Canadian dentist versus romanian dentist

  • I went to a canadian dentist in my small community with a tooth that has been rebuilt some 15 years when I was in University and I had a abces at now. Afer looking at the x rays he said that it needs to be extracted- "it only takes 5 mins" he said. Then I remembered what the dentist said 15 years back: " you don't pull one tooth out before you try all options- the teeth don't grow back". And so I went all the way to Toronto to see a Romanian dentist licenced to prantice here. She saved my tooth and it feels great to have my original teeth. Do you see my point? An extraction is $250 and takes 5 mins- it is surgery. A root canal treatment and rebuilt cost also $250 but takes 1 1/2 hours- it is standard procedure. Now do you see my point? My wife is a family doctor with experience, all exams passed in Canada and US etc. but the DISCRIMINATION process is very strong and well covered up in diplomacy. "Canadian Standards"- BS.

    EU CEL BUN 08 ene 2009, 02:47 - Denunciar
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Qualifications for foreign doctors in Canada -

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