Throne it’s a real chair and live in castles though out France.
What the different between Emperor and king? I look it up and here it is :
Emperor , The male ruler of an empire. The domain ruled by an emperor; the region over which imperial dominion is exercised. Emperor is more important then a king and in theory is above a king better then a king god like. Imperial Dominion : power exerted over others: control or command wielded over others like a king.
A King : male sovereign: a man or boy who rules as a monarch over an independent state that ruled with dominion from a castle. I know many people believe that the Emperor and king are not the same and if that true the president is also not the same.
Is it true that both George Walker Bush and Nicolas Sarkozy both lied to cover up some other lies what ever their say it like as if god said it, their live in very big homes with plush chairs with more then their need. Both are rich like kings and yet their are not kings. No Crowns on their heads look closer their both have titles few of us have like knighthood and the blood lines of the Queen of England. I did hear that history repeats it’s self from some were.
I have royal blue line from my father side of the family and yet I’m homeless, a few clothes and a little money. My dinner is dog food it is plush if I don’t eat it in a can. I was told to thank Jean-Paul Alduy (the lying mayor of Perpignan) and Nicolas Sarkozy (the lying president/ king of France) for being homeless.
Nicolas Sarkozy was born in French and his mother no one else in his family was born in France. Nicolas Sarkozy also haves royal aristocratic elitist blood line and financial ties to the Bush family that making him lots of money the Carlyle Group and ties to Zionist movement.
He is a war monger. He profited from the war and the World Bank crashes. He already haves more money then he will ever need for the rest of his and his children lives and wants more money. I don’t have a home WHY? Were is the money to make me a home to live in? Who got the money? I don’t know. Can I Nicolas Sarkozy were it at maybe in his wallet. After all he has millions of Euros and two BIG beautiful homes; he a liar. I only have 600 Euros ever month and no home and have not lied to the French government. I get put in prison for tell the truth.
I also like to add I been in French PRISON three times for crimes the French police made up.Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 16 Nov 2008, 12:10 - Verstoß melden -
I like to say more
I was also accused of wanting to kill Nicolas Sarkzoy - president of France ever body here alreay dose not like him but me at that time I knew nothing of him but I was told by RUDE and STUPID dumbass French cops I was going to kill this hated man I knew nothing of. Because I was in the same part of town he was in and this town is know for hot heads they knew I was American so I was profiled as a hot head killer of the French. I most have loved BUSH and his war machine becaues I'm America. Dont all American have guns and people ever day just for the hell of it. I have never owned a gun let alone kill someone for any thing but that not what the French believe. I fit the profile to a T the French cops just dont care rude,stupid dumbass holes is just not enough it must more the that. I speak better French then most Americans my problem is it the verbs I dont know. In France you speak good French you know your verbs and you ues them becaues you have to. Ever body ues them so everone have or it's an insult the French start being rude frist just in case you miss up some how like not useing your verbs but what is really the truth here is you dont have ues the verbs because most French dont remember thier verbs any how it is one of the hardest languages in the world to speak when done right. The French can not tell people thier dont some thing especially the language thier study so dam hard because most got drill the verbs over and over so by the time thier forget the verbs thier trun in mean dumbass holes and mess up ever body standing next to them to get back at the system that drill so hard as kids. That just one of many things the French have that make them ass holes I can go on all day but in a nutshell it the system the French hate and fright it tooth and nail ever though thier loose it ok just as long it a fright of words yes big mouth all talk and no bite. The French hate Americans because many Americans dont talk or talk ever little but when Americans bite thier bite so hard you can at times loose your ass and that not done in France. The French if ever thier get mad it gotting the point like the Americans the French cut off heads no I mean kill you by cutting off your head that ever 500 years or so the time is coming up with the new president of France the pressure and stress of life here is harder and harder and Sarkzoy the dumbass he is dont see it he lives like a king the French dont like king thier cut the heads of kings off. In the States we kick his ass out of office not so here.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 16 Nov 2008, 01:36 - Verstoß melden -
To Charlotte
Frist of all when uesing a comma that is this mark (,) you ues the word follow by a comma then a space then the next word like this. {Hi, French people dont like Americans, you people are very arrogant}and I uesed capital letters in both words French and Americans. Did see I also uesd a capital letter for your name. Charlotte I know you did at less collège (high school) but some how forgot to use the lager C for your own name or you were always dumb. You are right Americans are very arrogant just look at what I done to you. I have the arrogance to tell you that you dont know jack shit. Now that arrogant and what real funny is that I'm a bad speller but you know if I wrote this in French without the right verbs you would done the same thing to me. Insutled to the max for saying bad to the French in French. I have to ask you why did write any thing bad about Americans in English? It be like wise to live in hell because you were good. Dont go were you not welcome rude, stupid and dumbass Frenchy please go to hell. AS for what you think of Americans having orgys, sex, thing that are forbidden in your cinical country just were did you hear that. What are trying to say orgys is not sex? You list both as if the two are different. I geuss the French can have an orgys without sex and the French do have sex because you were born France. The French never have orgys? Did any one look up the etymology of the orgy? I did it was a word ues by the French frist then the English. The French spelling is orgie. Why did the French need this word frist could it be the French were doing things the chuch did not like and need a word to define this bad thing and came up with orgie then the French chuch add sex in the definition of orgie then the English pick up the word change it to orgy and keep the same definition. What do you mean by sex and thing? What thing? Sex haves a thing were it at or is it a dumb Frenchy can not write? You wrote sex,thing the comma is and. What you mean is orgys and sex is forbidden in our cinical country. No having sex is not forbidden in American as for orgys are also not forbidden. It is forbidden to have orgys and sex in public parks or any public places but that true of France. I have seen people have sex in public places the peoele though other did not see or thier did not care. I'm thinking that Frenchy did not give a dam who was looking. Charlotte in concision noting you said here that I see makes you look even half way good or smart so your a RUDE STUPID DUMBASS FRENCHY the only thing missing is your head in a basket. To all that read I can say she a dumbass Frenchy because my mother was born in France and I was also born in France that right I'm a half Frenchy and thank god half AMERICAN I take the right to say when the French screw up and tell the world of it. I will make fun of your way lifebecause I can.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 16 Nov 2008, 05:59 - Verstoß melden -
To rude French
He another Frenchy that dont ues capital letters were he sholud is he this sloppy in writing his French most liking so he be call a rude, stupid dumbass Frenchy. He said that the French are stress out from over work and under paid and over tax that why the French are some what rude. Over stress people are not some what rude but the French are stress out from over work and under paid and over tax that makes a very big nut case. Yes there some people that are nice in France most of them are stealing from Americans the few left over that are nice are very very few I know of one in six years of living here in France. He more Frenchy then me and tells me that the French are stress out. He works more then the average Frenchy and paid very high taxs. He calls the Frenchy cry babys. The French are cry babys SIX weeks off a year paid the frist year on the job and the 3 and 4 day weekends all year long. 4 day weekends back to back cames to 16 weeks off paid and sick day to paid here he needs to be careful how he lies. For the most part very hard to get fired even when caught lying. Because lying is over look here ever body lies heres it not like but over look. The French feel then need to lie like hell to cover up all the other lies. But all the big things that happen to the French dont make nice people and yet we have some dumbass telling us not to be so hard to mean dumdass Frenchy. He haves a hard life let him be rude he really very very nice. I walk into a store with money in my hand (that were money should be if you not French). Money in hand I ask her were to find.... She stop me and told to say VOUS my French sounded like I should have know this I told he I was American. She was not happy think I was French and lying just to be mean. I told her I never learn my verbs said I was soory but to no avail she was not going to help me. She kick me out for insulting her. Nice French people found in ever corner of France most of the time thier take you money and kick out and then thier get real nice with your money in thier hands. Now that nice France. The France are total misunderstanding that true. Most Americans can not live lies like the French and like my father dont know what to say and dont speak that be why so many Americans come to France. The French have many clichés with the Americans and some of the clichés are very old and some are not true but let me tell there as many American clichés that are not true. You should read my other stuff listed above
Just how rude and stupid are the French? Ask me I know!
I like to say more
To CharlotteIvan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 16 Nov 2008, 08:07 - Verstoß melden -
A part of my hell here in France
I seen your article in the Le Petit Journal dated Vendredi 7 au 13 Novembre 2008 n° 101. Where you say that some people made some graffiti on some walls of your city Perpignan. I like to know is this fact true? Yes I saw the photo of some graffiti but I can not tell were in the city this was done. I am asking because I also did some graffiti in your city of Perpignan and I have not gone to court for this crime after all I did break French law. You can see that I did because I took photos of my crimes and the Police have them and a sign a statement that I did the crime. The police believe I did the crime. I was arrest and beating by 12 arm men for the crime because the police were mad I did the crime and knew I was proud of the crime so I got a good beating and stole more of my stuff. The graffiti I wrote was made to insult the police for all the other beatings I got from them. I wrote House of Pigs and Cowboy I am cowboy. I still do not know if the chief of police is insulted or not. Maybe he’s not insulted because I not in prison and should be. I am guilty of making graffiti and I a free man.
Here a letter I sent to Nicolas Sarkozy office and no answer yet. It being over 5 years I have tried asking nicely now I don’t care how he feels or thinks of me.
[email removed]
My mother was born in France. I was also born in France. My father is American he came to France because of the Nazis he join in the Army. I also have a long line of France Royal Blood in me even from my father side of the family.
I live now in Perpignan, France. I have updated all my paper work to clearly say that I am French. I carry my French Identification Card with me all the time. I had never broken any of French’s laws. Done ever thing by the book I drink no alcohol or smoke anything never started ether one. I do not think this makes me a better man then other person just another person that dose not drink and smoke even hash. I am drug free and I can and have proof to this. I have never work in France and so I have never paid taxes to this country. I feel the need to walk in a straight as far as my life goes in a country that lets me still to live and wants to help me even though I have never done a thing for this country. I had never stolen one cent from this country even when I have to eat dog food to live. This was my way of life until I was arrested 6 times for things I did not do because I wanted to respect this country. This became to hard to do because the mayor of Perpignan had me throw out of my apartment because he wanted to. The mayor took all my stuff and all my medication. I am sick and I am handicap I have the red card that says I am handicap ever one knows this. I am now homeless with pain in my legs and I am cold. The mayor wants the money I get ever month to live on. The mayor start a court case against me with out tell me or my lawyer it was this case that he won to have me throw out trying to take money from anyone I know my mother for one.
I have come to a point that if the mayor wants me he can come and get me I don’t care only because I don’t what else can be done so I committed a crime here are my photos. The police know I did the crime because I told them myself. I got a beat for it but nothing else no prison time no court not even a parking ticket. What I don’t understand is I am guilt but can not live in prison I need a roof but dose France give a dam I don’t see it. I lock the mayor of Perpignan out of his office 3 times. I was told I was seen on camera I knew the cameras were they that why I did it. I like the fact that the police and the mayor of Perpignan don’t like me because we have some thing in common I don’t like them at all their thief’s and lairs. I have even told them how I feel just because I can. Look at the photos please feel free to ask around if this is true. I want you to know I did not do this in disrespect of the French but I am sick and tried of this game and did what I had to. If this mean you think I disrespected you then so be it because I had to eat dog food in a country that prides it self over the Americans because Americans eat junk food and the French eat gourmet food. I can tell dog food is not gourmet food and never eat dog food in the States so if found find me insulting then you need it.
My father a hard core redneck cowboy told me not to insult any one for anything but if you must do it right all the way. I guess I have insulted you right down to the bone. I am sure my father is OK with what I have done and if he not I have more plans to insult them if need. Why because I did nothing wrong to your country it’s this country that wrong me I did my best to be far until I lost all stuff all my rights. MY LIFE!!! I say this because the mayor of Perpignan knows that my life is on the line I have almost been killed four times with no help from his office. I have nothing to lose now because the mayor took it all away from me even it’s against the law for him to do so. He now going to have to take my life I don’t not want to freeze to death. If you feel I insulted you please deport back home I wait you answer. I don’t understand people have been insulted by me but don’t want to ship me home. WHY????????
My father is half American Indian and the American Indians have a saying. The Indians call it a war cry, you run toward the enemy saying. “It’s a good day to die”! I have Indian blood to.
Stand back because HELL is on it’s way.
My name is Ivan Abell SDF homeless cowboy and I am free. My thoughts are mine, my thoughts are free, my thoughts can not be taking away from me. I have proof to all my claims of the mayor of Perpignan and the police or I would not say it.
I can be e-mail at [email removed]
[email removed] sent to this address.
French Law for the handicap
Code de l'action sociale et des familles
• Partie législative
o Livre II : Différentes formes d'aide et d'action sociales
Titre IV : Personnes handicapées
Chapitre VI : Personnes atteintes de syndrome autistique et personnes atteintes de polyhandicap.
Article L246-1
Modifié par Loi n°2005-102 du 11 février 2005 - art. 90 JORF 12 février 2005
Toute personne atteinte du handicap résultant du syndrome autistique et des troubles qui lui sont apparentés bénéficie, quel que soit son âge, d'une prise en charge pluridisciplinaire qui tient compte de ses besoins et difficultés spécifiques.
Adaptée à l'état et à l'âge de la personne, cette prise en charge peut être d'ordre éducatif, pédagogique, thérapeutique et social.
Il en est de même des personnes atteintes de polyhandicap.
Anciens textes:
Loi n°96-1076 du 11 décembre 1996 - art. 2 (Ab)Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 16 Nov 2008, 08:18 - Verstoß melden -
more on my life in hell here in France
The homeless COWBOY living in France story
In French it’s SDF (without fix housing no it’s no I don’t have a motor home or mobile home)
My father, he join the American Army to help fight the Nazis. He came to France to do his duty for god and country as he said. He meets and marries a French woman my mother. I was born in Paris, France because my father and mother were still living in France at the time I was born. I am a duo citizen I am both American and French or Franco-American. I have all the paper up to date and can prove it. I live most of my life in the United States of American because my father wanted it this way he never felt I was French. He hated the French. The French did not have his work ethic and no boy of his was going be raised a pink Frenchy fag that why he left France to never return. My father is a big hard redneck cowboy a man of very few words but when he spoke it was with fire and he only said it once or his neck would turn red then he was mad. I learn to believe ever thing he said because I did not like it when he was mad. My mother is French my grandmother is French my great-grandmother is French all born on French soil. I was born here in France I’m at less half French no matter what my father thinks and so I said today I have French blood flowing though my veins (that was what I said before 2002). My father hates the French but marries a Frenchy he raise three children with a Frenchy and on French soil for many years hating ever minute of it. Why did he stay? I do not know. One day my mother asks me why don’t I come to France and find my ROOTS see family after all blood is thicker then water. If that was not enough she said come and drink the wine and eat the cheese with French breads (it a French thing you have wine, cheese and bread you have life ever thing the don’t worry be happy mind set). I know most Americans don’t understand this but the wines here are not what most Americans like or would buy it just to try it but I have come to an understanding of wines like many French have, it good stuff and it cheaper then water it true; it maybe hard to believe but true you have to live here to understand all this I know in the States life it not like this.
I came to France because my mother ask me to be French I started on the wrong foot I try to start on the right foot with a glass of wine in one hand and my American I-D card in the other I did not yet have a French I-D card (you must have one by French law) I sat as low as I could for 9 months looking for my paper work to get my I-D card I live in fear of going to Bagne de la Guyane a penal colony of the French to be sentenced to hard labor for years. I had never been to prison and not having a French I-D card and then say I was French their throw away the key I never get out. I was told by French people the French have a very bad prison system they could lose you in paper work for months and find you dead. Is this true? I believe it. I had no money, no food and no home but I was told don’t worry it’s France be happy I was told the French government will help me get on my feet just do you’re paper work for the French government or go to Bagne de la Guyane I run to get my paper work started but found it takes months to get any paper work started. Don’t look to start any thing in the Summer months and during the work strikes and any Friday how about the three and four day weekends (two four day weekends back to back is four days off one day of work and then four days off and that one day of work what get done on that day a strike day off or a sick day off that’s 9 days of a no work weekend and don’t forget the day before the weekend and the last day of the weekend can make 11 days of nothing being done, the long weekends go on for three months and on top of that some offices closed down for a month for a total of 3 to 4 months of slow to a compete stop work being done). It can take 4 months to get a I-D Card. When I said 4 months that on a good year some times 5 to 6 months is average for the I-D card to be made and sent to you. You may need any were from one to six different piece of paper depending on if he had coffee and if he had his sick day off in the big weekend so he rested and he had his caffeine you must kiss his as* then he might help you. His job is not to help some one that dose not know this is a rule of France and then here comes a dumb Cowboy know it all smartas* me. Each piece of paper I had to find that were hidden all over France I’m lucky it don’t take a YEAR I was a smartas*. My mistake was not ask the right question at the right time meaning that I already know the answer but that I should have ask it before I left. So I learn to ask questions but never the right one because I don’t already know the answer but if I know the answer I would not ask the question. I have live on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Life is not the same on either side but I am here now and can not just walk away from France or I just might. Why would I leave France after the French government is like this with everybody? The French do live to have a care free life style with wine, cheese and bread and for a love of red tape paper work. The French wrote the book on how paper work can make more paper work and not get the one paper you need. I ask the question why do I need this paper work? He don’t know he made the paper work and know what was for. Or were do I go to get the next paper work? It in town some were on the other side of town next to the….. ? He don’t know or he don’t want to tell me because it was the wrong question. I got this in ever government office in town the person would do what he thought was his job and most of the time it was less then what his title was but never so low as to say he pick up the trash. I said he made the trash he should pick up the trash he said that the garbageman job he don’t get it. His job is to do as little as he can of his job so he sleep well knowing he got over on the system he out smarted the MAN! He wins the system loses.
All this aside can be done I have never work here in France never paid a penny in taxes so for the most part I don’t give a dam about the French and their work ethic or lack of one if it true what my father told me. I never voted or paid any taxes so I don’t like the French is not an issue until issue one thing happen to me that can not be undone, yes the French government did give money ever month at some 300 Euros and the city of Perpignan (a city in southern France) then gave me an apartment with a very low rent and free medical care for me. Then the police for some reason wanted me I had not committed any crimes in France but I have been arrested 6 times and imprison twice for crimes I did not do. I have proof I don’t do the crimes and that the police did not like that and have told me so. I have been beating and kick had stuff stolen from me by the police even had my cane broken by the police. I need a cane to walk with because my father in law try to kill me by running me over with his car he broke my knee. My father in law is French my mothers 2nd husband he was found guilt of the crime he was told to pay me money but have yet to see any money. I was found handicap by French law that said I can get more money but lose my medical care I have no medical care and can not pay for it. My apartment was so bad that I could not heat my apartment because the windows are broken the police broke the windows six of them and the HLM the office in charge of my building will not fix the windows the apartment also had no insulation in three out side walls I also have varicose veins in advance stages so I can not deal with a some what cooler weather I get cold easy so I need all the walls with insulation in them I told that the HLM but will not fix the walls even though by French law their have fix the walls. I ask for this to be done 5 years ago and now the HLM have taking all my stuff all my winter clothes and left me a handful of clothes for summer. My bed was bought just for my legs that I no longer have. I eat dog food for one year had no water in my apartment. The HLM also try to take my handicap money that put me in the physiological hospital. I can say that the French government haves try to kill me in more then one way or get me in prison for crimes I have not done.
I found that the French government is a dumbas* and needs to be kick in the as* so I did so. On the front door of a police station I sprayed painted the word COWBOY on the big front door as big as the door and on the front door step of police station I sprayed painted HOUSE OF PIGS in a mostly Muslims neighborhood because Muslims don’t like pigs and the police are not like as well by them. I had taking pictures of most of my crime spree the day of. The police said I insulted them and I need to be arrest by 12 arm men. Me with a cane I had a broken knee and very bad varicose veins, try and out run 12 guys less then 10 feet away from me. I was held for two days by the police before their sent me to a physiological hospital. WHY? Because I must be crazy even mad I also glue the locks of 7 city offices and the office of The Rights of Man I sprayed painted COWBOY over the whole building so that ever thing need to be repainted by the city it was done by the office personnel the very next day. I also put a chain and padlock on 7 city office doors I even lock the Mayor out of his office. I did this THREE times. I broke French law and did not even get a ticket I got beat and tore my overalls and stole more of my stuff even toke my French I-D card luckily I had two. Why did the police do this to me? At first the police do not know who did the graffiti. Don’t worry be happy is a French philosophy as song by Georges Moustaki : La Philosophie it goes some thing like this (you have all your life to play, you have all your death to rest). I told the police I did the graffiti put glue in the door locks and chain doors to lock the city office personnel and any visitor to that office (I had the pictures on me when I was arrested as proof I did the crime my cane and hat were in the pictures the police toke two days of investigate the crime and said I did not do the crime). Why I do it? To get people to ask why lock out the people and why are the police pigs? Because the mayor is a liar and a thief and so are the police. The police today want my as* in prison and are looking for any reason to do so it or have me lock up in some nut house for the crazy ones and I must one of crazy ones. Crazy enough to make graffiti on police doors and say I did it. Now that is just nuts. No one tells the truth of the crime that deliberate disrespects the police in front of the Muslims like I did and live to tell about to other Muslims. Yes my life is on the line but the HLM wants me to so one way or the other my life have been cut short it just a question of time. I going to leave to this life I leave like a man. That why I put this on a web site to get my story out there. I’m told that the French people are lead to believe that there is no homeless and if any it very few that not what I see and I’m homeless maybe it takes one to know.
So between the mayor office and the Police I have lost all my stuff been in more pain from not being able to eat good and being beating and my legs have gotten worse because of all this the beating and not having my medicine because the HLM office toke all my medicine I had a home filled with things like stove, refrigerator and a dinning room table to eat on by French law the HLM can not take that away from me but did none the less. My life is about to flush down the toilet. I wrote ever French Government office in this country even the President of France yes Nicolas Sarkozy Office but their did nothing. The police and the mayor of this city toke my life and put out it to dry and I am just to let it happen in a nutshell it all of the French Government haves fail to help one of it own. What do I think of France now? Lets see the country is beautiful the wine and cheese are great it just not a country to live in especial if you poor or in need of help. In other words the wine and cheese is not enough as for the beautiful country I can go home. The French Government can deport my as* right out of here but it illegal to deport a French citizen but wait their can break any law their want like throw a disable man out of his home and make up lies to cover their as*. The HLM toke me to court with out tell me or my lawyer of the case so as to win because I was not there the judge said I was at fault I have never been able to tell a judge any of this. Why is the HLM lying? The Mayor lets it happen. Because the mayor is a big time liar. His office have lied to me more then once so I don’t say I think he a liar I know he is a liar and by French law I maybe breaking another law. I maybe going to prison for this crime. Tell me some thing I don’t know.
For any one that like to see the pictures I toke of the police station or the mayor office e-mail me at [email removed]
The French Government people just don’t like to do the job it set out to do until their get mud in their in eye. Me I will be happy to do it but not until it all over their face. Stand aside Colonel Mud because I be swing mud ever were. Please come back to see what else I have done to the French Government. As I have lots of plans just buying some time. You will even found it funny not so for the government office. Lots of laughs mayor of Perpignan.
What do I think of the French people after all the bullshi* I have been though? They are the most unpretentious arrogant aristocratic elitist social class of bourgeois people I have ever met. The kings of France have long ago lost their power over the poor. The royalty alive today with a silver spoon in their mouth like the Marie Antoinettes of yesterday have little to no power left. What is a bourgeois today? It’ s middle working class French person many of them have jobs with the government thinking of them self as better then the rest of us commoners even a co-work that haves the same job title is less then him. He is not the king but just below him. What does this mean? Will he is better then most only the king is better but if ever the people storm the Bastille we can not cut off his head like you can a king. Why is that? Because he only followed orders from the king and after all France is now a socialistic country that haves a king that can not be found. Even the president of France is safe with this chain of command. Why? Because the king is out there some were. Napoleon Bonaparte was not a king of France or king of the French but he did crown himself as Emperor of the French; King of Italy; Mediator of the Swiss Confederation; Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine and he sat on the Imperial Throne it’s a real chair and live in castles though out France.
What the different between Emperor and king? I look it up and here it is :
Emperor , The male ruler of an empire. The domain ruled by an emperor; the region over which imperial dominion is exercised. Emperor is more important then a king and in theory is above a king better then a king god like. Imperial Dominion : power exerted over others: control or command wielded over others like a king.
A King : male sovereign: a man or boy who rules as a monarch over an independent state that ruled with dominion from a castle. I know many people believe that the Emperor and king are not the same and if that true the president is also not the same.
Is it true that both George Walker Bush and Nicolas Sarkozy both lied to cover up some other lies what ever their say it like as if god said it, their live in very big homes with plush chairs with more then their need. Both are rich like kings and yet their are not kings. No Crowns on their heads look closer their both have titles few of us have like knighthood and the blood lines of the Queen of England. I did hear that history repeats it’s self from some were.
I have royal blue line from my father side of the family and yet I’m homeless, a few clothes and a little money. My dinner is dog food it is plush if I don’t eat it in a can. I was told to thank Jean-Paul Alduy (the lying mayor of Perpignan) and Nicolas Sarkozy (the lying president/ king of France) for being homeless.
Nicolas Sarkozy was born in French and his mother no one else in his family was born in France. Nicolas Sarkozy also haves royal aristocratic elitist blood line and financial ties to the Bush family that making him lots of money the Carlyle Group and ties to Zionist movement.
He is a war monger. He profited from the war and the World Bank crashes. He already haves more money then he will ever need for the rest of his and his children lives and wants more money. I don’t have a home WHY? Were is the money to make me a home to live in? Who got the money? I don’t know. Can I Nicolas Sarkozy were it at maybe in his wallet. After all he has millions of Euros and two BIG beautiful homes; he a liar. I only have 600 Euros ever month and no home and have not lied to the French government. I get put in prison for tell the truth.
I also like to add I been in French PRISON three times for crimes the French police made up.Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 16 Nov 2008, 08:40 - Verstoß melden -
Here to all Frenchy
I'm such a big pain in ass of a country I sholud go home your are 100% right. Go home Yankee YES I like to. why dont some of you Frenchy get together to kick me out of France I told the French police to put me in prison for the crimes I did but thier dont want to. I ask to be deported to the States but I still here in France because I have no money for the plane ride. So I ask for a boat with a hole in her hull I still waiting. the Frecnch are all talk but no action. I written ever French government office in this hell hole and came up with a big flat zero not one dumbass telling me to go to hell but I am already here and can not get out. Buy French law the French government have to help because I'm handicap but over look me because the French people dont because he does hot have to because no one help him when he need help so he not going any one just because it a catch-22 on paper I been helped I get dog food to eat I have a houseing allowance for the apartment I dont have and the houseing allowance can not be given to because I lost the apartment because the government thinks I have lied to them. There is no proof because all French people lie and in fact that is proof that why I'm homeless. I'm sick with no heath care because the French government give me 10 Euros to much to get free heath care. What a great country thank you so dam much for f***ing nothing. I said thank you because the French want you to say it even when thier dont do thier job right. When do I get deport from hell.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 16 Nov 2008, 11:31 - Verstoß melden -
about the french
the french seem to live in a world of their own. matter of fact, they are so far behind, that they still think of themselves as a world power. here in the province of quebec, canada, they have a LANGUAGE POLICE that is trying hard to eliminate ENGLISH. what can you expect from a language that cannot count past 69. that's right, they have no work for 70. it's sixty ten. 80 is four twenties, and 90 is four twenties ten. sure makes a lot of sense but only if you're french. 19 Nov 2008, 01:39 - Verstoß melden -
To José
You said "J'ai du mal a te suivre" in English one can take what you said to mean your sick and can not follow in other words write in English you stupid dumbass stupid Frenchy as for the rest of what you said I dont care it's in French and I not going to read it. I am also French José and I telling to go to hell in ENGLISH you stupid dumbass stupid Frenchy
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 25 Nov 2008, 12:17 - Verstoß melden -
French people are cool
I went to Paris, and I thought the people were extremely nice and helpful. I was actually very surprised by how nice they were, since I have read stories of mean and arrogant French people, but now I know that this stereotype is not true for most of the French.
Hi 25 Nov 2008, 03:57 - Verstoß melden -
to the nut above
Did you go to Paris Texas I guess thier nice people in Texas but cool thier not it HOT down in Texas. Dam hot if you want to call that. Because Pais France is ICE cold and that is the real home of the Devil himself so cool it not.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 25 Nov 2008, 05:25 - Verstoß melden -
agreed 100 percent
yes you are absolutely right, the French can be a real pain in the asss. I dont think its a matter of taking the time to understand them, its not worth it at all, its more like putting up with them. I have been living for a almost four months here in France and cant wait to leave. As an american in France I have been chastized for all sorts of things. The truth is that the french are very sour, and it infects everyone, not even in Christmas time will you find a genuine spirit of just mere humanity, they're all about stuffing themeselves and buying compulsively (even though they critize Americans for that so highly). France is a beautifl country full of sour and undisposed people.
Jules 29 Nov 2008, 07:05 - Verstoß melden -
What makes a Frenchy French?
For one thing their like no one but love life as Americans you'er think that can not be done but it's true. The French can get mad at you even call you small names like pain in the ass but one second later tell thier love you that it was only a joke. The thing with Yankees you do know to laugh at Frenchy because of the no rules way of life. Like I found a one way street that was a dead end street mean you can use the street if you lived on it but no drive thur traffic. It's a dead end street you can not drive thur it even if you wanted to so why call it a one way street call it a dead end street it had sings for both that the Frenchy The French live like this in ever way of we have the only rule here is the exception to ever god dam thing thier is. The French even have the exception to the exception that is the French make it up as gose along. How is that I been to prison three times in five years for crimes I did not do the exception rule. How is it that I am HOMELESS in France the exception rule. How is it I have no health care the exception rule. How is it that I was almost killed and no one did any thing the exception rule. I could go on about the Exception Rule because their no end to this rule of exceptions. I am French by exception because my father was in the Army and my mother was born here. I'm sick of exception WHY the French have a social system none of what I been will happen to the French but it haves been over Five years of hell telling the dumb ass holes stupid FRENCHY my story but no help at all no that not true I was told I be the exception and I'm.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 04 Dez 2008, 02:43 - Verstoß melden -
French are rude
I work more than 8 hours a day with french, i can tell you, french are really rude people. I never saw such arrogant people, it's amazing how they find themself better than others. They are known from being arrogant and rude in everywhere, i was born in france but i'm not really proud of saying that. Thank god i don't have their culture. You can't really judge a person on holidays, try to work or leave with that person and than you can say something interesting
someone 08 Dez 2008, 05:42 - Verstoß melden -
French are more than stupid they are pompous arrogant and racists
Not only that French swines are arrogant and rude but they are PATRONIZING and that is why no sovereign nation in EU likes them! They have this amazing certitude that they are a cradle of culture and enlightenment although the truth could not be further from that statement.
They have the filthy habit of treating everyone who is not French as a little savage and looking at others with despise or at best convalescence, when the truth is that they are a deeply racist backward orientated corrupt nation. They came out of a prevalently peasant nation and although now the major part of their population lives in the cities they kept the small spirited peasant mentality that fears everything different and out of fear hates and despises. In fact just a bunch of assholes and narrow minded twats with a heightened self esteem and an inferiority complex. Did you know that France is a biggest consumer in the world of anti depressors they start prescribing it to kids at the age of 14 and well combining that with that one wine glass per meal gives you grade a neurotics that they all are.
Not to mention their racism towards all non french non white
Although their hate for all non French includes the one towards the other races I still feel it deserves a special mention given the fact that they have by far the worst integration politic in the world that in consequence lead to those ghetto riots we've all seen on TV....Alex 08 Dez 2008, 10:54 - Verstoß melden -
"if it was not from the american the french would all be speaking german! they are chickens and gave their country away."
if it was not for the french in the american revolution, they would be a british colony. f*** you, rude.5 10 Dez 2008, 11:14 - Verstoß melden -
the french are most unwelcome
It would be a waste of time and money to go to France, especially Paris. These people are the most cold, gray, and serious. God forbid spontanious, I am from a Latin country and very expressive and joyful. Just arrive in Paris so you can be stunned ice cold not by the weather but by the french attitude and their downright rudeness. If you want to dine somewhere, you wont hear laughter or chide, instead just demeaning looks and stupid pompous smugness. The food will probably be good. I would rather go to Spain or even Kentucky where people have spark and are not so goddamn stuffy and snobby.
Pascual 11 Dez 2008, 01:34 - Verstoß melden -
To someone the new guy you said " French are rude"
You wrong you work 8 or more the French PLAY 8 or more with you, is what you were trying to say. Call it what it is. It look like duck and talk like a duck it's SMELLS like a duck then it's a dam DUCK. You also said "Thank god I
don't have their culture." I like to add I was also bron here in France the Culture I got as a KID I like it but that was over 48 years ago it that Culture that not here. My mother is French we love our mother in that I love France BUT I do not say that for the FRENCH PEOPLE OF TODAY. All in all you right on with what you have said
I'm very proud of saying that I'm FRANCE of the lost time that no more but can be found in old books and movies like the wines and cheese will help.Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 12 Dez 2008, 08:30 - Verstoß melden -
To Alex
I like to ask were you get this from "no sovereign nation in EU likes them" because that big stuff. Please leave a link if you can I say that because some Frenchy going tell your wrong and I don't him to have that over on us. Yes I know your thinking I French I am more Yankee then any Frenchy here look for my stuff listed above and see. You also said this "They have the filthy habit of treating everyone who is not French as a little savage" I think you wrong on one small part, their hate everone the same but do more if your French and more so to any one that can fight like Americans because thier know get a good kick in the A@@ and it just that makes them even meaner. In a nutshell the French are not RUDE because their think their the same with ever one even Americans. That why you find some Yankee that like the French BUT I that have to deal with them ever day doing paper work REDTAPE. The French have this that any one French must do paper work of some type ever few years. Were you see some 5 or 6 office jsut to make one office happy and this paper work can take months to do one paper. NO NO NO the American have not-a-dam-thing on the French REDTAPE I done it all in fact I know more then most Frenchy and that don't help a bit. WHY? You dare as a Frenchy why you never ask why because it's an insult but like most Americans you ask why and it's that you biggest down fall. Hey don't feel bad I did it but now when I do it I shake up the whole office most of the time I don't get it but I do make a lot of unhappy Frenchy I mean MAD so mad their lock the doors so I can not come in throw the day off for many just because I can.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 12 Dez 2008, 09:15 - Verstoß melden -
To James
The Wars of the past our just that so tell it like it is. Many Americans did fight and die here France. My Father came to do just that. That is why I was born here. As is true the French did help the American in the American revolution, and the civil war. The French did what sent as one man Marquis de Lafayette that was it. One Frenchy did not kill very many guys but he did know the Britishs and how to best fight them. The two storys are not the same in losts to the Americans. Who paid more or paid to much count for youself now let it go.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 12 Dez 2008, 10:00 - Verstoß melden -
To Pascual
Your right I live in Perpignan not far from Spain. The Spanish people or like on fire hot party party party but for the most part don't mess with people. I am some 60K's away from the frontier of party land and all I see are hard nose Frenchy. ALl those some Yankee don't like the Spanish for this but I tell you this if it were the French or the Spanish it would the Spanish easily. The Spanish blood is very hot.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 12 Dez 2008, 10:14 - Verstoß melden -
Dose any one remember the Wendy's thing " Were is the beef ?"
I ask you the question WERE IS THE PROOF? I tell you I have some in fact I have a lot of proof and will share it with any and all that ask me you can post here you like the proof I have. Would like to know I got on the Frenchy? It's the camera you hear it said a picture says a thousand words mine do that and more even the rude side of the Frenchy I have it on film to. I dare any Frenchy to tell me I have lied or photoshop any of my films. I will bet Frenchy a lot of money on this come on. What ever I have!
If I don't one Frenchy coming forward you know that I am not only right but back it up. The French already know this to be true. Why are their not more Frecnhy stepping up and showing me I wrong because their in on the KNOW!
COME ON YANKEES AMERICANSIvan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 12 Dez 2008, 11:10 - Verstoß melden -
How the French really think from one who knows what the hell he saying
The French don't think thier rude so much so that you can not say thier rude. Saying that some one is rude is rude. That is in part true but saying your not rude when in fact you are. Is what then? RUDE RUDE RUDE!!! I live with them ever day knowing this to be true.
I was also born here I am a Frenchy. No that not all true my father is AMERICAN.Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 24 Dez 2008, 10:55 - Verstoß melden -
Hi everyone
I'm French and I just wanna clarify some points here. I respect all opinions and ideas, believe me I try to be open minded.
First you have to make a BIG BIG difference between people living in Paris (the Parisians) and the other (Provinciaux). People are so different in their culture (even if they are all French), habits and even their accent. It's like if you were changing country. I really do understand that tourists especially American ones, want to travel to Paris because they have heard stories or seen movies. Please don't judge all the French by just going one week to Paris, I know some of them are stupid but you cannot generalize. Parisians are the worst people to live with in France.
The second point I want to clarify is the fact that we are not racists, not at all. In our history we've tried to fight against racism and nowadays even if the context is different we still try to fight against racism. There are still some racists I know but like in the US, Germany, Spain, Italy... Believe me, our speech and ideas are much less racist than many other countries I have been to, even close to France.
Last point, we like or maybe we LOVE to complain about everything. You have to understand this, I know it can be complicated for an American or a Japanese to believe that with 6 weeks-off, many holidays...we are still complaining! that's a part of our culture, that's how we got all this benefits including social security, health insurance...
Anyway, I hope this message will give a better idea of who are French people even if my speech is not universal.
A plus tout le monde
byeJULIEN 05 Jan 2009, 10:25 - Verstoß melden -
It' just like a Frenchy to be confused
It not hard to understand that your dumb unless it's because your to dumb to tie your shoe now that maybe true. I am French as well but my DAD is a Redneck Yankee Cowboy. I will add that both Frenchy above are lies and trying to make a Frenchy joke about Americans, ask me how I know.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 06 Jan 2009, 12:50 - Verstoß melden -
it's not a joke believe me
Well, I'm not trying to make any jokes here, I'm just trying to explain my ideas. You cannot put all the French in the same bag because you've met two or three jerks. It's true for all nationalities.
JULIEN 06 Jan 2009, 09:33 - Verstoß melden -
To Julien not / To the Americans yes
He (Julien) said it not a joke but it is I know thoes people because I am French and I lived in THE STATES and now in this hell hole we call France so if any one know it's me he a joke (Julien)and he's making a joke because he thinks AMERICANS are dumb and he not going to said because he wants you believe him go to France and lose you money here to nice people like Julien or stay home. I tell you AMERICANS the French are bullshiters and that all thier do most AMERICANS are just to dam nice to meet this level of shit. I say this because that I got in 6 years of tell the truth and had to take the French SHIT with a smile. Read my other stuff listed above I have said I have PHOTO proof of thier shit.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 12 Jan 2009, 11:35 - Verstoß melden -
I HATE THEM! with a passion!
They are agressive, ignorant and arrogant! they are the scum of the earth and as far as i am concerned have no place on earth! what a piece of crap race! Absolutely there should be no procreation there! disgusting vial individuals who obviously lack an exceptional amount of low self esteem in order to be so F@#$&% in the head! God help them as no body else gives a shit! what a sad bunch of retards who have no body else to blame except themselves for every country and person on earth for hating them!
Terry 17 Jan 2009, 01:31 - Verstoß melden -
Alex on DEC 8th 2008. Well written my friend! my sediments exactly! a good observation and well expressed as to just how F*&$%* they really are and good supporting reasons why!
Terry 17 Jan 2009, 01:43 - Verstoß melden -
To Terry
What can I say but your but your right. I like to add I did found a French man that thank me for being here because of my father WWII he was very happy I was here,he was old and now dead. The people are just mean here any more and dont care about nothing but the COUNTRY is nice. It the new French people the last 50 years the people have felling into a toilet and their like there and when people like you come around and tell them what on the outside their bite your head off. You see the French do know that thier in a toilet acting like their not is a joke for them show the system their smarter. It a game of cat and mouse. And show the French have come to believe their the cat knowing full well their are the RAT. I saw a guy tell some one to F%#@ off and then I ask what happen nothing is what he told me. The French dont get upset like you do in fact he say F%#@ off all day come home and tell his wife he had a good day. The next to him said say F%#@ off one more time them him it's the other guy that had a bad day. I told to F%#@ off because I use the right verb in French to an old woman she said I know the verb becasue my French was good enough that I do not want to use it because I was a mean American to go and play with my cell phone. Why all Americans have cell phones. I was wrong that it I have done many times over many years so to say it only a few people it's not. The French people dont see it because they do it to other people because other people do it to them but you ask any body oh it happens but not ever day to ever one. YEH I see it ever day to many many people so to any Frenchy that I am liar I tell look for youself and see. I am sure Terry found one no one thousand of them in a heart beat I guess you not coming to France. That all right I will do some thing for you. I have plans to kick some @ss I put you name on one just for you. Come back and I tell what I did and were.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 17 Jan 2009, 04:43 - Verstoß melden -
Julien were are you can't handle the true!?!???
Just like a Frenchy to run and hide I guessing but I think Terry like see this to.
Come out come out were ever you are Frenchy!!!!Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 17 Jan 2009, 05:10 - Verstoß melden -
to Ivan
well, sometimes it's nice to close the debate, you can think whatever you want, I know I'm not like that and we are not all like that. By the way, I don't think you are French Ivan and even if you are it doesn't give you the right to say all that wrong things.
This is my last post on this forum.
Wish u all the best
byeeeJULIEN 20 Jan 2009, 02:00 - Verstoß melden -
For JULIEN big baby run and cry
You have no were to hind much less run. And you were never welcome here by me. I am French.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 28 Jan 2009, 08:27 - Verstoß melden -
Am I French? Were the cry baby Julien? Am I French????
my father gave up 25 years of his life protecting this country only to let cry babys like julien run and cry about how nice he is. from my father blood line is also french were men that would walk bear foot for napoleon bonaparte and the people in lower louisianian were called conass (in english c*** or pussy). we were call this by the english and fighting for the french. my mother was born in france and i was born here i more french then sarkozy is but julien could be right i am not french i am a conass for trying to help the french be better.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 28 Jan 2009, 09:07 - Verstoß melden -
Why did Frenchy run away Oh he busy crying I talking to Julien
The American like a good Frenchy fight but you just can handle the truth and that why you cry.
See guys just how the Frenchy give up when he knows it an American about to kick his A## and just a fyi that what the Nazis did to the French run over them in less then a week time the French were busy crying and runing no time to fight I believe it been better to have left France to the Nazis my father feels this way to having give 25 years to defind this soil and it was General Patton that said he like to have a division of Nazi panzers in front of him then have the French behind him meaning the French did nothing to help the war. My father told the same thing. Do I still want to be French.Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 29 Jan 2009, 08:33 - Verstoß melden -
A Year in the Merde in English it's shit no merde is shit A Year in the Shit is the title of the book ever thing he said is true but worst. It's written by a Englishman but dont let that stop you it's very funny very good but most important it's true and I know of no Frenchy to have written a book like this look at this site Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 02 Feb 2009, 12:06 - Verstoß melden -
HI! I'm from Latvia (of course, nobody nows where it is
) I'm learning franch now and planing move to Paris for some year, maybe 2. Can anybody help me with practical information? where to look for job supply, living place? Thank you very much
P.S. I'm musician, accordionist
[email removed]Evita 03 Feb 2009, 11:24 - Verstoß melden -
No more rude than the cannibals of Borneo.
Please. I have found the French rude--okay, very, very rude. But, really, they are no more rude than the cannibals of Borneo, who butter you down and boil you up without so much as a "by your leave, sir". So, I think we should not be so hard on the French. Let us rather try to civilize them, as we do the cannibals of Borneo, by sending cultured Americans to their shores and, thereby, exhibiting the heights of what true culture should be. After some time surely the French, too, will be willing to invade countries as the Americans do leading the world to an ever higher culture.
Fred 17 Feb 2009, 05:36 - Verstoß melden -
rude people are everywhere
im french and that's no why i can be rude. Rude people are everywhere.
niko 23 Feb 2009, 04:17 - Verstoß melden -
the french are saficticated and are so complexed I cant understand why kids aren't interested in french aourivoir everybody
M.T.R 02 Mär 2009, 07:30 - Verstoß melden -
To Fred please read this
I am French born here that is my mother French so I am French enuogh by French law. My is American with French blood in the famliy tree some 180 years ago. I tell I live with them I know how thier think and that not ever much. Rude people ever were but when cannibals cook you;you soon understand why thier do it not so with the French. The French wrote the book on RUDE and not careing for people feeling yes many countrys have read this book even BUSH and BUSH W. The French have more rude poeple then any country I know. I see many parts of the world. Read my other stuff above I know what I am talking about but read my stuff if you need to. I like to add thier no helpping the French why because thier don't want it and don't CARE.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 04 Mär 2009, 10:14 - Verstoß melden -
Yes We Are !
we only want your money, that's all. we dont care about us, silly rednecks fuck off
rude 12 Mär 2009, 11:10 - Verstoß melden -
YES HE RIGHT the guy above
Yes your right you are liying thieves but you must not have readed all my stuff I AM NOT A REDNECK I lived on the Bayou of Louisiana my father haves royal French blood and he speaks Cajun. Making him any thing but a REDNECK he been called many things but mostly he likes to be called CONASS. WHY??? Because of the English and the REDNECKS made fun of the Cajuns for living on the Bayon. The English killed many Acadian and Cajuns just for fun so Conass became an honor for many Cajuns not an insult for those that don't know CONASS is an insult in French to woman meaning - obscene term for female genitals - but today it means - Frenchy lives on Bayou - in Louisiana. The French people don't even know this part of thier history so to the Frenchy you are liying thieves but that I'm CONASS and proud of it because I not a thife. As to what you said to me "fuck off" why don't you come here and say it to my face! He can not because he haves no PUDEUR (a French word that haves no exact word in English). The best I have found is it a way of life; a right given to ever one, a philosophy - sense of propriety, decency, prudery, honor and pride in one selfs in ever part of thier lifes all roll in to one word in French. To have PUDEUR is a life time work a job some thing the French have lost. It was taught in French schools not today. The French have not only lost PUDEUR but work at not haveing any little bit of PUDEUR come back to them it a job. A way of life now, to undo PUDEUR a philosophy. The French have gotten so good at it that the French are better a it then most Americans. The French might be the best in the world at it bring back some pride but then some how mess it up just because it may bring back PUDEUR and that the last thing thier want. Being good at it is OK but not the best. You might think that thier are the best undoing PUDEUR but it an insult to the French as you can see from the guy above now he very mad but what he going to do? I have no idae. Most likey hide from me that a Frenchy for you. I was born but rise in the States with my American father I not a Frenchy or the people here in France are not Frenchy but to be clear I'm not one of them even though I now live in France.
Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 15 Mär 2009, 02:07 - Verstoß melden -
It's a fact. French people are rude and arrogant.
At least based on my personal experience - one week in Paris, every single person was rude. Never going there again. And I expect the French to learn Thai, Khmer, Mandarin, Cantonese before they visit Asia or they won't be welcome!
scleropages 21 Mär 2009, 07:57 - Verstoß melden -
To scleropages I am French and I know your right
I was born here but lived most of my life in the States. My father is American he came he to help the French fight the Nazis. You are 100% right because I know what my people do to nice people and thier are WRONG.
Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 23 Mär 2009, 11:05 - Verstoß melden -
tolerance of Americans and French
I have to reply to article 'very bad experience with the French'. I do currently live in Paris, France and I also lived in US. I do definetely agree that most of Parisians are very rude and arrogant people. I don't think that the reason is their nationality; big city makes people that way. New-Yorkers are the same way. I am originally from Slovakia and had to learn English from the scratch as well as I am learning French now. Have to disagree a bit with attitudes that Americans project onto foreigners when someone tries to learn English. Yes, you are being helpful and somehow appreciative that someone is trying to learn English, but on the other hand you are also being abusive and manipulative and I have been taken advantage of many times. I had had experiences with American people where instead of being given credit I was put down or made feel stupid. The thing is that most American people speak only English and have no idea what it takes to learn another language, therefore, you ask many times whether we understand you, talking slowly whithout realizing it that you are actually underestimating our intelligence. I've also known Americans who instead of correcting me efficiently laughed at my mistakes and accent or just simply ignored it whithout making any effort to help me to be better at it. Other thing that I experienced was when someone purposely used very difficult vocabulary in order to make themselves superior, when in fact reality is that they must be inferior because deeply down they envy my courage. Anyhow, I've also met nice Americans that were genuinely helpful and happy for me and gladly provided me with their explanation. When it comes to arrogance of French, I somehow agree but disagree at the same time. It's all up to individual. I do make effort to speak French and I met many people who were happy to see that someone is trying to learn their language. Of course I also met people who are rude and inconsiderate and make you feel down for not knowing enough. In these cases I ignore them and speak Slovak to them in return so they know how it feels. People in general need to learn how to be more patient and considerate no matter what your nationality is. Good luck to everyone who is learning new language in foreign country. Hopefully you meet mostly nice people and those who are not keep them at the arm's lenght and don't let them influence you in negative way. There is always something to be learned even from bad experiences. Bon courage a tous!
Alena 06 Apr 2009, 12:58 - Verstoß melden