
  • 1.-WORDS FROM JANICE: "a coward is someone who insults someone without the guts to do so honestly, like you and ....."
    Also like ANONYMOUS, Escuelas de salsa de Lima, Anon and a lot more!!!!
    Anon your mother describe you as a BIG COWARD!!!! jajaja

    2.-Hellooou!!!! Janice asking to Fredo post contact details and full name AND to investigate the facts before post message againts her??? Is exactly what everyone ask here from anonymous, annon, and even Janice who posted messages againts Dan without evidences.

    3.-Dan and Gina in jail? ?? hellouuuu!!!!

    4.-Whoever Fredo is, finaly put in place to Old Jnaice Walker , Thanks!, But how those messages are againts Janice Walker , of course she ask first investigate the facts before post message and contact details.

    HELLLLOUUUUU!!! As Fredo say : No-Shame!!jajajajajajaja

    Salserisha!! :-) 10 apr 2007, 01:53 - Rapporteer misbruik
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Carefull w. Fraudster Dan in Marbella

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