
  • Hi! im here in canada just for a short period of time, i got pregnant (here), but i dont want the baby,... as im staying for a short period of time, my status here is just like a "turist".... so i was wondering if i could abort, how mucho would it be the cost for me to abort, and all that stuff... hope you can help me guys!

    21 jun 2006, 12:57 Anonymous
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  • easy

    You can go to a walk in clinic and request a doctor to oversee the procedure. Depending on how advanced the pregnancy is, you may require hospitalization for a day or two. With regards to the costs, if you have private insurance, you need to consult your insurer to see if these procedures are covered.
    Good luck

    Anonymous 25 jun 2006, 06:47 - Denunciar
  • m

    You should be ashamed of this... Got Canada for having an unwanted pregnancy.. like animals... Don't want the baby.. oh yes, just garbage to throw away... I'm wondering how this is possible in 2006

    Anonymous 06 sep 2006, 03:55 - Denunciar
  • ashamed???

    I'm just a passer by...but whats wrong with abortion? are you from the 18th century? dont you know that women have such a thing called RIGHTS? if she is unable to afford the baby what is she suppose to do? give birth and ruin the baby's future? ur utterly ignorant and disgustingly oblivious.

    Anonymous 14 oct 2006, 03:43 - Denunciar
  • Bah

    18th century? Women rights? If there is any ignorant this is you, Abortion is nothing new, always existed in the human history but this does not mean it is not a crime. Have you have considered rights of the baby? Why don't you ask him if he wants to live or not? Who are you for deciding that his life is ruined? Get out here... you and your friend who started this discussion are the real superficial and ignorant since you talk about abortion as if is going to a picnic... We are in 2006 and there are hundreds of ways to avoid a pregnancy. Why don't you THINK before coupling like animals?

    Anonymous 14 oct 2006, 08:54 - Denunciar
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