Working Holidays Visa & Permanent Resident Visa

  • Hi !
    I'd like to know if it's possible to apply for a permanent resident visa , at the time as a Working holidays one.
    The idea is to arrive with the W-H visa first and obtain the permanent one quickly.
    I'm wondering the same with the Temporary working permit and the Permanent Resident Visa.
    Thank you in advance

    18 sep 2007, 11:41 NicoTlse
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  • PR & WHP

    I practically applied for both at the same time. I heard nothing from the embassy that I was doing something wrong. right now I am working here & waiting for the embassy to process my application for PR.
    but don't be deceived, your WHP will be long up before you are a PR...

    Jaap 28 sep 2007, 03:40 - Denunciar
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